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What to Know About the $787.5 Million Fox News-Dominion Settlement

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-21 03:53

        Fox News’s agreement with Dominion Voting Systems on Tuesday abruptly resolved a lawsuit over how the network amplified conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, which devastated Dominion’s reputation and business.        福克斯新闻周二与多米宁投票系统(Dominion Voting Systems)达成协议,突然化解了一项涉及该电视网如何放大2020年总统大选阴谋论的诉讼,这些阴谋论对多米宁的声誉和业务造成了极大的破坏。
        The network had advanced former President Donald J. Trump’s claims, which its own hosts did not believe, that Dominion’s voting machines had been used to tilt the election against Mr. Trump. The trial was set to begin on Tuesday, and gasps were heard in the courtroom when the judge announced the settlement.        该电视网宣扬前总统特朗普的说法,即多米宁的投票机被用来制造对特朗普不利的选举结果,就连该台的主持人也不相信这些说法。审判原定于周二开始,当法官宣布和解时,法庭一片哗然。
        Here are the key facts about the deal that ended the case.        以下是关于结案协议的关键事实。
        What were the terms of the settlement?        和解的条件是什么?
        At $787.5 million, the amount that Fox News agreed to pay Dominion was one of the largest in a defamation case. Fox was not required to apologize on the air, though it did make a statement recognizing that the court had found “certain claims about Dominion” aired on its programming “to be false.”        福克斯新闻同意向多米宁支付7.875亿美元,这是诽谤案中最高的金额之一。福克斯没有被要求在节目中道歉,尽管它确实发表了一份声明,承认法院认定其节目中播出的“有关多米宁的某些说法”是“虚假的”。
        The settlement carried an implicit plea of “no contest” to several pretrial findings from Judge Eric M. Davis, who presided over the case. He had written in one ruling that it was “CRYSTAL clear” that Fox’s statements regarding Dominion and the election were untrue.        该和解协议意味着福克斯对主持此案的法官埃里克·戴维斯做出的几项审前裁决“无异议”。戴维斯法官在一项裁决中写道,福克斯关于多米宁和选举的声明是不真实的,这是“非常清楚的”。
        Other details about the terms of the settlement remain unknown. Judge Davis did not say anything about them in court. It’s unclear whether the settlement will be publicly disclosed.        有关和解条款的其他细节仍不得而知。戴维斯法官在法庭上对它们只字未提。目前尚不清楚和解协议是否会公开披露。
        Why did Fox settle?        为什么福克斯和解了?
        The settlement prevented what could have been a costlier, lengthier and more embarrassing outcome for Fox.        和解协议避免了对福克斯来说可能代价更高、时间更长、更尴尬的结果。
        Dominion’s suit asked for damages of $1.6 billion, almost double the settlement figure. The trial could have gone on for weeks, followed by years of appeals.        多米宁在诉讼中要求赔偿16亿美元,几乎是和解金额的两倍。审判可能会持续数周,随后是数年的上诉。
        The case could also have put a spotlight on a stream of damaging information showing how Fox told its audience a story about interference in the 2020 election that many of its own executives and hosts did not believe.        该案件还可能让人们关注到一系列破坏性信息,让人看到福克斯如何向观众讲述了一个关于干预2020年大选的故事,而它自己的许多高管和主持人都不相信。
        Without the settlement, Fox’s biggest stars and top managers faced the prospect of testifying in a public courtroom and answering direct questions about whether they believed the election fraud claims. Rupert Murdoch, the 92-year-old Fox News founder, and the hosts Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo and Sean Hannity were potential witnesses.        如果不达成和解,福克斯最大牌的明星主持人和高管将面临在公开法庭上作证的可能性,并直接回答他们是否相信选举欺诈指控的问题。92岁的福克斯新闻创始人鲁珀特·默多克及主持人塔克·卡尔森、玛丽亚·巴蒂罗莫和肖恩·汉尼蒂都可能成为证人。
        “We are hopeful that our decision to resolve this dispute with Dominion amicably, instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial, allows the country to move forward from these issues,” the Fox Corporation said in a statement.        福克斯公司在一份声明中表示:“我们希望友好地解决与多米宁的争端——而不是通过一场激烈的分裂性审判——的决定,能让国家走出这些问题向前迈进。”
        What happens to other lawsuits against Fox?        其他针对福克斯的诉讼会怎么样?
        While Fox resolved its dispute with Dominion, the network remains entangled in similar lawsuits related to its coverage of the 2020 election.        虽然福克斯解决了与多米宁的纠纷,但它依然深陷于2020年大选报道相关的类似诉讼中。
        Months before Dominion filed its defamation claim, Smartmatic, another voting machine company, filed its own, demanding $2.7 billion in damages. Fox denied wrongdoing, saying it had simply reported on newsworthy allegations coming from Mr. Trump.        在多米宁提起诽谤诉讼的几个月前,另一家投票机公司Smartmatic也提起诉讼,要求27亿美元的赔偿金。福克斯否认有不当行为,称它只是报道了特朗普提出的有新闻价值的指控。
        A day after the Smartmatic suit was filed, Fox Business canceled the show of Lou Dobbs, who was named as a defendant. A New York appeals court denied Fox’s request to dismiss the case in February. A New York judge last month agreed the case could proceed.        在Smartmatic提起诉讼的第二天,福克斯商业新闻频道取消了列为被告的卢·多布斯的节目。今年2月,纽约一家上诉法院驳回了福克斯要求驳回此案的请求。上个月,纽约的一名法官同意此案可以继续进行。
        In March, Abby Grossberg, a Fox News producer who had worked with Ms. Bartiromo and Mr. Carlson, filed two lawsuits, in Delaware and in New York. She accused Fox of coercing her into giving misleading testimony in the Dominion case and of creating a hostile, discriminatory work environment.        今年3月,曾与巴蒂罗莫和卡尔森共事的福克斯新闻制片人艾比·格罗斯伯格在特拉华州和纽约州提起了两起诉讼。她指责福克斯强迫她在多米宁案中提供误导性证词,并创造了一个充满敌意和歧视性的工作环境。
        After she filed the complaints, Fox fired Ms. Grossberg. “We will continue to vigorously defend Fox against Ms. Grossberg’s unmeritorious legal claims, which are riddled with false allegations against Fox and our employees,” a Fox News spokeswoman said.        在她提出投诉后,福克斯解雇了格罗斯伯格。福克斯新闻的一名发言人说,“我们将继续积极为福克斯辩护,反对格罗斯伯格女士毫无根据的法律指控,这些指控充满了对福克斯和我们员工的虚假指控。”
        What does this mean for Fox?        这对福克斯来说意味着什么?
        The settlement dealt a significant financial blow to Mr. Murdoch’s news channel. A recent corporate filing showed that Fox Corporation had about $4.1 billion in cash and “cash equivalents” at the end of last year. The pending cases could also prove costly for Fox.        和解对默多克的新闻频道造成了重大的财务打击。最近的一份公司备案文件显示,截至去年年底,福克斯公司拥有约41亿美元的现金和“现金等价物”。那些未决案件也可能让福克斯付出高昂的代价。
        It remains unclear whether the settlement will cause Fox News to change how it handles the coverage of conspiracy theories like the ones involving Dominion. On Tuesday, while the blockbuster settlement topped the news on other television networks, it was covered only three times by Fox in the first four hours or so after the settlement became public, amounting to about six minutes of coverage.        目前尚不清楚和解协议是否会导致福克斯新闻改变其处理阴谋论报道的方式,比如涉及多米宁公司的阴谋论。周二,虽然这一轰动性的和解协议在其他电视台成了大新闻,但在该协议公开后的前四个小时左右,福克斯对此只报道了三次,总计约六分钟。

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