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TikTok Sues Montana, Calling State Ban Unconstitutional

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-23 11:41

        TikTok on Monday sued to block Montana from banning the popular video app, escalating its efforts to stop a prohibition that would be the first of its kind in the nation.        TikTok在周一进一步采取行动,它提起诉讼,要求阻止蒙大拿州禁止这款受欢迎的视频应用,该禁令可能成为美国的首个此类禁令。
        In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Montana, the company said Montana’s legislation violated the First Amendment and parts of the U.S. Constitution that limit state powers. The ban was “unconstitutionally shutting down the forum for speech for all speakers on the app,” the company said in the lawsuit.        在向美国蒙大拿联邦地区法院提起的诉讼中,该公司表示,蒙大拿州的立法违反了美国宪法第一修正案和限制州政府权力的部分规定。该公司在诉讼中表示,这一禁令“违宪关闭该应用上所有人的发言平台”。
        TikTok sued days after Montana’s governor, Greg Gianforte, signed the ban — which would fine the app if it operated in the state or app stores if they allowed it to be downloaded — into law.        TikTok在蒙大拿州州长格雷格·詹福特签署禁令几天后提起诉讼。该禁令禁止TikTok在蒙大拿州运营,应用商店也不被允许提供下载,否则将处以罚款。
        The state law has become a test case for whether it is possible to prohibit the use of TikTok, which is owned by the Chinese internet company ByteDance, over national security concerns. The ban, which is set to go into effect on Jan. 1, has already raised questions about how it would be enforced within Montana’s borders.        该项州法律已成为一个测试案例,检验是否有可能以国家安全为由,禁止使用中国互联网公司字节跳动旗下的TikTok。这项禁令将于1月1日生效,已经引发了如何在蒙大拿州境内执行的问题。
        “We are challenging Montana’s unconstitutional TikTok ban to protect our business and the hundreds of thousands of TikTok users in Montana,” Brooke Oberwetter, a TikTok spokeswoman, said in a statement. “We believe our legal challenge will prevail based on an exceedingly strong set of precedents and facts.”        “我们正在挑战蒙大拿州违宪的TikTok禁令,以保护我们的业务和蒙大拿州数十万TikTok用户,”TikTok发言人布鲁克·奥伯维特在声明中说。“我们相信,基于一系列极其有力的先例和事实,我们的法律挑战将会获胜。”
        Emily Flower, a spokeswoman for Montana’s attorney general, Austin Knudsen, said, “We expected legal challenges and are fully prepared to defend the law that helps protect Montanans’ privacy and security.”        蒙大拿州总检察长奥斯汀·克努森的发言人艾米丽·弗劳尔说:“我们预料到了法律挑战,并做好了充分准备,捍卫有助于保护蒙大拿人隐私和安全的法律。”
        The lawsuit adds to those legal challenges. A group of TikTok users filed a separate suit challenging Montana’s bill on Wednesday, the day Mr. Gianforte signed it, saying it violated their First Amendment rights and outstripped the state’s legal authority. The law has also sparked an outcry from civil liberty and digital rights groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.        除了这起诉讼,还有其他法律挑战。周三,就在詹福特签署法案的当天,一群TikTok用户对蒙大拿州的法案提起了另一项诉讼,称该法案侵犯了他们的第一修正案权利,超出了该州的法律权限。这项法律也引发了公民自由和数字权利组织的强烈抗议,包括美国公民自由联盟和哥伦比亚大学的奈特基金会第一修正案研究所。
        TikTok, which has more than 150 million U.S. users, has been in limbo under two presidential administrations while working to quell concerns about its Chinese ownership. The company, which has been waiting for the Biden administration to approve its plan for operating in the United States, has already faced bans on government devices in more than two dozen states, as well as by universities and the military.        拥有超过1.5亿美国用户的TikTok在两届总统任期内一直处于困境,要努力平息人们对其中国所有权的担忧。该公司一直在等待拜登政府批准其在美国运营的计划,已有20多个州禁止在政府设备上使用它,一些大学和军队也颁布了类似禁令。
        The Montana ban was drafted by Mr. Knudsen, a Republican, and introduced by a Republican state senator this year. Lawmakers in the state said the ban would prevent the Chinese government from gaining access to the personal information of Montanans. The debate over the ban began shortly after a Chinese spy balloon floated over the state, drawing national attention.        蒙大拿州的禁令由共和党人克努森起草,今年由一名共和党州参议员提出。蒙大拿州的立法者表示,这项禁令将阻止中国政府获取蒙大拿州人的个人信息。一个中国间谍气球在该州上空飘浮,引起全国关注后不久,有关禁令的辩论就开始了。
        The new law will bar TikTok from operating the app in the state. App store operators, like Apple and Google, will also be forbidden to make it available for download in the state. TikTok, Apple and Google could face daily fines of $10,000 if they fail to comply.        新法律将禁止TikTok在该州运营这款应用。苹果和谷歌等应用商店运营商也将被禁止在该州提供下载服务。如果不遵守规定,TikTok、苹果和谷歌可能面临每天1万美元的罚款。
        In its lawsuit, TikTok said Montana lacked the legal authority to impose a ban because it would regulate commerce between states, which is the purview of the federal government. The ban also violates a constitutional prohibition on legislation that targets an individual or specific groups for punishment, the lawsuit contended.        TikTok在诉讼中表示,蒙大拿州缺乏实施禁令的法律权力,因为它将涉及监管州与州之间的商业往来,而这是联邦政府的职权范围。诉讼称,该禁令还违反了宪法禁止立法针对个人或特定团体进行惩罚的规定。
        “The TikTok ban singles out the TikTok application for this punishment, notwithstanding that the data allegedly collected by the app is no different in kind than data collected from any number of other sources and that is widely available in the data broker market,” the company said in its complaint.        该公司在控告中表示:“TikTok禁令专门针对TikTok应用程序进行处罚,尽管据称该应用程序收集的数据与任何其他来源收集的数据没有任何不同,而且这些数据在数据代理市场上广泛存在。”
        Critics of the ban believe it will be difficult to enforce even if the courts don’t block it. TikTok users in Montana could still use the app if they disguised their location using virtual private network software, while Montanans living in border towns may get internet access through cell towers in other states. TechNet, a lobbying group representing Apple and Google, has said it is impossible for the app stores to restrict downloads in a single state.        该禁令的批评者认为,即便法院不加以阻止,该禁令也很难执行。蒙大拿州的TikTok用户如果使用虚拟专用网络软件伪装自己的位置,仍然可以使用这款应用,而居住在边境城镇的蒙大拿人可能通过其他州的手机信号塔上网。代表苹果和谷歌的游说团体TechNet表示,应用商店不可能限制一个州的下载。
        Mr. Knudsen’s office said last week that TikTok could enforce the ban with technology that the online gambling industry already uses to block access to an app from a state where it is illegal.        克努森的办公室上周表示,TikTok可以使用在线博彩业已经在使用的技术来执行禁令。这种技术可以阻止在禁止某款应用的州下载该应用。
        The litigation over the ban could take months to resolve. Because the ban wouldn’t take effect until next year, there is not an immediate need for the courts to stop it from taking effect.        有关禁令的诉讼可能需要数月才能解决。因为这项禁令要到明年才会生效,所以法院不需要立即阻止它生效。
        TikTok and its supporters have been successful in using the courts to stop a previous ban in the United States. In 2020, TikTok sued the federal government when President Donald J. Trump used his emergency economic powers to issue an executive order to block the app from operating in the United States. A judge sided with the company, and another judge blocked the ban after a challenge from a group of creators.        TikTok及其支持者已经成功地利用法院阻止了美国之前的一项禁令。2020年,TikTok起诉联邦政府,当时特朗普总统利用他的紧急经济权力发布了一项行政命令,阻止该应用在美国运营。一名法官支持该公司,另一名法官在一群创作者提出质疑后否决了该禁令。
        TikTok has been banned in some countries, including India in 2020. Britain, Canada and France recently banned the app on official government devices.        Tiktok在一些国家已被禁止,包括2020年在印度被禁。英国、加拿大和法国最近禁止在官方政府设备上使用这款应用。

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