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W.H.O. Dismisses Covid Origins Investigator for Sexual Misconduct

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-05 03:22

        The World Health Organization dismissed a lead investigator into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic “following findings of sexual misconduct,” according to an agency spokeswoman.        世界卫生组织发言人表示,在发现一名曾调查新冠大流行起源的首席调查员“存在性行为不端之后”,该组织已将其解雇。
        Peter K. Ben Embarek, an expert on food safety and animal-borne diseases, was dismissed last year; the dismissal was reported by The Financial Times on Wednesday.        食品安全和动物传播疾病专家彼得·K·本·恩巴雷克于去年被解雇。《金融时报》周三对此进行了报道。
        The findings stem from events that took place in 2015 and 2017, Marcia Poole, the W.H.O. spokeswoman, said in an email. The agency’s investigations team first learned about the allegations in 2018. At the time, “there was a significant backlog,” and the resulting investigation and administrative processes took several years, she said.        世卫组织发言人玛西娅·普尔在一封电子邮件中表示,相关调查发现源于2015年和2017年发生的事件。该机构的调查团队于2018年首次了解到这些指控。她说,当时“待办事务严重积压”,导致调查和行政程序耗时数年。
        The agency did not provide further details on the nature of the complaints but noted that there were other allegations against Dr. Ben Embarek that “could not be fully investigated” because the victim or victims did not want to participate in the process.        该机构没有就举报的性质给出更多细节,但指出还有其他针对本·恩巴雷克的指控,这些指控因受害人不愿配合而“无法进行全面调查”。
        Dr. Ben Embarek could not immediately be reached for comment. But he told Reuters that a 2017 incident had been settled. “I am not aware of any other complaints, and no other complaints have ever been brought to my attention,” he said, according to Reuters. “I duly contest the qualification of harassment, and I am quite hopeful in the defense of my rights.”        本报无法第一时间联系到本·恩巴雷克置评。但他告诉路透社,2017年的一起事件已经和解。“我不知道有任何其他举报,没有任何其他举报引起我的注意,”他在路透社报道中说。“本人对将此事定性为骚扰严正提出异议,我对捍卫自己的权利充满信心。”
        In 2021, Dr. Ben Embarek led a W.H.O. mission to Wuhan, China, to probe the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic. International experts selected by the W.H.O. worked with experts from China to conduct the joint investigation, which China had repeatedly delayed.        2021年,本·恩巴雷克率领世卫组织代表团前往中国武汉,调查新冠大流行病的起源。世卫组织选派的国际专家与中国专家合作进行联合调查,但中国一再推迟调查。
        At a news conference in Wuhan, Dr. Ben Embarek said that it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus leaked from a Wuhan laboratory, pointing to the lab’s safety precautions. “All the work that has been done on the virus and trying to identify its origin continue to point toward a natural reservoir,” he said at the news conference.        在武汉举行的新闻发布会上,本·恩巴雷克表示,该病毒“极不可能”从武汉实验室泄漏,并提及该实验室的安全预防措施。他在新闻发布会上说:“针对该病毒所做的所有工作以及试图确定其起源的所有工作都继续指向一个天然宿主。”
        The W.H.O. team was criticized for advancing narratives pushed by Chinese officials, including that the virus might have originated outside of China and could have spread through shipments of frozen food. At the news conference, the visiting scientists praised the Chinese experts.        世卫组织团队因附和了中国官员推动的叙述而受到批评,包括该病毒可能起源于中国境外,并可能通过冷冻食品的运输传播。新闻发布会上,到访科学家们赞扬了中国专家。
        But some members of the mission later said that China had withheld requested data. And in an interview with Science, Dr. Ben Embarek acknowledged that the team was working in a tricky political environment.        但一些代表团成员后来表示,中国拒绝提供所要求的数据。在接受《科学》杂志采访时,本·恩巴雷克承认该团队在一个棘手的政治环境中工作。
        “The politics was always in the room with us on the other side of the table,” he told Science. “We had anywhere between 30 and 60 Chinese colleagues, and a large number of them were not scientists, not from the public health sector.”        “政治总是形影不离,在我们会议桌的对面,”他告诉《科学》杂志。“我们有30到60名中国同事,其中很多人不是科学家,也不是来自公共卫生部门。”
        As the team prepared to release its findings, U.S. officials expressed concern that the Chinese government had too much control over the contents of the final report.        在该团队准备发布调查结果时,美国官员表示担心中国政府对最终报告的内容拥有过多控制权。
        The report concluded that “introduction through a laboratory incident” was “extremely unlikely” and that introduction through the food chain was “possible.” But the most likely source of the virus was spillover from an animal, they concluded.        该报告的结论是,病毒“通过实验室事故引入”是“极不可能的”,“有可能”是通过食物链引入的。但最有可能的病毒来源,根据他们的结论,是动物的传播。
        The lab leak theory remains contentious; it has gained support in recent months, and U.S. intelligence agencies have come to different conclusions about the pandemic’s likely origins. Most virologists believe that the virus emerged from an animal at a market in Wuhan. But definitive evidence, for any of the theories, remains elusive.        实验室泄漏理论仍然存在争议;但在最近几个月获得了更多支持,美国情报机构对大流行的可能起源得出了不同的结论。大多数病毒学家认为,该病毒源自武汉一个市场的动物。但对于任何一种理论来说,找到确凿证据的希望仍然渺茫。
        Dr. Ben Embarek also led the W.H.O.’s One Health initiative, which is devoted to connections between human, animal and environmental health.        本·恩巴雷克还领导了世卫组织的“同一健康”(One Health)倡议,致力于人类、动物和环境健康之间的联系。
        The W.H.O. has also come under fire in recent years for failing to take strong enough action against sexual misconduct. In 2021, investigators found that people working for the agency had sexually abused or exploited women and girls during an Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.        近年来,世卫组织还因未能对性行为不端采取足够有力的行动而受到抨击。2021年,调查人员发现,在刚果民主共和国暴发埃博拉疫情期间,该机构的工作人员曾对女性和女童进行性虐待或性剥削。
        “Over the past 18-20 months, W.H.O. has embarked on a comprehensive program to drive systemic change throughout the organization to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct,” Ms. Poole said in an email. The agency has cleared its backlog and aims to complete future investigations in 120 days or less, she said.        “在过去的18到20个月里,世卫组织启动了一项全面的计划,以推动整个组织的系统性变革,预防和应对性行为不端,”普尔在一封电子邮件中说。她说,该机构已经清理了积压的案件,对于未来的调查,目标是在120天或更短的时间内完成。
        A new sexual misconduct policy went into effect in March. The new policy “is a key part of making ‘zero tolerance’ a reality and not merely a slogan,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director general, said in a statement at the time.        一项新的性行为不端政策于3月生效。世卫组织总干事谭德塞当时在一份声明中表示,“要让‘零容忍’成为现实而不仅仅是口号,新政策是一个重要部分”。

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