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Is drinking bone broth good for you? Experts weigh in.

来源:中国日报    2023-05-24 17:20

        While bone broth can provide some beneficial nutrients, experts don't view the popular beverage as vital addition to your wellness regime.        虽然骨汤可以提供一些有益的营养物质,但专家们认为这种流行饮食并不是健康必需品。
        Is drinking bone broth good for you?        喝骨头汤对有好处吗?
        Made by simmering animal bones in water for a long time with vegetables, spices and sometimes other ingredients like apple cider vinegar, bone broth can be "part of the puzzle, but is not a quick fix," Laura Ligos, a registered dietitian nutritionist and specialist in sports dietetics says.        注册营养师和运动营养学专家劳拉·利戈斯说,将动物骨头与蔬菜、香料和其他食材一起在水中长时间炖煮,可以“有一定营养,但不是灵丹妙药”。
        "The goal is to help to pull out important nutrients from the bones, like collagen, gelatin, amino acids like glycine as well as minerals like calcium and magnesium," she says. "It's these nutrients that are extracted from the bones that have been shown to be helpful with gut, skin, hair, and nail health and there is some truth to that. That being said, we need more than just bone broth to be able to improve overall health."        她说:“(骨头汤)能促使骨骼中的重要营养物质被提取出来,如胶原蛋白、明胶、甘氨酸等氨基酸以及钙和镁等矿物质。这些营养物质已被证明有助于肠道、皮肤、头发和指甲的健康,这是有一定道理的。话虽这么说,我们需要的不仅仅是骨汤来改善整体健康。”
        Benefits of bone broth include providing humans with certain nutrients from the connective tissue and meat of the bones, which in turn can aid in strengthening of muscle and bones, explains Jenna Litt, a registered dietitian at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.        纽约莱诺克斯山医院的注册营养师詹娜·利特解释说,骨汤的益处包括提供来自结缔组织和骨头肉的某些营养物质,这反过来又有助于增强肌肉和骨骼。
        "Specifically, bone broth is rich in collagen and certain vitamins and minerals, such as, iron, fat-soluble vitamins, zinc and other trace minerals. Collagen and fat-soluble vitamins are known to improve hair, skin and nail health," she adds.        "具体来说,骨汤富含胶原蛋白和某些维生素和矿物质,例如,铁、脂溶性维生素、锌和其他微量元素。众所周知,胶原蛋白和脂溶性维生素可以改善头发、皮肤和指甲健康,"她补充说。
        Currently there is not enough research to support the benefits or detriments of bone broth on gut health, Litt says.        利特说,目前还没有足够的研究来支持骨汤对肠道健康的影响。
        Do I need bone broth in my diet?        我需要喝骨汤吗?
        The short answer? No.        简短的回答:不需要。
        While almost anyone can try it, Ligos says it's important to zoom out and look at the big picture when thinking about nutrition.        虽然几乎任何人都可以尝试,但利戈斯说,在考虑营养问题时,重要的是要放眼全局。
        "There likely isn't one food item that's going to be the golden ticket to our health. It's a combination of things that we do that can support our health over the long haul. Bone broth can certainly be a part of that — but not the only part of that."        "没有一种食品会成为我们健康的金钥匙。保持健康需要多管齐下。骨汤当然可以成为其中的一部分,但不是唯一的一部分"。
        For example, if you're interested in improving skin, nail and hair health, simply increasing protein intake in your diet has been shown to yield results, Litt says, pointing out that "the use of bone broth is not required."        利特说,例如,如果你对改善皮肤、指甲和头发健康感兴趣,只需在饮食中增加蛋白质摄入量就能产生效果,并指出"不一定是喝骨汤"。

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