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Why the Seoul-Tokyo Détente Is Crucial to U.S. Strategy

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-26 05:27

        South Korea and Japan have been the two most important allies of the United States in East Asia for decades, and it has long troubled Washington that the pair could not get along.        几十年来,韩国和日本一直是美国在东亚地区最重要的两个盟友,两国关系不融洽长期以来一直困扰着华盛顿。
        South Koreans say Japan never properly apologized or atoned for its brutal colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula from 1910 to 1945. To the Japanese, South Korea has often been an untrustworthy neighbor who has broken several promises, including treaty agreements that were designed to salve historical wounds.        韩国人说,日本对1910年至1945年在朝鲜半岛的残酷殖民统治从未正式道歉或赎罪。对日本人而言,韩国这个邻国有时很不可信,屡屡违背承诺,包括旨在抚慰历史伤口的条约协议。
        In recent years, the United States has found the need for a diplomatic rapprochement between its East Asian allies more pressing than ever as it tries to mobilize like-minded partners to deal with common threats, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine, China’s economic and military ambitions and North Korea’s growing nuclear weapons program.        近年来,美国在试图动员志同道合的伙伴应对共同威胁时发现,它比以往任何时候都更加紧迫地需要东亚盟友之间的外交和解,这些威胁包括俄罗斯入侵乌克兰、中国经济和军事野心和朝鲜不断发展的核武器计划。
        Against this backdrop, ties between Seoul and Tokyo have started to thaw. In March, the two countries began taking steps to address a long-festering dispute over wartime forced labor. This week, South Korea restored Japan’s status as a preferred trading partner, and the South Korean president, Yoon Suk Yeol, drew notice in his home country after declaring that Japan must no longer be expected to “kneel because of our history 100 years ago.”        在此背景下,首尔与东京的关系开始缓和。3月,两国开始采取措施解决关于战时强迫劳动这个长期恶化的争端。本周,韩国恢复了日本作为特惠贸易伙伴的地位,韩国总统尹锡悦宣布不能再期望日本“因为我们100年前的历史而下跪”,在韩国引发关注。
        As Mr. Yoon visits Washington this week for a state dinner on Wednesday and an address to Congress the following day, President Biden and other American officials will discuss ways to continue the momentum toward détente. Here is why it is crucial to Washington’s strategy in Asia and beyond.        尹锡悦本周访问华盛顿,周三参加了一场国宴,次日在国会发表讲话,拜登总统和其他美国官员将借此讨论如何继续保持缓和势头。这对华盛顿在亚洲及其他地区的战略至关重要,原因如下。
        Alliances are crucial in a shifting world.        在瞬息万变的世界中,联盟至关重要。
        The United States has tried to persuade its allies in the Indo-Pacific to cooperate more closely by introducing a bevy of partnerships, such as the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, the four-nation “Quad” consultative body, the AUKUS security pact, the Chip 4 alliance and the Partners in the Blue Pacific initiative.        美国试图通过引入一系列伙伴关系来说服其印太盟友更紧密地合作,例如印太经济繁荣框架、四国“四方”协商机构、AUKUS安全协定、“芯片四国联盟”和“蓝色太平洋伙伴”倡议。
        A strong bilateral partnership between Japan and South Korea has long been on Washington’s wish list, but the troubled relationship has kept it from happening.        华盛顿长期以来一直希望日本和韩国成为牢固的双边伙伴,但两国麻烦重重的关系使这一希望无法实现。
        Now, both Tokyo and Seoul are moving to align themselves more closely with Washington as China promotes an alternate vision of the world in which the United States has less power.        现在,东京和首尔都在努力与华盛顿更紧密地结盟,因为中国正在提出另一种对世界的展望,美国的力量在这个世界里得到削弱。
        Both countries supported Washington’s “free and open” Indo-Pacific vision, attending a NATO summit meeting last summer where leaders condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and expressed concern about China’s threat to undermine the international rule-based order.        两国都支持华盛顿的“自由开放”印太愿景,去年夏天都参加了北约峰会,领导人在会上谴责俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,并对中国威胁破坏基于规则的国际秩序表示担忧。
        Both countries have realized that the fast-changing, geopolitical environment has created challenges they cannot deal with alone. The joint maneuverings by Chinese and Russian military aircraft near South Korean and Japanese airspace in recent years helped drive that message home.        两国都意识到瞬息万变的地缘政治环境带来了它们无法单独应对的挑战。近年来,中国和俄罗斯军机在韩国和日本领空附近进行的联合行动也强化了人们的意识。
        Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan now calls South Korea “an important neighboring country that we should work with.” President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea has urged his country to no longer regard Japan as “a militaristic aggressor of the past” but as “a partner that shares the same universal values.”        日本首相岸田文雄现在称韩国是“一个重要邻国,我们应该与之合作”。韩国总统尹锡悦敦促他的国家不再将日本视为“过去的军国主义侵略者”,而是“拥有相同普世价值的伙伴”。
        The trilateral relationship with South Korea and Japan “is central to our shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific region, which is why I, along with other senior Department colleagues, have invested so much time and focus on this critical partnership,” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said in March.        国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯在3月表示,与韩国和日本的三边关系“是我们对自由和开放的印太地区共同愿景的核心,这就是为什么我和其他部门的资深同事投入大量时间并专注于这一重要伙伴关系”。
        North Korea is expanding its arsenal.        朝鲜正在扩大其核武库。
        North Korea’s growing nuclear and missile threat was an incentive for Seoul and Tokyo to recognize the strategic value of building up trilateral cooperation with the United States. In recent months, North Korea has not only fired missiles over Japan, but also threatened a nuclear attack on South Korea.        朝鲜不断增长的核和导弹威胁促使首尔和东京认识到与美国建立三边合作的战略价值。近几个月来,朝鲜不仅发射导弹飞越日本,还威胁要对韩国发动核攻击。
        South Korea has never been formally allied with Japan and has been reluctant to cooperate militarily with the country beyond humanitarian search-and-rescue missions on the high seas. But they are expanding military cooperation now, mainly because of North Korea.        韩国从未与日本正式结盟,在公海上,除了人道主义搜救任务之外,韩国也不愿与日本进行军事合作。但他们现在正在扩大军事合作,主要是因为朝鲜。
        When the leaders of the United States, Japan and South Korea met in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, last November, they agreed to share real-time North Korean missile warning data. The three nations have also expanded trilateral missile defense and other military exercises in recent months.        去年11月,当美国、日本和韩国的领导人在柬埔寨金边会面时,他们同意分享朝鲜导弹实时预警数据。最近几个月,这三个国家还扩大了三边导弹防御和其他军事演习。
        One of the steps Seoul took to mend ties with Tokyo in March was to formally reinstate a bilateral military intelligence-sharing agreement that helps the two neighbors guard against North Korean missiles.‌ At the height of the dispute over wartime forced labor in 2019, Seoul announced plans to terminate the accord.        首尔在3月为修复与东京关系而采取的措施之一是正式恢复双边军事情报共享协议,帮助这两个邻国防御朝鲜导弹。在2019年战时强迫劳动争议最严重的时候,首尔宣布了终止协议的计划。
        Global supply chains are more vulnerable.        全球供应链变得更加脆弱。
        That same year, 2019, Japan imposed restrictions on exporting chemicals essential to South Korea’s semiconductor industry. Seoul filed a complaint against Tokyo with the World Trade Organization. Both nations removed each other from their so-called white list of preferential trade partners.        同样在2019年,日本对出口至韩国的一些化学品实施了限制,这些化学品对于韩国半导体业至关重要。首尔向世界贸易组织提出对东京的申诉。两国将对方从所谓的特惠贸易伙伴白名单中删除。
        But in an atmosphere of increasing threat to global supply chains because of war and geopolitical tension between the United States and China, in particular, Japan and South Korea are moving toward better mutual support.        但是,在全球供应链日益受到威胁的气氛中——尤其是受战争和中美地缘政治紧张局势影响,日本和韩国正朝着更加相互支持的方向发展。
        Last month, Tokyo and Seoul agreed to withdraw those export controls, and Seoul withdrew its W.T.O. complaint. Seoul and Tokyo also agreed to start an “economic security dialogue” to discuss cooperation in key technologies and supply chains. Mr. Yoon’s government recently expressed hopes of attracting Japanese companies to a $228 billion semiconductor complex South Korea plans to build near Seoul by 2042.        上个月,东京和首尔同意取消这些出口管制,首尔也撤回了世贸组织申诉。首尔和东京还同意启动“经济安全对话”,讨论关键技术和供应链方面的合作。尹锡悦政府最近表示希望吸引日本公司来到韩国计划于2042年在首尔附近建造的价值2280亿美元的半导体园区。
        South Korea is the world’s leading producer of memory chips, and Japan supplies tools and materials essential to chip-making. Last year, Washington proposed the so-called Chip 4 Alliance with the two allies and Taiwan to keep China at bay in the contest for global semiconductor supply chains.        韩国是世界领先的存储芯片生产国,而日本提供芯片制造必不可少的工具和材料。去年,华盛顿提议与两个盟友和台湾建立所谓的“芯片四国联盟”,以在全球半导体供应链的竞争中将中国排除在外。
        Tension with China over Taiwan is rising.        中美关系在台湾问题上的紧张局势正在加剧。
        Seoul, Tokyo and Washington share a strong common interest in keeping peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.        首尔、东京和华盛顿在维护台湾海峡的和平与稳定方面有着强烈的共同利益。
        Security analysts fear that China might attempt to invade Taiwan, similar to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. If that happened, some experts warn that North Korea might take the opportunity to start a war on the Korean Peninsula and realize its own territorial ambitions.        安全分析人士担心,中国可能会像俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰那样试图入侵台湾。如果发生这种情况,一些专家警告,朝鲜可能会乘机在朝鲜半岛发动战争,实现自己的领土野心。
        Such a move would open two simultaneous battlefronts for the American military in the region.        此举将使美国军队在该地区同时开辟两条战线。
        “If a clash erupts in the Taiwan Strait, the United States will demand various cooperation from its allies and partner nations,” Kim Han-kwon, a professor at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security in Seoul, wrote in a paper in February. “It sees its bilateral alliances with South Korea and Japan, in particular, as key regional strategic assets in connection with the Taiwan Strait.”        “如果台湾海峡爆发冲突,美国将要求其盟友和伙伴国家进行各种合作,”首尔外交与国家安全研究所教授金汉权(音)在2月的一篇论文中写道。“尤其是美国与韩国和日本的双边联盟,将被视为与台湾海峡相关的重要区域战略资产。”
        Japan and South Korea have been able to thrive economically in part because of the security the United States provides by keeping a large military presence in both nations. Washington has also vowed to protect its allies through “extended deterrence,” a commitment to using the full range of American weapons — including nuclear capabilities — in the event of conflict.        日本和韩国能够在经济上蓬勃发展,部分原因是美国通过在两国保持大量军事存在而提供了安全保障。华盛顿还发誓要通过“扩大威慑力”来保护其盟友,承诺在发生冲突时使用美国的所有武器——包括核能力。
        Now, the United States wants all its allies to play a bigger role in regional defense.        现在,美国希望其所有盟友在区域防御中发挥更大的作用。
        In addition to South Korea and Japan, Washington has recently moved to strengthen its military ties with Australia, India and the Philippines to counterbalance China’s influence in the region and to bolster its ability to defend Taiwan.        除了韩国和日本,华盛顿最近还加强了与澳大利亚、印度和菲律宾的军事关系,以抗衡中国在该地区的影响力,并增强其自身保卫台湾的能力。

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