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How much you exercise may impact your flu and pneumonia risk, study shows

来源:中国日报    2023-05-17 15:48

        It’s time to add to your list of reasons to work out: Getting active could help prevent risk of death from the flu and pneumonia, according to new research.        去健身的理由又多了一个。新研究发现,锻炼有助于降低死于流感和肺炎的风险。
        Aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity reduce risk of dying from influenza and pneumonia by 48%, according to a study published Tuesday in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.        5月16日发表在《英国运动医学杂志》上的一项研究发现,从事有氧运动和肌肉强化训练可以使死于流感或肺炎的风险低48%。
        Adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activity and two or more days of moderate muscle strengthening activities a week, according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services.        根据美国卫生与公众服务部发布的美国体育活动指南,成年人每周应该至少进行150分钟中等强度的有氧运动,并保证每周至少有两天进行中等强度的肌肉强化训练。
        The study relied on the survey data of more than 570,000 people from the US National Health Interview Survey between 1998 and 2018. People were asked about their physical activity habits, and they were categorized into groups based on how well they met the recommended amount of exercise, according to the study.        研究基于1998年至2018年间涵盖了逾57万人的美国国民健康调查数据。研究称,调查询问了人们的运动习惯,并依据他们的达标程度将其划分为不同组别。
        On average, the respondents were monitored for nine years after the initial survey. There were 1,516 deaths from the flu or pneumonia in that time.        初步调查结束后,研究人员对受访者进行了平均长达9年的监测,在这期间有1516人死于流感或肺炎。
        Meeting both recommendations for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity cut the risk associated with flu or pneumonia death nearly in half, but meeting just the aerobic activity target was associated with a 36% lower risk, according to the study.        研究显示,有氧运动和肌肉强化训练均达标的人死于流感或肺炎的风险几乎减半,而仅是有氧运动达标的人这一风险降低了36%。
        But even if you can’t reach the recommended amount, some activity can still provide more protection than none, according to the study.        但研究指出,即使你没有达标,运动多少还是可以提供一些防护作用。
        Getting 10 to 149 minutes a week of aerobic physical activity was associated with a 21% decreased risk of flu and pneumonia death, the study showed.        研究显示,每周进行10到149分钟的有氧运动可以将死于流感和肺炎的风险降低21%。
        That being said, no additional benefit was seen for people who got more than 600 minutes a week of aerobic activity, the study showed.        不过尽管如此,研究也发现,每周有氧运动超过600分钟的人并不会额外受益。

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