越南现44.1度高温天气 打破历史纪录_OK阅读网
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越南现44.1度高温天气 打破历史纪录
Vietnam records highest ever temperature of 44.1C

来源:中国日报    2023-05-08 15:15

        Vietnam has reported a record-high temperature of 44.1C (111.38F), as weather experts and authorities told the population to remain indoors during the hottest parts of the day.        据报告,越南近日出现了创纪录的44.1摄氏度高温,气象专家和相关部门告诉民众不要在最热时间段出门。
        Scientists have said global warming is aggravating adverse weather. Neighbouring countries registered record temperatures during a heatwave in Asia in April.        科学家称,全球变暖令恶劣天气加剧。四月份亚洲遭遇热浪袭击,越南的邻国也出现了创纪录的高温天气。
        Vietnam’s record was measured indoors at Hoi Xuan station in northern Thanh Hoa province on Saturday, the National Centre for Hydro Meteorological Forecasting said, breaking the 2019 record of 43.4C.        越南国家水文气象预报中心称,上周六(5月6日)在越南北部清化省的回春气象站测得了44.1度的高温,打破了2019年43.4度的纪录。
        Nguyen Thi Lan, a farmer, said temperatures in the central city of Danang had forced workers to start their days earlier than ever. “We have had to finish before 10am to avoid the heat,” she said.        一位名叫阮氏兰的农民表示,越南中心城市岘港的高温迫使工人们比以往都更早出工。她说:“为了避开高温时段,我们不得不在上午10点前干完农活。”
        Vietnam’s weather varies from north to south, but the country as a whole is now entering its hottest summer months.        越南的天气从南到北各不相同,但是目前全国普遍都进入了最炎热的夏季。
        "This is a worrying record in the context of climate change and global warming,” Nguyen Ngoc Huy, a climate change expert, said from the capital, Hanoi. “I believe this record will be repeated many times. It confirms that extreme climate models are being proven to be true.”        越南气候变化专家阮玉辉在首都河内表示:“在气候变化和全球变暖的背景下,这是一个令人担忧的纪录,我相信这个纪录会重复很多次。这证实了极端气候模型是准确的。”
        Danang officials have asked Vietnam’s industry and electricity ministries to “cooperate to effectively deal with the heat, possible drought and lack of water,” according to state media.        越南国家媒体称,岘港官员请越南工业和电力部门“协同合作,有效应对高温天气,以及可能出现的干旱和缺水问题”。
        Officials have also told the city’s water supply company to ensure there are adequate supplies of water for domestic use.        岘港官员还要求该市的供水公司确保家庭用水供应充足。
        On Saturday, Hanoi city centre was almost empty at midday as many people remained indoors to avoid the sun..        上周六中午时分,河内市中心几乎空无一人,许多人都在室内躲避日晒。
        The Thai meteorological department reported a record-equalling 44.6C in western Tak province in April, while Myanmar media said a town in the country’s east reported 43.8C, the highest in a decade.        泰国气象部门四月份报告称,西部来兴府出现了与最高纪录持平的44.6度高温,与此同时,缅甸媒体称该国东部的一个镇出现了十年来的最高温43.8度。
        Both countries usually endure a hot period before the rainy season, but the intensity of the heat has exceeded previous records.        这两国在雨季到来前通常都会经历一段时间的高温天气,但是今年的炎热程度都打破了往年的纪录。
        Further west, Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, recorded its highest temperature since the 1960s.        再往西看,孟加拉国首都达卡也出现了上世纪60年代以来的最高温。
        Indian weather authorities said parts of the country were experiencing temperatures roughly three to four degrees above normal.        印度气象部门表示,印度部分地区的气温比往年高出了大约3到4度。
        A report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said recently that “every increment of global warming will intensify multiple and concurrent hazards”.        联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会近日发布的报告称,“全球变暖每加剧一分,都会令多重和并发风险恶化。”

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