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Montana Governor Signs Total Ban of TikTok in the State

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-18 12:01

        The governor of Montana, Greg Gianforte, signed a bill on Wednesday to ban TikTok from operating inside the state, the most extreme prohibition of the app in the nation and one that will almost certainly be challenged in court. The ban will take effect on Jan. 1.        周三,蒙大拿州州长格雷格‧吉安福特签署了一项法案,禁止TikTok在该州境内运营,这是全美针对该应用颁布的最为严厉的禁令,几乎肯定会在法庭上受到挑战。该禁令将于1月1日生效。
        “Today, Montana takes the most decisive action of any state to protect Montanans’ private data and sensitive personal information from being harvested by the Chinese Communist Party,” Mr. Gianforte, a Republican, said in a news release.        “今天,蒙大拿州采取了最为果断的行动,以保护本州民众的私人数据和敏感个人信息不被中国共产党收集,”共和党人吉安福特在新闻发布会上表示。
        The Montana Legislature introduced the bill in February, leading to months of debate. The proposal, which would affect everyday users of the popular short-form video app, significantly escalated a national rush to ban TikTok on government devices based on concerns about the company’s ownership by the Chinese company ByteDance. The battle over the bill offered a glimpse of what the United States might encounter nationally if lawmakers or the White House attempt a nationwide ban of TikTok, which has been floated in recent months.        蒙大拿州议会于2月提出这项法案,引发了持续数月的争论。该提案将影响到这款热门短视频应用的日常用户,是在此前禁止政府设备安装该应用的全国行动基础上做出的大幅提升,该禁令的依据是担忧中国公司字节跳动对TikTok的所有权。围绕该法案的争论一定程度上预示了若国会或白宫试图将TikTok禁令推及全国(近几个月来这个想法不断被提及),整个美国会出现怎样的情况。
        TikTok, which says it has 7,000 employees in the United States, has been fighting back in the state for months. It has run ads featuring Montana small businesses that use TikTok and given prewritten emails to users so they could contact Mr. Gianforte about opposing the bill.        宣称在美拥有7000名员工的TikTok数月以来一直在蒙大拿州进行反击。该公司投放了主打该州小商户使用TikTok的广告,并向用户发送预先编写的邮件,让他们联系吉安福特,表达对该法案的反对。
        The legislation prohibits mobile app stores, like those run by Apple and Google, from offering TikTok within the state. A trade group funded by Apple and Google has said in recent months that it is impossible for the companies to prevent access to TikTok in a single state.        这项立法禁止苹果和谷歌等企业运营的移动应用商店在该州上架TikTok。一个由苹果和谷歌资助的行业组织前不久表示,两家公司做不到单独阻止某一个州的用户对TikTok的访问。
        “Governor Gianforte has signed a bill that infringes on the First Amendment rights of the people of Montana by unlawfully banning TikTok, a platform that empowers hundreds of thousands of people across the state,” Brooke Oberwetter, a spokeswoman for TikTok, said in a statement on Wednesday. Montanans, she added, can keep using the app “as we continue working to defend the rights of our users inside and outside of Montana.”        “吉安福特州长签署的法案对TikTok进行了不正当封禁,侵犯了蒙大拿州民众的第一修正案权利,TikTok是一个为该州数以十万计民众赋权的平台,”TikTok发言人布鲁克·奥伯维特周三在一份声明中表示。她还说,“在我们继续努力捍卫蒙大拿州内外用户权利的同时,”该州民众可以继续使用TikTok。
        Under the legislation, TikTok could face fines if it continues operating in the state, as could Apple and Google if they allow people to download the app.        按照该立法规定,如果TikTok继续在该州运营,如果苹果和谷歌还允许用户下载该应用,它们都可能面临罚款。
        Apple and Google didn’t immediately return requests for comment.        苹果和谷歌没有立即回复置评请求。
        The battle in Montana erupted during a period of intense national scrutiny on TikTok, which boasts more than 150 million U.S. users. Lawmakers and intelligence officials have said TikTok, because of its ownership, could put sensitive user data into the hands of the Chinese government, pointing to laws that allow Beijing to secretly demand data from Chinese companies and citizens for intelligence gathering.        蒙大拿州的这场较量是在TikTok遭遇全国密切审查之际爆发的,TikTok拥有超过1.5亿美国用户。议员和情报官员声称,由于TikTok的所有权问题,它可能会将敏感用户数据交给中国政府,因为法律允许中国政府秘密要求中国企业和公民交出可用于情报收集的数据。
        They have also expressed concern that the app, which is especially popular with teenagers and people in their 20s, could be used to spread propaganda. Congress grilled Shou Chew, TikTok’s chief executive, for roughly five hours at a March hearing that focused largely on the app’s Chinese ownership.        他们还对该应用可能被用来散播政治宣传表示担忧,TikTok在青少年和20多岁人群中特别受欢迎。在今年3月的一场听证会上,国会对TikTok首席执行官周受资进行了大约五个小时的轮番质询,问题焦点正是该应用的中国所有权。
        TikTok says it has never been asked to provide, nor has it provided, any U.S. user data to the Chinese government. The company has proposed a detailed plan for operating in the United States that it says should allay national security concerns and fears of misinformation, but the plan has not yet been approved by the Biden administration, leaving TikTok and its future in limbo.        TikTok称它从未被要求、也从未向中国政府提供任何美国用户数据。该公司拿出了一份在美运营的详细方案,称其能缓解关于国家安全和错误信息问题的担忧,但该方案尚未得到拜登政府批准,这也让TikTok及其未来境况堪忧。
        Free speech groups were quick to respond to the Montana ban. The American Civil Liberties Union said on Wednesday that the legislation “flouts the First Amendment.”        言论自由倡导组织迅速对蒙大拿州的禁令做出回应。美国公民自由联盟周三表示,该立法“是对第一修正案的践踏”。
        “The government cannot impose a total ban on a communications platform like TikTok unless it is necessary to prevent extremely serious, immediate harm to national security,” the group said in a statement. “But there’s no public evidence of harm that would meet the high bar set by the U.S. and Montana Constitutions, and a total ban would not be the only option for addressing such harm if it did exist.”        “政府不能对TikTok这样的通讯平台进行彻底封杀,除非有必要防止对国家安全遭受极其严重和直接的危害,”该组织在声明中表示。“但没有公开证据表明危害程度已经达到美国和蒙大拿州宪法所设定的高水平,即便这种危害确实存在,彻底封杀也并非解决问题的唯一办法。”
        The Montana bill says the ban will be void if TikTok is acquired by, or sold to, a company that is not incorporated in a country “designated as a foreign adversary.”        蒙大拿州的法案规定,如果TikTok被一家不在“被定为外部敌对势力”的国家注册的公司收购,该禁令就会失效。

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