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1 in 5 Young Chinese Is Jobless, and Millions More Are About to Graduate

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-22 11:35

        Shu Xiang, 21, started looking for a job in February and still has had no luck. A financial management major at a college in Chengdu, China, Ms. Shu said she had received five responses to about 100 applications. Graduation is in a few weeks.        21岁的舒翔(音)从今年2月就开始找工作,但始终未能如愿。她就读于中国成都一所大学的财务管理专业,她说自己大约发出了100份申请,收到了五份回复。再过几周就要毕业了。
        “I’m not so confident about finding a job,” she said. The only thing that makes her feel less anxious, she said, is knowing she’s not alone — most of her classmates were facing similar problems.        她说,“自己对于找工作就没那么有信心。”她表示,唯一让她的焦虑少一点的是,找不着工作的并非只有自己——她的大多数同学都面临着类似的麻烦。
        Ms. Shu is one of nearly 12 million Chinese expected to enter the job pool next month at a difficult time. The government reported this week that 20.4 percent of people ages 16 to 24 looking for a job were out of work in April. That is the highest level since China started announcing the statistic in 2018.        在下个月,预计将有近1200万中国人在一个经济困难时期进入就业市场,舒翔就是其中之一。政府本周报告称,在4月有20.4%的16岁至24岁求职者未能就业。这是中国自2018年开始公布这一统计数据以来的最高水平。
        High youth unemployment has been a dark stain on China’s economy for several years, exacerbated by strict pandemic health restrictions limited travel, decimated small businesses and damaged consumer confidence. The government, facing rare public discontent as young professionals in major cities across China protested the “zero Covid” rules, abruptly announced in December that it would start easing the policies. But the youth jobless rate has remained high, even as the overall rate has ticked down two months in a row.        多年来,高企的青年失业率一直是中国经济的一个污点,而疫情期间严格的防疫措施限制了旅行,使得小企业倒闭、消费者信心受损,又造成这一问题的加剧。由于中国主要城市的年轻专业人士抗议“清零”规定,政府面临罕见的公众不满,去年12月突然宣布放松防疫政策。尽管整体失业率已经连续两个月下降,但青年失业率仍然居高不下。
        The Chinese government has introduced a set of policies meant to stimulate youth employment, including subsidies for small and midsize businesses that hire college graduates. State-owned enterprises have been directed to make more jobs available for those just starting out.        中国政府出台了一系列旨在刺激青年就业的政策,包括为聘用大学毕业生的中小企业提供补贴。当局还要求国有企业为刚刚起步的人提供更多的就业机会。
        Overall, the Chinese economy is steadying itself more slowly and unevenly than many believed it would. Other reports released by Beijing this week showed an increase in retail sales and factory activity in April, but those numbers caused unease among economists and investors, who expected better results because the data was being compared with April 2022, when millions of people were effectively shut inside during a lockdown in Shanghai.        总体而言,中国经济的企稳速度比许多人认为的要慢得多,也不均衡得多。北京本周发布的其他报告显示,4月零售销售和工厂活动有所增加,但这些数字引起了经济学家和投资者的不安,他们原本预计结果会更好,因为这些数据是与2022年4月的数据进行比较的,当时上海封城,成百上千万人实际上被关在室内。
        China’s big tech companies, coming off a difficult year, are starting to show signs of a rebound, but for the most part their financial performances have not returned to prepandemic levels.        经历了艰难的一年之后,中国的大型科技公司开始显示出反弹的迹象,但在很大程度上,它们的财务业绩尚未恢复到疫情前的水平。
        One problem, analysts said, is a mismatch between the jobs that college graduates want and the jobs that are available.        分析人士说,一个问题是,大学毕业生想要的工作和现有的工作不匹配。
        In March, listings for jobs in tourism and in passenger and cargo transportation grew the fastest, according to Zhilian, a Chinese job search site. Another sector with many available jobs is retail.        据中国求职网站智联招聘称,今年3月,旅游业和客货运输行业的招聘信息增长最快。另一个就业机会较多的行业是零售业。
        Industries like construction, transportation and warehousing, which typically draw heavy interest from China’s vast population of migrant workers, have also picked up, Fu Linghui, a spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics, said at a news conference this week.        国家统计局发言人付凌晖在本周的新闻发布会上说,建筑、运输和仓储等行业也有所回升,这些行业通常引起中国庞大农民工群体的浓厚兴趣。
        Nie Riming, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law, a research organization, said young people with degrees in higher education were seeking jobs in technology, education and medicine.        上海金融与法律研究院的研究员聂日明表示,拥有高等教育学位的年轻人找的是技术、教育和医学方面的工作。
        “But these industries are exactly the ones that have been growing slow in China in the past several years,” Mr. Nie said. “Many industries not only did not grow, but also suffered from devastating blows.”        “那么这些行业的话恰恰是在中国过去的几年增速是比较慢的,”聂日明说。“然后很多行业不仅没有增长,而且还遭遇了毁灭的打击。”
        China has cracked down on its once-vibrant education and technology industries in the past several years. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs, and companies and investors have been left reeling. The tightened supervision has prompted concerns about further government intervention in the private sector, which has led companies to reduce hiring.        过去几年,中国对曾经充满活力的教育和科技行业进行了打击。数十万人失去工作,企业和投资者也陷入困境。监管收紧引发了人们对政府进一步干预民营部门的担忧,这已导致企业减少招聘。
        While the industries that attract educated young people are shrinking, the number of college graduates has been increasing. According to the Chinese Ministry of Education, 11.6 million college students are expected to graduate in June, an increase of 820,000 from last year.        虽然吸引受过良好教育的年轻人的行业正在萎缩,但大学毕业生的数量却一直在增加。根据中国教育部的数据,预计今年6月将有1160万大学生毕业,比去年增加82万人。
        Another way the Covid pandemic is still haunting young job seekers is that many students spent part of college in lockdown, living on campuses where their movement was highly restricted. They had fewer opportunities at internships or to gain the social experience that recruiters are looking for.        新冠疫情仍然从另一个方面困扰着年轻求职者——许多学生在大学期间的部分时间处于封锁状态,住在行动受到严格限制的校园里。他们的实习机会较少,也没有获得招聘人员希望的社会经验。
        While China’s economy is expected to strengthen in the coming months, the recovery will remain tenuous until consumers feel confident enough again to make big-ticket purchases — which will prompt more companies to do more hiring.        虽然中国经济预计将在未来几个月走强,但复苏仍将无力,直到消费者再次感到有足够信心大笔花钱——这将促使更多公司增加招聘。
        Dong Yan, who works for a Beijing organization that holds regular job fairs, said the number of companies inquiring about booths was still lower than before the pandemic.        在北京一家定期举办招聘会机构工作的董岩(音)表示,咨询展位的公司数量仍低于疫情前。
        “The economy is said to be recovering,” Ms. Dong said. “But I feel it’s going downward, because many people are now out of work or have been laid off by their companies.”        “经济现在说是复苏,”董岩说,“但是我感觉都是下降趋势,因为现在好多人也没有工作或者单位辞人了或者这种情况。”

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