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Ex-Harvard Professor Sentenced in China Ties Case

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-27 03:26

        The News        新闻
        Charles Lieber, a former Harvard chemistry professor, was sentenced on Tuesday for making false statements to the U.S. government and for failing to declare large sums of money he’d been paid as part of a contract with a Chinese program, Thousand Talents, and Wuhan University in China.        周二,哈佛大学前化学教授查尔斯·利伯被判刑,罪名是向美国政府作出虚假陈述,以及未能申报大笔款项,这些款项来自他与中国“千人计划”以及武汉大学签订的合同。
        Dr. Lieber was convicted of the charges in December 2021 after a jury trial. He is to serve two days in prison, followed by two years of supervised release with six months of home confinement. He also is to pay a fine of $50,000 along with $34,000 restitution to the Internal Revenue Service.        经陪审团审理,利伯于2021年12月被判罪名成立。他将在监狱服刑两天,接下来是两年的监管释放,以及六个月的居家监禁。他还将向国税局支付5万美元的罚款以及3.4万美元的赔偿。
        Christina Sterling, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Boston, said prosecutors had asked that he be sentenced to 90 days in prison and pay a $250,000 fine.        波士顿联邦检察官办公室发言人克里斯蒂娜·斯特林表示,检察官要求判处他90天监禁,并支付25万美元罚款。
        Background        背景
        Dr. Lieber, now 64, had been chairman of Harvard’s chemistry and chemical biology department. For his work on nanotechnology, he had been seen by some as a contender for the Nobel Prize.        现年64岁的利伯曾任哈佛大学化学与化学生物学系主任。由于他在纳米技术方面的工作,有的人认为他具备竞逐诺贝尔奖的资格。
        Since 2008, prosecutors said, his laboratory at Harvard had received research grants totaling $18 million from the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health.        检察官表示,自2008年以来,他在哈佛的实验室从国防部和美国国立卫生研究院获得了总计1800万美元的研究经费。
        But he also secretly accepted money from China, which had established a government initiative, the Thousand Talents program, to gain access to scientific knowledge and expertise, often paying scientists lavishly.        但他还秘密接受了来自中国的资金,中国政府发起了一项“千人计划”,通常会向科学家支付巨额报酬以获取科学知识和专业知识。
        When questioned about his involvement with Thousand Talents in 2018 by federal investigators, he denied it. He also failed to report his income to the I.R.S.        联邦调查人员在2018年询问他是否参与了“千人计划”,他予以否认。他也没有向美国国税局报告他的收入。
        But the Justice Department found that Dr. Lieber had a three-year contract with Thousand Talents, under which he agreed to establish a research lab at Wuhan University and to publish articles, organize international conferences and apply for patents on the school’s behalf.        但司法部查明,利伯与“千人计划”签订了为期三年的合同,根据合同,他同意在武汉大学建立研究实验室,并代表学校发表论文、组织国际会议和申请专利。
        The university agreed to pay him up to $50,000 a month as a salary and to provide living expenses of up to $150,000.        大学同意每月向他支付高达5万美元的工资,并提供高达15万美元的生活费。
        At his trial he said that a portion of his salary was deposited in a Chinese bank account. The rest, between $50,000 and $100,000, was paid in $100 bills.        在受审时,他说他的部分工资存入了一个中国银行账户。其余的部分以百元面额的美元钞票支付,大约在5万美元到10万美元之间。
        “They would give me a package, a brown thing with some Chinese characters on it, I would throw it in my bag,” he said at the trial. After returning home, he said, “I didn’t declare it, and that’s illegal.”        “他们会给我一个包裹,一个棕色的东西,上面有一些汉字,我会把它扔进我的包里,”他在审判中说。他说,到家后,“我没有申报,我这样做是违法的。”
        At his trial he confessed that money was not the lure — it was the opportunity to advance his career.        他在受审时承认,他不是被金钱诱惑,而是因为这是让他的职业生涯更进一步的机会。
        “This is embarrassing,” he said at his trial. “Every scientist wants to win a Nobel Prize.”        “这真令人羞愧,”他在受审时说。“每个科学家都想获得诺贝尔奖。”
        His lawyers, noting that he has an incurable blood cancer, had asked that he be sentenced to probation or home confinement instead of serving time in prison.        他的律师提到他患有无法治愈的血癌,要求判处他缓刑或居家监禁,而不是在监狱服刑。
        Why It Matters        为什么这件事很重要
        Dr. Lieber’s conviction in December 2021 resulted from the China Initiative, an effort launched in 2018, under the Trump administration, to identify scientists suspected of sharing sensitive information with China.        利伯于2021年12月被定罪是“中国计划”的成果,该计划于2018年由特朗普政府发起,旨在查明涉嫌与中国分享敏感信息的科学家。
        In early 2022, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said it had more than 2,000 open investigations related to theft from China of information and technology from the United States.        2022年初,联邦调查局表示有2000多项公开调查与中国窃取美国信息和技术有关。
        But critics said that the China Initiative had unfairly targeted academic researchers of Asian descent. While the initiative led to the conviction of Dr. Lieber and other researchers, another prosecution of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientist, Gang Chen, was dismissed.        但批评人士表示,“中国计划”不公平地针对亚裔学术研究人员。该计划导致利伯和其他研究人员被定罪,而另一项针对麻省理工学院科学家陈刚的起诉被驳回。
        In February 2022, the Justice Department ended the effort, with one official, Matthew G. Olsen, saying it “helped give rise to a harmful perception that the department applies a lower standard to investigate and prosecute criminal conduct related to that country or that we in some way view people with racial, ethnic or familial ties to China differently.”        2022年2月,司法部终止了这项计划,该部官员马修·G·奥尔森表示,中国计划“助长了一种有害的看法,即司法部适用较低的标准来开启调查和起诉与该国有关的犯罪行为,或者我们在某种程度上以不同的方式看待与中国有种族、民族或家庭关系的人”。

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