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Marcos, Back in Arms of U.S., Is Making His Own Name in Foreign Policy

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-04 05:25

        Before becoming president of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. warned that “if you let the U.S. come in, you make China your enemy.”        在成为菲律宾总统之前,小费迪南德·马科斯警告说,“如果让美国进来,就是在与中国为敌。”
        But as he sat at the White House on Monday, President Biden feted him as a top ally, saying there was no better partner that Washington could have.        但当他周一坐在白宫时,拜登总统把他当作顶级盟友来款待,还说华盛顿没有比他更好的合作伙伴了。
        Mr. Marcos — in office for not even a year — has emerged as one of the Philippines’ most transformative foreign policy presidents, switching from a diplomatic tightrope to a forceful pivot toward Washington in the intensifying rivalry with China.        上任不到一年的马科斯已经成为采取最具变革性外交政策的菲律宾总统之一,在日趋激烈的中美对抗中,该国从小心翼翼的外交变为强有力地转向华盛顿。
        Soon after his inauguration in June, Mr. Marcos welcomed a succession of visits by several top-level American officials. Defense officials began briefing Mr. Marcos about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the parallels of a potential similar attack by China on Taiwan, which sits across a narrow waterway from the Philippines. Then, in January, Mr. Marcos announced that the United States would gain access to four more military sites in the Philippines. Last month, the Philippines hosted the biggest-ever joint military drills between the two countries.        6月就职后不久,马科斯就接连迎来几位美国高层官员的到访。国防官员开始向马科斯报告俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的情况,以及中国对台湾发动类似袭击的可能性——台湾与菲律宾隔着一条狭窄的航道。然后,在1月,马科斯宣布美国将获得菲律宾另外四个军事基地的使用权。上个月,菲律宾进行了两国有史以来规模最大的联合军事演习。
        “The surprising thing, for me, is the pace and the acceleration,” said Aries Arugay, a visiting fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore. “I would not have anticipated me saying this last year, but I think in terms of the foreign policy front, he is giving the right cues.”        “最让我惊讶的是事态的发展进度和加速,”新加坡东南亚研究所的访问学者阿列斯·阿鲁盖说。“我去年可能不会想到要这么说,但我认为在外交政策方面,他做出了正确的榜样。”
        Mr. Marcos, known by his boyhood nickname, Bongbong, has the electorate’s backing. Surveys have shown that most Filipinos consider China to be a pressing threat and want the Marcos administration to work more closely with the United States to resist Beijing’s territorial pressure and improve its security forces. Mr. Marcos’s approval rating stands at 78 percent, according to a March survey conducted by Pulse Asia, a polling company.        以儿时昵称“邦邦”而为人所知的马科斯得到了选民的支持。调查显示,大多数菲律宾人认为中国是一个紧迫的威胁,并希望马科斯政府与美国更密切地合作,以抵制北京的领土压力并提高菲律宾的安全力量。根据Pulse Asia民意调查公司3月进行的一项调查,马科斯的支持率为78%。
        Analysts say that another factor driving Mr. Marcos’s outreach is his personal desire to rehabilitate his family name, one that for decades was seen as a byword for excess and greed.        分析人士说,推动马科斯扩大影响力的另一个因素是他的个人愿望,他希望恢复家族名誉,几十年来,他的家族一直被视为过度和贪婪的代名词。
        The Marcoses are accused of looting as much as $10 billion from the government before fleeing to Hawaii in 1986, when the peaceful “People Power” protests toppled Mr. Marcos’s father, the dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos. The family returned to the Philippines shortly after the death of the elder Mr. Marcos in 1989.        马科斯家族被指在1986年逃往夏威夷前侵占了多达100亿美元的政府资产,当时“人民力量”和平抗议活动推翻了马科斯的父亲、独裁者费迪南德·马科斯。1989年,家族在老马科斯去世后不久返回了菲律宾。
        Since his election, the younger Mr. Marcos has embarked on 10 international trips that his administration says have drummed up investments, even though the opposition has questioned the usefulness of these visits.        自选举以来,小马科斯已经进行了十次国际出访,尽管反对派质疑这些访问的实效性,但他的政府表示拉到了一些投资。
        “The context here is that, for the longest time, the Marcoses have not been given access to the international space,” said Cleve Arguelles, the chief executive of WR Numero Research, a polling firm in the Philippines. “If you have this kind of ‘restorationist’ president, meaning restoring the reputation and the glory of the Marcos family, I think that plays into the decision of how foreign policy choices are made.”        “这里的背景是,在最长的时间里,马科斯家族没有获得进入国际视野的机会。”菲律宾民意调查公司WR Numero Research的首席执行官克利夫·阿奎莱斯说。“如果是这种‘复辟’总统,意味着要恢复马科斯家族的声誉和荣耀,我认为这会影响外交政策抉择。”
        Despite his new popularity, Mr. Marcos remains a polarizing figure.        尽管获得了新的人气,但马科斯仍然是一个褒贬不一的人物。
        On Monday, a group of left-leaning political activists gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Manila to protest Mr. Marcos’s meeting with Mr. Biden. “We fear that more of our sovereignty will be bartered off in exchange for secondhand equipment and promises of military aid,” said Renato Reyes, the leader of the group, Bayan.        周一,一群左倾政治活动人士聚集在美国驻马尼拉大使馆外,抗议马科斯与拜登的会面。“新爱国联盟”的领导人雷纳托·雷耶斯说,“我们担心我们的更多主权将被用来换取二手设备和军事援助承诺。”
        Even as recently as last year, it was unclear what kind of reception Mr. Marcos would receive in the United States. He faces an outstanding contempt of court order in Hawaii for refusing to disclose where his family’s wealth is hidden, resulting in damages that cannot be paid in a class-action lawsuit filed for human rights abuses under his father’s rule.        甚至就在去年,人们还不确定马科斯在美国会受到什么样的接待。他在夏威夷面临一项未决的藐视法庭令,原因是他拒绝透露其家族财富藏于何处,导致在对其父统治下的侵犯人权行为发起的集体诉讼中,相关赔偿金无法得到偿付。
        Soon after Mr. Marcos’s election victory, Kurt Campbell, the White House coordinator for the Indo-Pacific, said that “historical considerations” could pose “challenges” to the Biden administration’s engagement with Mr. Marcos.        马科斯大选胜利后不久,白宫的印太地区协调人库尔特·坎贝尔表示,这些“历史原因”可能会对拜登政府与马科斯的接触构成“挑战”。
        There are fears that Mr. Marcos could follow in the autocratic footsteps of his father, who was still supported by past American presidents before his fall. To his detractors, he is a historical revisionist whose sole aim is to whitewash his family’s tarnished legacy; he is accused of waging a disinformation campaign to win the election; and human rights activists say he has done nothing to address the abuses committed by his father and his predecessor, Rodrigo Duterte.        有人担心,马科斯可能会步其父专制统治的后尘,他的父亲在倒台前仍得到历任美国总统的支持。对他的批评者来说,他企图粉饰历史,其唯一目的是为家族洗刷恶名。他被指发动虚假宣传活动来赢得选举;人权活动人士说,他没有采取任何行动来解决他父亲和他的前任罗德里戈·杜特地犯下的侵权行为。
        For these Filipinos, watching the meeting between Mr. Marcos and Mr. Biden was surreal.        对这些菲律宾人来说,看到马科斯和拜登的会面会有一种难以置信的感觉。
        “There’s a lot of historical vertigo for folks who pay attention to Philippine politics, but also Filipinos themselves,” said Adrian De Leon, a Filipino writer and historian at the University of Southern California. “It was just less than 50 years ago that the father of the current president of this administration was being condemned publicly by a lot of prominent members of the U.S. government, Biden himself included. And here we have him courting the son.”        “不光是关注菲律宾政治的人对这些历史感到不知所措,菲律宾人自己也是如此,”南加州大学的菲律宾作家、历史学家阿德里安·德莱昂说。“就在不到50年前,本届政府现任总统的父亲遭到包括拜登本人在内的许多美国政府要人的公开谴责。而现在,拜登向他儿子示好。”
        Mr. De Leon said he found it particularly disturbing “the swiftness with which, history is not just forgotten, but actively lobotomized.”        德莱昂说,“这不只是在忘记历史,这是在主动切除,这种速度”让他感到特别不安。
        In 1986, Mr. Biden, then a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, criticized President Ronald Reagan’s “waffling statements” on the elder Marcos, who had imposed a 14-year period of martial law resulting in the arrests and torture of thousands.        1986年,时任参议院外交关系委员会成员的拜登批评罗纳德·里根总统就老马科斯发表了“胡说八道”的言论,老马科斯实施了14年的戒严,导致数千人被捕和遭受酷刑。
        “We cannot afford to choose between our interests in the Philippines. We have important military installations there and we have a commitment to the survival of democracy,” Mr. Biden said to the Senate, according to the Congressional Record. “The two are inseparable.”        “我们不能在我们在菲律宾的利益之间做出选择。我们在那里有重要的军事设施,我们承诺了要让民主继续下去,”根据国会记录,拜登对参议院说,“两者密不可分。”
        Representative Susan Wild, Democrat of Pennsylvania, has proposed legislation to suspend military aid to the Philippines until it improves its human rights record. She said she has pressed Secretary of State Antony Blinken repeatedly to raise the issue of human rights with Filipino officials and has “been assured more than one time that the Biden administration takes it very seriously.”        宾夕法尼亚州民主党众议员苏珊·怀尔德提议立法暂停对菲律宾的军事援助,直到其改善人权记录。她说,她已多次敦促国务卿安东尼·布林肯向菲律宾官员提出人权问题,并且“不止一次得到保证,拜登政府会非常认真地对待这个问题”。
        Mr. Marcos, 65, got an early taste of politics from his father. As a child, he met two of China’s transformative leaders, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, and Gen. Francisco Franco, the Spanish dictator. Mr. Biden noted that the last time Mr. Marcos was in the White House was when he accompanied the elder Marcos in a meeting with former President Reagan.        65岁的马科斯从小通过父亲接触政治。他在儿时见到过毛泽东和邓小平——中国的两位划时代领导人——以及西班牙独裁者弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥将军。拜登提到马科斯上一次来白宫,是陪同老马科斯会见前总统里根。
        Until last year, it was never clear where Mr. Marcos personally stood on the United States, given his family’s history. But by inclination and background, he has demonstrated that he is pro-Western in his leanings. He went to Oxford University in England. He enjoys watching Formula 1 and loves rock music, particularly Eric Clapton and the Beatles. He also loves cooking for his family and makes a mean gumbo, according to Matthew Marcos Manotoc, Mr. Marcos’s nephew and the governor of Ilocos Norte, the stronghold of the Marcos family.        鉴于马科斯家族的历史,马科斯个人对美国的立场一直不明朗,直到去年才有所改变。但从倾向和背景来看,他已经证明了他是亲西方的。他就读于英国的牛津大学。他喜欢看一级方程式赛车,热爱摇滚音乐,尤其是埃里克·克莱普顿和甲壳虫乐队。据马科斯的侄子、马科斯家族大本营北伊罗戈斯州的州长马修·马科斯·马诺托克说,他还喜欢为家人做饭,秋葵浓汤是他的拿手菜。
        Before last year’s visit to New York in September, Mr. Marcos had not set foot in the United States for 15 years, saying he could not “take that risk” of potential jail time.        在去年9月访问纽约之前,马科斯已经15年没有踏足美国,他说他不想冒着可能入狱的“风险”。
        Robert Swift, the lawyer who launched the class action suit against the Marcoses, said that he is awaiting a verdict from a New York court on a possible redistribution of $40 million worth of funds belonging to the elder Marcos and that he was optimistic about getting another payout for the victims.        对马科斯发起集体诉讼的律师罗伯特·斯威夫特表示,他正在等待纽约法院就老马科斯的一笔价值4000万美元的资金的再分配作出裁决,他认为有望为受害者再次争取到赔偿。
        Mr. Swift said that “the United States government can do better by human rights victims.”        斯威夫特说,“美国政府在对待人权受害者方面可以做得更好。”
        “But the story of the last 50 years is that the United States will support dictators so long as they are friendly dictators,” he said, “and that they will let them do what they want in their home countries without the U.S. interfering.”        “但过去50年告诉我们,只要独裁者是友好的独裁者,美国就会支持他们,”他说,“他们会任其在自己的国家为所欲为,美国不会干涉。”

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