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A Brutal Sex Trade Built for American Soldiers

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-05 05:30

        DONGDUCHEON, South Korea — When Cho Soon-ok was 17 in 1977, three men kidnapped and sold her to a pimp in Dongducheon, a town north of Seoul.        韩国东豆川——1977年,17岁的赵顺玉(音)在首尔北部的东豆川镇遭三名男子绑架,然后被卖给了一个皮条客。
        She was about to begin high school, but instead of pursuing her dream of becoming a ballerina, she was forced to spend the next five years under the constant watch of her pimp, going to a nearby club for sex work. Her customers: American soldiers.        那时她即将读高中,在接下来的五年里,她没能去追逐自己的芭蕾舞梦,反而要在皮条客的持续监视下去附近的一家夜总会从事性工作。她的顾客是——美军士兵。
        The euphemism “comfort women” typically describes Korean and other Asian women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese during World War II. But the sexual exploitation of another group of women continued in South Korea long after Japan’s colonial rule ended in 1945 — and it was facilitated by their own government.        “慰安妇”这个委婉的说法通常用来形容“二战”期间被日本人强征为性奴的韩国和其他亚洲国家女性。但在1945年日本殖民统治结束后的很长一段时间里,韩国一直存在对另外一群妇女的性剥削,并且得到韩国政府的协助。
        There were “special comfort women units” for South Korean soldiers, and “comfort stations” for American-led U.N. troops during the Korean War. In the postwar years, many of these women worked in gijichon, or “camp towns,” built around American military bases.        在朝鲜战争期间,韩国士兵有“特别慰安妇部队”,而美国领导的联合国部队则设有“慰安所”。在战后的日子里,这些妇女当中有许多人就在美军基地周围的基地村工作。
        Last September, 100 such women won a landmark victory when the South Korean Supreme Court ordered compensation for the sexual trauma they endured. It found the government guilty of “justifying and encouraging” prostitution in camp towns to help South Korea maintain its military alliance with the United States and earn American dollars.        去年9月,韩国最高法院下令对她们遭受的性创伤进行赔偿,100名这样的女性赢得了一个具有里程碑意义的胜利。该法院裁定政府罪成,因为它为了帮助维持韩美军事联盟并赚取美元,认定基地村的卖淫活动“是正当的,并加以鼓励”。
        It also blamed the government for the “systematic and violent” way it detained the women and forced them to receive treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.        它还指责韩国政府“有系统地、暴力地”扣押这些妇女,强迫她们接受性病治疗。
        In interviews with The New York Times, six former South Korean camp town women described how their government used them for political and economic gain before abandoning them. Encouraged by the court rulings — which relied on recently unsealed official documents — the victims now aim to take their case to the United States.        在接受《纽约时报》采访时,六名曾身在韩国基地村的女性讲述了韩国政府如何利用她们谋取政治和经济利益,然后弃之不顾。在法院裁决的鼓舞下——这些裁决依赖于最近解密的官方文件——受害者现在打算到美国发起诉讼。
        “The Americans need to know what some of their soldiers did to us,” said Park Geun-ae, who was sold to a pimp in 1975, when she was 16, and said she endured severe beatings and other abuse from G.I.s. “Our country held hands with the U.S. in an alliance and we knew that its soldiers were here to help us, but that didn’t mean that they could do whatever they wanted to us, did it?”        “美国人需要知道他们的一些士兵对我们做了什么,”朴瑾爱(音)说道,1975年,16岁的她被卖给了一个皮条客。她说自己遭受了美国大兵的毒打和其他虐待。“我们的国家与美国结盟,我们知道美国兵来这里是帮我们的,但这并不意味着他们可以对我们为所欲为,对吧?”
        ‘Frontline Warriors in Winning Dollars’        “赢得美元的前线战士”
        In the aftermath of the Korean War, South Korea trailed the North in military and economic power. American troops stayed in the South under the U.N. flag to guard against the North, but South Korea struggled to keep U.S. boots on the ground.        朝鲜战争结束后,韩国在军事和经济实力上落后于朝鲜。为了防范北方,美国军队以联合国的名义留在韩国,而韩国则竭力留住美军。
        In 1961, Gyeonggi Province, the populous area surrounding Seoul, considered it “urgent to prepare mass facilities for comfort women to provide comfort for U.N. troops or boost their morale,” according to documents submitted to the court as evidence. The local government gave permits to private clubs to recruit such women to “save budget and earn foreign currency.” It estimated the number of comfort women in its jurisdiction at 10,000 and growing, catering to 50,000 American troops.        根据作为证据提交给法庭的文件,1961年,首尔周边人口密集的京畿道认为,“为了给联合国部队提供安慰、鼓舞士气,迫切需要建立大规模的慰安妇设施。”当地政府允许私人俱乐部招募这样的女性,以“节省预算并赚取外汇”。据估计,京畿道管辖范围内的慰安妇人数达一万人,而且当时还在不断增加,这些女性为五万名美军提供服务。
        When President Richard M. Nixon announced plans in 1969 to reduce the number of U.S. troops stationed in South Korea, the government’s effort took on more urgency. The following year, the government reported to Parliament that South Korea was earning $160 million annually through business resulting from the U.S. military presence, including the sex trade. (The country’s total exports at the time were $835 million.)        当尼克松总统在1969年宣布计划减少驻韩美军人数时,韩国政府愈发急切。次年,韩国政府向议会报告说,美国驻军每年给韩国带来的商业收入(包括性交易)达1.6亿美元。(当时韩国的年出口额为8.35亿美元。)
        Some of the women gravitated to camp towns to find a living. Others, like Ms. Cho, were abducted, or lured with the promise of work. A sex act typically cost between $5 and $10 — money the pimps confiscated. Although the dollars didn’t go directly to the government, they entered the economy, which was starved for hard currency.        有些女性为谋生而被吸引到基地村。还有一些是像赵女士这样被绑架的,或者是被工作承诺诱骗而去。一次性行为的费用通常在五到十美元,这些钱被皮条客没收。尽管美元没有直接交给政府,但进入了急需硬通货的经济领域。
        A South Korean newspaper at the time called such women an “illegal, cancer-like, necessary evil.” But “these comfort women are also frontline warriors in winning dollars,” it said.        当时,一家韩国报纸称这样的女性是“非法的、癌症般的、必要的邪恶”。但是“这些慰安妇也是赢得美元的前线战士,”它写道。
        Often, newcomers were drugged by their pimps to cope with the shame.        通常,新来者会被皮条客下药,以应对卖淫的耻辱感。
        Numbers and Name Tags        号码和姓名标签
        Prostitution was and remains illegal in South Korea, but enforcement has been selective and varied in harshness over time. Camp towns were created in part to confine the women so they could be more easily monitored, and to prevent prostitution and sex crimes involving American G.I.s from spreading to the rest of society. Black markets thrived there as South Koreans clamored for goods smuggled out of U.S. military post-exchange operations, as well as foreign currency.        无论过去还是现在,卖淫在韩国都属于非法,但执法一直是选择性的,随着时间的推移,严厉程度也有所不同。基地村的建立部分是为了限制这些女性的行动,方便对她们进行监控,并防止涉及美国兵的卖淫和性犯罪蔓延到社会的其他部分。由于韩国人争相购买从美军基地贩卖部偷带出来的商品和外汇,黑市随之繁荣起来。
        In 1973, when U.S. military and South Korean officials met to discuss issues in camp towns, a U.S. Army officer said that the Army policy on prostitution was “total suppression,” but “this is not being done in Korea,” according to declassified U.S. military documents.        1973年,当美国军方和韩国官员开会讨论基地村的问题时,一名美国陆军军官说,陆军对卖淫的政策是“全面禁止”,但根据解密的美国军方文件,“在韩国没有这样做。”
        Instead, the U.S. military focused on protecting troops from contracting venereal disease.        而美国军方当时的关注重点是保护士兵不感染性病。
        The women described how they were gathered for monthly classes where South Korean officials praised them as “dollar-earning patriots” while U.S. officers urged them to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. The women had to be tested twice a week; those testing positive were detained for medical treatment.        这些女性描述称,她们被召集起来,参加每月一次的课程,韩国官员称赞她们是“挣美元的爱国者”,而美国官员则敦促她们避免性传播疾病。这些女性必须每周接受两次检测;检测呈阳性者被拘禁起来接受治疗。
        Under rules U.S. military and South Korean officials worked out, camp town women had to carry registration and V.D. test cards and to wear numbered badges or name tags, according to unsealed documents and former comfort women.        根据未公开的文件和前慰安妇的说法,美国军方和韩国官员制定的规定要求基地村女性必须携带登记卡和VD检测卡,并佩戴有编号的徽章或名牌。
        The U.S. military conducted routine inspections at the camp town clubs, keeping photo files of the women at base clinics to help infected soldiers identify contacts. The detained included not only women found to be infected, but also those identified as contacts or those lacking a valid test card during random inspections.        美国军方定期检查基地村俱乐部,在基地诊所保存这些女性的照片档案,以帮助受感染的士兵识别接触者。被拘禁者不仅包括被发现感染的妇女,还包括在随机检查中被确定为接触者或没有有效检测卡的女性。
        They were held in facilities with barred windows and heavily dosed with penicillin. The women interviewed by The Times all remembered these places with dread, recalling colleagues who collapsed or died from penicillin shock.        她们被关在窗户有栅栏的设施里,并被大量注射青霉素。接受时报采访的女性都恐惧地回忆起这些地方,回忆起那些因青霉素休克而晕倒或死亡的同事。
        Shame, Silence and Even Death        羞耻,沉默,甚至死亡
        None of the government documents unsealed in recent years revealed any evidence to suggest that South Korea was directly involved in recruiting the women for American troops, unlike many women forced into sexual slavery under Japanese occupation.        近年来公开的政府文件中,没有任何证据表明韩国直接参与了为美国军队招募女性的行动,这与日本占领期间许多女性被迫成为性奴隶不同。
        But unlike the victims of the Japanese military — honored as symbols of Korea’s suffering under colonial rule — these women say they have had to live in shame and silence.        但与日本军队的受害者不同——那些受害者被视为朝鲜在殖民统治下遭受苦难的象征——这些女性们说,她们不得不生活在耻辱和沉默中。
        South Koreans began to pay more attention to the issue of sexual exploitation in camp towns after a woman named Yun Geum-i was brutally sexually assaulted and viciously murdered by an American soldier in 1992.        1992年,一位名叫尹锦姬(音)的女子被美国士兵残忍性侵并杀害后,韩国人开始更加关注基地村的性剥削问题。
        Between 1960 and 2004, American soldiers were found guilty of killing 11 sex workers in South Korea, according to a list compiled by the advocacy group Saewoomtuh.        根据倡导组织新避难所(Saewoomtuh)编制的一份名单,1960年至2004年期间,法院裁决共有11名性工作者被美国士兵杀害。
        The U.S. military declined to comment on the Supreme Court ruling or the women’s claims. “We do not condone any type of behavior that violates South Korean laws, rules or directives and have implemented good order and discipline measures,” its spokesman, Col. Isaac Taylor, said by email.        美国军方拒绝对最高法院的裁决或这些女性的说法发表评论。“我们绝不容忍任何违反韩国法律、法规或指令的行为,并实施了良好的秩序和纪律措施,”国防部发言人艾萨克·泰勒上校在电子邮件中说。
        A Legacy of Pain        痛苦的遗存
        Camp towns faded with South Korea’s rapid economic development.        随着韩国经济快速发展,基地村逐渐消失。
        Though former camp town women want to bring their case to the United States, their legal strategy there is unclear, as is what recourse they may find.        虽然曾经在基地村工作的女性希望前往美国发起诉讼,但目前尚不清楚她们将采取何种法律策略,以及能做出怎样的追索。
        In a psychiatric report that Ms. Park submitted to the South Korean court in 2021 as evidence, she compared her life with “walking constantly on thin ice” out of fear that others might learn about her past. Her arms and thighs show scars from self-inflicted wounds.        在朴女士于2021年提交给韩国法院作为证据的一份精神病学报告中,她把自己的生活比作“总是如履薄冰”,因为担心别人会知道她的过去。她的手臂和大腿上有自残留下的疤痕。
        Under the South Korean court ruling, Ms. Park and others were each paid between $2,270 and $5,300, which did little to ease their financial distress.        根据韩国法院的裁决,包括朴女士在内的所有人各获得2270美元到5300美元不等的赔偿,这对缓解她们的经济困境没有多大帮助。
        Choi Gwi-ja, 77, fought back tears when she described multiple abortions she and other women endured because of the prejudice against biracial children in South Korea. Her voice quavered recalling women who killed themselves after G.I.s who had taken them as common-law wives subsequently abandoned them and their children.        77岁的崔桂子(音)强忍着眼泪,讲述了她和其他女性因韩国对混血儿的偏见而经历的多次堕胎。她用颤抖的声音回忆起那些自杀的女性——美国士兵先是视她们为事实上的妻子,随后又抛弃她们和孩子。
        She recalled how officials once urged the women, many of them illiterate like her, to earn dollars, promising them free apartments in their old age if they would sell their bodies for money at the camp towns. “It was all a fraud,” she said.        她回忆说,官员们曾经催促她们(其中许多人像她一样不识字)去挣美元,并承诺如果她们愿意在基地村卖身赚钱,晚年就可以住进免费公寓。“都是骗人的,”她说。

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