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Ukraine War Coverage Earns Pulitzers for The A.P. and The Times

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-09 02:06

        Coverage of the war in Ukraine dominated the Pulitzer Prizes on Monday, with The Associated Press winning two awards for its reporting and photography, including the prestigious public service prize, and The New York Times winning for a mix of news and investigative articles about the conflict.        周一,有关乌克兰战争的报道获得多项普利策奖大奖,美联社凭借相关报道和摄影作品获得两项大奖,其中包括声望卓著的公共服务奖;《纽约时报》则凭借有关乌克兰冲突的新闻和调查报道获奖。
        The Times also won for illustrated reporting and commentary, for a piece by Mona Chalabi in The Times Magazine examining the wealth of Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos.        《纽约时报》还凭借莫娜·沙拉比在《时报杂志》上发表的一篇关于亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝佐斯财富的文章赢得了图文报道与评论奖。
        The A.P.’s journalists were the last from an international news organization to remain in the Ukrainian city Mariupol after it came under fire from Russian troops. They documented its fall before escaping. In addition to the public service award, considered the top prize, the news organization also won the breaking news photography award for its coverage.        在乌克兰城市马里乌波尔遭到俄罗斯军队攻击后,美联社的记者是留在该市的最后一批国际新闻机构记者。他们在撤离前记录了这座城市的沦陷。除了获得被视为普利策最高奖项的公共服务奖外,该新闻机构还因其报道获得了突发新闻摄影奖。
        The Times was awarded the international reporting prize for coverage that included daily reporting on the war as well as an eight-month investigation into the deaths of Ukrainians trying to flee from the town of Bucha that identified the Russian military unit responsible.        《纽约时报》因对乌克兰战争的报道获得了国际报道奖,其中包括对这场战争的每日报道,以及对试图逃离布查镇的乌克兰人死亡事件进行的为期八个月的调查。该调查确定了应对此负责的俄罗斯军队。
        An Alabama news website, AL.com, received two Pulitzer Prizes. The organization was awarded the local news reporting prize for a series by John Archibald, Ashley Remkus, Ramsey Archibald and Challen Stephens that revealed how the police force in a town, Brookside, inflated its revenue by aggressively increasing traffic citations and vehicle seizures.        阿拉巴马州的新闻网站AL.com获得两项普利策奖。这家媒体因约翰·阿奇博尔德、阿什利·雷姆库斯、拉姆齐·阿奇博尔德和查伦·史蒂文斯的系列报道获得地方新闻报道奖,这些报道揭露了布鲁克赛德镇的警察部队如何通过大幅增加交通罚单和车辆扣押来增加收入。
        AL.com also won the commentary prize for columns by Kyle Whitmire, a political columnist whose examination of Alabama’s Confederate history shows how it “still colors the present with racism and exclusion, told through tours of its first capital, its mansions and monuments — and through the history that has been omitted,” the Pulitzer board said in its announcement.        AL.com网站还因政治专栏作家凯尔·惠特迈尔的专栏获得评论奖,普利策评奖委员会在公告中说,“通过对邦联第一个首府、各种宅邸和纪念碑的探访,以及被忽略的历史”,他叙述了对阿拉巴马州邦联历史的审视,表明这段历史“依然以其种族主义和排外色彩影响着现在”。
        Another prize for local reporting was awarded to Anna Wolfe of Mississippi Today, for an investigation into a $77 million welfare scandal that revealed how former Mississippi governor, Phil Bryant, had steered funds to benefit family and friends, including the former N.F.L. quarterback Brett Favre.        另一个地方报道奖授予《今日密西西比》的安娜·沃尔夫,她对一桩7700万美元福利丑闻的调查揭露了密西西比州前州长菲尔·布莱恩特如何操纵资金,让家人和包括前全国橄榄球联盟四分卫布雷特·法夫尔在内的朋友受益。
        The Los Angeles Times won the breaking news reporting prize for its coverage of a leaked audio recording of a secret conversation between Los Angeles City Council members in which the officials mocked people in racist terms and disparaged other council members. The uproar prompted the resignations of two of the leaders involved: Nury Martinez, the City Council president, and Ron Herrera, the president of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.        《洛杉矶时报》因报道一段被泄露的洛杉矶市议会成员秘密谈话录音而获得突发新闻报道奖。在录音中,官员们用种族主义语言嘲笑民众,并贬低其他市议会成员。这场轩然大波促使两名相关领导人辞职——市议会主席努里·马丁内斯和洛杉矶县劳工联合会主席罗恩·埃雷拉。
        The Los Angeles Times also won in the feature photography category. The photojournalist Christina House was awarded the prize for her images of a pregnant 22-year-old woman living in a tent on the streets of Hollywood and trying to navigate her situation.        《洛杉矶时报》还获得了专题摄影奖。摄影记者克里斯蒂娜·豪斯获奖的照片是关于一名22岁的孕妇,她住在好莱坞街头的帐篷里,努力应对自己的处境。
        The national reporting award went to Caroline Kitchener of The Washington Post for coverage of the unfolding consequences of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, including the story of a Texas teenager who discovered she was pregnant with twins 48 hours before the state’s abortion ban went into effect.        《华盛顿邮报》的卡罗琳·基奇纳获得了全国新闻报道奖,她报道了罗伊诉韦德案被推翻的后果,包括得克萨斯州一名少女在该州堕胎禁令生效前48小时发现自己怀有双胞胎的故事。
        The Washington Post also received the feature reporting prize, for work by Eli Saslow that portrayed the struggles of people across America, including those confronting homelessness and addiction or adapting to life after the pandemic. Mr. Saslow, a previous Pulitzer winner, has been a finalist for the feature writing category three times. He joined The New York Times as a writer at large in February.        《华盛顿邮报》还获得了特稿报道奖,伊莱·萨斯洛的作品描述了美国各地人们的挣扎,包括那些面临无家可归、吸毒成瘾或极力适应疫情后生活的人。萨斯洛曾是普利策奖得主,曾三次入围特稿写作类的决选。今年2月,他以撰稿人身份加入了《纽约时报》。
        A book by two Washington Post reporters was awarded the general nonfiction prize. “His Name Is George Floyd: One Man’s Life and the Struggle for Racial Justice,” by Robert Samuels and Toluse Olorunnipa, explores the life of Mr. Floyd, whose death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers in 2020 ignited mass protests. Mr. Samuels left The Post this year and joined The New Yorker in March.        《华盛顿邮报》两位记者的一本书获得了非虚构类文学奖。罗伯特·塞缪尔斯和托鲁兹·奥洛伦尼帕的《他的名字叫乔治·弗洛伊德——一个人的一生和种族正义斗争》(His Name Is George Floyd: One’s Life and the Struggle for Racial Justice)探寻了弗洛伊德的生平,他于2020年死于明尼阿波利斯警察之手,引发了大规模抗议活动。塞缪尔斯今年离开了《华盛顿邮报》,于3月加入了《纽约客》。
        The investigative reporting prize was awarded to the staff of The Wall Street Journal for a series examining the financial investments of senior federal officials. The reporting team analyzed financial disclosures for about 12,000 officials, finding that thousands of them traded stock in companies that lobbied their agencies while more than 60 officials had disclosed trading stocks in companies shortly before regulatory actions were announced.        《华尔街日报》的记者因对联邦高级官员的金融投资进行了一系列调查而获得了调查报道奖。报道小组分析了大约1.2万名官员的财务信息披露情况,发现其中数千人持有对其所在机构进行游说公司的股票,60多名官员被披露在监管行动宣布前不久交易相关公司股票。
        Caitlin Dickerson of The Atlantic was given the prize for explanatory reporting for her sprawling 30,000-word investigation into the Trump administration’s family separation policy. Ms. Dickerson spent 18 months on the project, which revealed that U.S. officials had misled Congress and the public and often worked to keep migrant families apart longer.        《大西洋月刊》的凯特琳·迪克森因对特朗普政府的家庭分离政策做了长达三万字的调查而获得解释性报道奖。迪克森在这个项目上花了18个月的时间,该项目揭示了美国官员曾经误导国会和公众,并经常努力让移民家庭分开的时间更为长久。
        The prize for criticism went to Andrea Long Chu, a critic at New York Magazine, for book reviews that examined both the works and their authors through multiple cultural lenses.        《纽约杂志》的评论家安德烈·龙·朱获得了评论奖,其书评从多个文化视角对作品及作者进行了审视。
        Nancy Ancrum, Amy Driscoll, Luisa Yanez, Isadora Rangel and Lauren Costantino of the Miami Herald were awarded the prize for editorial writing for the “Broken Promises” series that showed how Florida leaders had failed to deliver on vows to improve communities.        《迈阿密先驱报》的南希·安克雷姆、艾米·德里斯科尔、路易莎·亚涅斯、伊莎多拉·兰格尔和劳伦·科斯坦蒂诺因《破碎的承诺》系列文章获得社论写作奖,该系列文章展示了佛罗里达州领导人如何未能兑现改善社区的承诺。
        The audio reporting prize was awarded to the staff of Gimlet Media, notably Connie Walker, for the podcast “Stolen: Surviving St. Michael’s.” Ms. Walker investigated her late father’s life and his experience and that of hundreds of other Indigenous children in Canada’s residential school system.        音频报道奖颁给了Gimlet Media的员工,尤其是康妮·沃克的播客《被盗——幸存的圣迈克尔》(Stolen: survival St. Michael’s)。沃克调查了她已故父亲的生活和经历,以及加拿大寄宿学校系统中数百名其他土著儿童的经历。
        Two books were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction: “Demon Copperhead,” by Barbara Kingsolver, and “Trust,” by Hernan Diaz. “Freedom’s Dominion: A Saga of White Resistance to Federal Power,” by Jefferson Cowie, received the award for history, and “G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century,” by Beverly Gage, received the biography prize.        两本书获得了普利策小说奖:芭芭拉·金索沃的《大魔·铜头菲尔德》(Demon Copperhead)和埃尔南·迪亚兹的《信任》(Trust)。杰斐逊·考伊的《自由的统治——白人反抗联邦权力的传奇》(Freedom’s Dominion: A Saga of White Resistance to Federal Power)获得了历史类图书奖,贝弗利·盖奇的《公务员—— J·埃德加·胡佛和美国世纪的形成》(G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century)获得了传记类图书奖。
        “Stay True,” by Hua Hsu, was awarded the prize for memoir, and “Then the War: And Selected Poems, 2007-2020,” by Carl Phillips, won for poetry.        许华(Hua Hsu,音)的《保持真实》(Stay True)获得回忆录类图书奖,卡尔·菲利普斯的《然后是战争——以及诗歌选集,2007-2020》(Then the War: and Poems Selected, 2007-2020)获得诗歌类图书奖。
        “English,” a play by Sanaz Toossi, won the Drama prize. It follows four students learning English as a second language in Iran, each with a different reason for enrolling in the class.        萨纳兹·图西的戏剧《英语》(English)获得戏剧奖。它讲述四名在伊朗学习英语作为第二语言的学生的故事,每个人都因为不同的原因报名参加课程。
        The Pulitzer Prize in Music was awarded to “Omar,” an opera by Rhiannon Giddens and Michael Abels. The work premiered on May 27, 2022, at the Spoleto Festival USA. It is based on an autobiography of Omar Ibn Said, a Muslim man captured in Africa and sold into slavery in Charleston, S.C., in the early 1800s.        普利策音乐奖颁给了里安农·吉登斯和迈克尔·阿贝尔斯的歌剧《奥马尔》(Omar)。这部作品于2022年5月27日在美国斯波莱托艺术节上首演,根据奥马尔·伊本·赛义德的自传改编。奥马尔是一名穆斯林男子,于19世纪初在非洲被捕获,并被卖到南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿为奴。

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