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Moscow Says Explosions Above the Kremlin Were an Attempt to Kill Putin

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-04 01:48

        After a pair of explosions above the Kremlin early Wednesday, Russia accused Ukraine of trying to assassinate President Vladimir V. Putin with a drone attack, but Kyiv denied any involvement in an incident that could raise the already-high stakes in Europe’s biggest conflict since World War II.        周三早些时候,克里姆林宫上空发生了两次爆炸,俄罗斯指责乌克兰企图用无人机袭击暗杀俄罗斯总统普京,但基辅否认与事件有任何关联。该事件可能会让欧洲自“二战”以来最大规模的冲突变得更加危险。
        Video footage verified by The New York Times showed what appeared to be two drones detonating over the Kremlin 15 minutes apart, the first shortly before 2:30 a.m. Russia called it an unsuccessful “attempt on the life of the president” by Ukraine that was foiled by Russian “electronic warfare systems,” but did not release any evidence of a Ukrainian link.        经《纽约时报》核实的视频片段显示,两架无人机似乎在克里姆林宫上空相继爆炸,前后间隔15分钟,第一架的爆炸时间将近凌晨2点30分。俄方称,这是乌克兰一次不成功的“谋害总统生命的企图”,被俄罗斯的“电子战系统”挫败,但俄罗斯没有公布任何与乌克兰有关的证据。
        The Ukrainian government asserted that Russia had manufactured the incident to distract attention from Ukraine’s expected imminent counteroffensive and possibly justify escalation by Moscow. A drone attack at the deeply symbolic heart of Russian power would be an audacious move by Kyiv, with the potential for serious repercussions.        乌克兰政府声称,俄方自导自演了这起事件,以转移人们对乌克兰即将发动反攻的注意力,并可能作为莫斯科升级行动的借口。对于基辅来说,派遣无人机对俄罗斯极具象征意义的权力中心发动袭击是一种大胆的举动,有可能引发严重后果。
        There were no reports of serious damage, and the Russian government said that during the predawn incident, Mr. Putin was not in the Kremlin, where he is not thought to spend many nights.        没有关于事件导致重大损失的报道,俄罗斯政府表示,在这场黎明前的事件发生时,普京不在克里姆林宫,据信他很少在那里过夜。
        It is not clear from the videos whether the objects detonated on their own or were destroyed by Russian forces.        从视频中看不出来这些物体是自行引爆,还是被俄罗斯军队摧毁的。
        On Wednesday, U.S. intelligence agencies were still trying to determine what happened, according to two American officials briefed on the situation. “We simply don’t know,” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said at a public event at The Washington Post, adding, “I would take anything coming out of the Kremlin with a very large shaker of salt.”        据两名了解情况的美国官员表示,周三,美国情报机构仍在试图确定究竟发生了什么。“我们根本不知道,”国务卿布林肯在《华盛顿邮报》的一次公开活动上说,他还表示,“我对来自克里姆林宫的任何东西都持很大的怀疑态度。”
        American officials have in the past voiced concern that Ukrainian attacks on Russian soil, could provoke Moscow without having a direct effect on the battlefield — one reason Washington has withheld from Ukraine weapons that could be used to strike deep into Russia. But on Wednesday Mr. Blinken said of such attacks, “These are decisions for Ukraine to make about how it’s going to defend itself.”        美国官员过去曾表示担心,乌克兰袭击俄罗斯领土可能会激怒莫斯科,而不会对战场产生直接影响。这也是华盛顿拒绝向乌克兰提供可用于打击俄罗斯纵深地区的武器的原因之一。但布林肯周三在谈到这类袭击时称,“这些关于如何自卫的决定要由乌克兰做出。”
        Whatever the drones’ provenance, it was clear that the Kremlin had made an unusually deliberate choice to publicize the incident — Mr. Putin’s press service issued a rare, five-paragraph statement. The government had far less to say publicly about previous apparent attacks inside Russia, and until the Kremlin’s statement, reports on social media of explosive sounds in central Moscow early Wednesday had attracted little attention.        不管这些无人机来自何处,很明显,克里姆林宫在公布这一事件时做出了异常慎重的选择——普京的新闻机构罕见地发表了一份由五段文字组成的声明。对此前在俄罗斯境内发生的疑似袭击,俄罗斯政府的公开表态要简短得多。在克里姆林宫发表声明之前,社交媒体上有关周三早间莫斯科市中心出现爆炸声的报道几乎没有引起关注。
        Whoever was responsible, the explosions at the Kremlin could serve as a pretext for Mr. Putin to escalate the war in some way, like striking key government buildings in Kyiv and trying to decapitate the Ukrainian government. He and other Kremlin officials have hinted repeatedly at the possibility of using nuclear weapons, and Russian hawks have called for broader conscription to expand the military ranks.        无论是谁应对事件负责,克里姆林宫的爆炸都可能成为普京以某种方式升级战争的借口,比如袭击基辅的重要政府大楼,并试图歼灭乌克兰政府。他和克里姆林宫的其他官员曾多次暗示使用核武器的可能性,俄罗斯的鹰派人士呼吁扩大征兵范围,以增加兵力。
        “We will demand the use of weapons capable of stopping and destroying the Kyiv terrorist regime,” said Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of Russia’s lower house of Parliament. The Kremlin’s statement said Russia reserved the right for “retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit.”        “我们将要求使用能够阻止和摧毁基辅恐怖主义政权的武器,”俄罗斯联邦会议国家杜马主席维亚切斯拉夫·沃洛金说。克里姆林宫的声明称,俄罗斯保留“在认为合适的时间和地点采取报复措施”的权利。
        Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, suggested in a statement to The New York Times that Russia would use the incident to justify a “large-scale terrorist provocation” against Ukraine in the coming days.        乌克兰总统泽连斯基的顾问米哈伊洛·波多利亚克在给《纽约时报》的一份声明中表示,俄罗斯将在未来几天利用这一事件,为针对乌克兰的“大规模恐怖主义挑衅”辩护。
        If the drone incident was indeed a deliberate attack, the ability to penetrate central Moscow would represent the latest embarrassing failure by a Russian military that has struggled throughout the 14-month war.        如果无人机事件确实是一次蓄意袭击,那么它们穿透莫斯科市中心的能力可能代表了俄罗斯军队令人尴尬的最新失败。在长达14个月的战争中,俄罗斯军队一直在苦苦挣扎。
        The explosions in Moscow occurred as Kyiv is readying tens of thousands of soldiers for its counteroffensive to retake territory in eastern and southern Ukraine that was seized by Russia, and stepping up strikes behind the front lines aimed at weakening Russian forces.        莫斯科发生爆炸的同时,基辅正在部署数万名士兵进行反攻,夺回被俄罗斯占领的乌克兰东部和南部领土,并加强对前线后方的打击,以削弱俄罗斯军队。
        Explosions hit targets in and near Russian-occupied Crimea overnight, including a border guard post and a fuel depot. Though Ukraine did not claim responsibility, its military intelligence spokesman, Andriy Chernyak, said in a statement, “Of course, the enemy must be cut off from Crimea.” Twice this week, explosions have derailed trains in the Bryansk region neighboring Ukraine.        一夜之间,俄罗斯占领的克里米亚境内及附近发生爆炸,包括一个边防哨所和一处燃料库。尽管乌克兰没有声称对此事负责,但其军事情报发言人安德烈·切尔尼亚克在声明中表示,“当然,必须切断敌人与克里米亚的联系。”本周,邻近乌克兰的布良斯克地区发生了两次导致火车出轨的爆炸事件。
        Russia has stepped up strikes in and around the city of Kherson, retaken by Ukrainian forces last fall, where officials said 21 people were killed. Officials imposed a 58-hour curfew there, beginning on Friday night.        俄罗斯加强了对赫尔松市及其周边地区的袭击,该城去年秋天被乌克兰军队重新夺回,官员称有21人在袭击中丧生。从周五晚上开始,该市实施58小时的宵禁。
        Ukraine has largely maintained a policy of deliberate ambiguity over whether it has played a role in attacks inside Russia, though privately Ukrainian officials have acknowledged carrying out a bombing that badly damaged the Kerch Strait bridge, a vital supply route to Crimea, in October, and attacks on Russian air bases in December using Soviet-era, jet-powered drones.        很大程度上,乌克兰对其是否在俄罗斯境内的袭击中发挥了作用采取了刻意模糊的策略,尽管乌克兰官员私下承认,去年10月发起的一次轰炸严重破坏了通往克里米亚的重要补给线克里米亚大桥,去年12月还曾使用苏联时代的喷气动力无人机袭击了俄罗斯空军基地。
        Last August, a car bombing outside Moscow killed Daria Dugina, a pro-war commentator and daughter of Aleksandr Dugin, a leading Russian ultranationalist ideologue, who was thought to be the actual target of the attack. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that parts of the Ukrainian government ordered the assault, which Kyiv denied.        去年8月,莫斯科郊外的一起汽车爆炸袭击炸死了支持战争的评论员达里娅·杜金娜,而人们认为她的父亲、俄罗斯极端民族主义理论家亚历山大·杜金才是袭击的实际目标。美国情报机构得出结论认为,乌克兰政府的某些部门下令发动袭击,但基辅否认了这一说法。
        In this case, Mr. Zelensky directly denied responsibility. “We don’t attack Putin or Moscow,” he told the Nordic broadcaster TV2 during a visit to Finland. “We fight on our territory. We’re defending our villages and cities. We don’t have enough weapons for these.” Dealing with Mr. Putin, he added, would be left to an international war crimes tribunal.        这一次,泽连斯基直接否认对事件负责。“我们不攻击普京或莫斯科,”他在访问芬兰期间告诉北欧广播公司TV2。“我们在自己的领土上战斗。 我们在保卫我们的村庄和城市。我们应对这些的武器都不够。”他还说,涉及普京的事情将留给国际战争罪法庭处理。
        At a news conference with Nordic leaders, Mr. Zelensky said that because Russia “has no victories to report” Mr. Putin needs to “do some unexpected moves like surprise drone attacks” to bolster Russian resolve.        在与北欧领导人举行的新闻发布会上,泽连斯基说,由于俄罗斯“没有捷报可传”,普京需要“采取一些意想不到的行动,像是无人机的突然袭击”,来增强俄罗斯的决心。
        By trumpeting the attack rather than denying it, Russian officials were acknowledging their “lack of air defenses, their vulnerability, weakness and helplessness,” Leonid Volkov, an exiled associate of the imprisoned opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny, wrote in a social media post. “That means they found some pluses in this and, evaluating them, decided that the pluses would be able to outweigh the minuses.”        通过大肆宣扬而非否认这次袭击,俄罗斯官员相当于承认了“防空能力不足,(承认了)他们的脆弱、缺陷和无助”,被监禁的反对派领导人阿列克谢·纳瓦利内的助手、流亡的列昂尼德·沃尔科夫在社交媒体帖子中写道。“这意味着他们在其中发现了一些好处,并对其进行了评估,认为好处能够超过短处。”
        Those “pluses” could be to galvanize Russians into more fervently backing the war effort, or to presage a new escalation, Mr. Volkov wrote.        沃尔科夫写道,这些“好处”可能是激发俄罗斯人更加热切地支持战争,或者预示着新的升级。
        Mr. Putin is scheduled to preside over a major military parade in Red Square near the Kremlin next Tuesday, on Russia’s main patriotic holiday, the May 9 celebration of the Soviet Union’s World War II victory over Nazi Germany.        普京定于下周二在克里姆林宫附近的红场主持大型阅兵式,这天是俄罗斯的重要爱国节日,即5月9日苏联在“二战”战胜纳粹德国的庆祝活动。
        The sprawling red fortress of the Kremlin contains several buildings, including the yellow, domed Senate Palace, which was visible in video footage showing what appears to be a drone exploding. Inside that palace are the president’s official residence and his main office.        克里姆林宫这个庞大的红色堡垒由数座建筑组成,包括有黄色圆顶的元老院,它出现在其中一架无人机爆炸的视频片段中。元老院是总统官邸及其主要办公地点。
        Drones have been banned from flying over the Kremlin and the surrounding area in recent years, and security officers deploy special devices to down any drones in the vicinity and sometimes close off public access to areas adjacent to the complex.        近年来,无人机已被禁止飞越克里姆林宫及周边地区,安全人员部署了特殊设备来击落附近的无人机,有时还禁止公众进入该建筑群周边区域。
        But it is unclear how much time Mr. Putin actually spends in the Kremlin, which he appears to use more for ceremonial occasions than as a practical workplace or residence. In March, he disclosed to reporters in Moscow that “I have an apartment here, where I have been spending a lot of time lately, working, spending nights very often” — a rare instance of his discussing his living arrangements publicly.        但不清楚普京究竟有多少时间是在克里姆林宫度过的,他似乎更多地将克里姆林宫当作仪式场合,而不是实际的工作场所或住所。今年3月,他在莫斯科向记者透露,“我在这里有一套公寓,最近我花了很多时间在那里工作,经常在那里过夜”,他公开讨论自己的生活安排,这十分罕见。
        The government also goes to considerable lengths to disguise his location.        政府还竭尽全力掩饰他的位置。
        The Russian president has established identical offices in multiple locations, all furnished and decorated the same in every detail, including matching desks and wall hangings, according to Gleb Karakulov, a former captain in his protective service who defected last year. Official reports have sometimes described him as being in one place when he was actually somewhere else, Mr. Karakulov told a London-based opposition news outlet, the Dossier Center.        据去年叛逃的前护卫部队上尉格列布·卡拉库洛夫说,这位俄罗斯总统在多个地点设立了相同的办公室,所有办公室在布置和装饰细节上都一模一样,包括选配的办公桌和墙面装饰。卡拉库洛夫告诉总部位于伦敦的反对派新闻媒体“档案中心”,官方报道有时说他在某个地方,而实际上他在另一个地方。
        Mr. Putin’s spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, told reporters that at the time of the explosions on Wednesday Mr. Putin was at his sprawling compound in the elite suburb of Novo-Ogaryovo, along the Moscow River. Russian news media reports have suggested that, since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, he has spent much of his time there or at another spread northeast of Moscow, near Lake Valdai.        普京的发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫告诉记者,周三发生爆炸时,普京正在他位于莫斯科河沿岸的高级郊区新奥加廖沃的庞大住所里。 据俄罗斯新闻媒体报道,自新冠病毒大流行开始以来,他大部分时间都在那里或莫斯科东北部瓦尔代湖附近的一个地方。
        Mr. Peskov declined to say when the president would return to the Kremlin, telling a state-run news agency, “We’ll let you know in due time.”        佩斯科夫拒绝透露总统何时返回克里姆林宫,他告诉一家官方新闻机构,“我们会在适当的时候告诉你。”

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