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Death Toll in Beijing Hospital Fire Soars to 29

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-20 11:46

        A dozen people have been detained in connection with a hospital fire in Beijing that has claimed the lives of at least 29 victims, the Chinese authorities said on Wednesday, attributing the blaze to possible negligence after sparks from internal construction ignited flammable paint.        中国当局周三表示,与北京长峰医院火灾有关的12人已被刑拘,这场火灾已夺去至少29人的生命,当局表示,火灾是由住院部内部改造施工作业过程中产生的火花引燃现场可燃涂料的挥发物所致。
        At a news conference on Wednesday, officials said most of the deceased were patients at Changfeng Hospital when the fire erupted around midday Tuesday in the southwestern part of Beijing. A nurse, a medical worker and a relative of a patient also died in the fire. Another 21 people were hospitalized in critical or serious condition.        在周三的新闻发布会上,官员们表示,火灾发生在周二中午左右,大多数死者是长峰医院的病人。该医院位于北京西南部。另有一名护士、一名护工和一名患者家属也在火灾中丧生。还有21名危重伤病员在住院治疗。
        A woman who lives in an apartment complex near the hospital, overlooking the section where the fire broke out, said that she started hearing people screaming for help around 1 p.m. the day before.        一名住在医院附近的女士说,前一天,她在下午1点左右开始听到人们大声求救。她住的公寓楼可以俯瞰发生火灾的院区。
        “I looked outside, and the sky was all black,” said the woman, who declined to give her name.        “我街上一看,天都是黑的,”这位不愿透露姓名的女士说。
        The woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she feared attention from the authorities, said she saw three people — two men and a woman — jump from a window on the second highest floor to a ledge protruding from the building, with one crumpling after landing. She showed photos on her phone of a person leaning out of the window.        因害怕受到当局关注,这位女士要求匿名,她表示,她看到有两男一女从大楼顶层往下数的第二层窗户跳到下面的平台上,其中一人在落地后跌倒。她打开手机上的照片,可以看到一人将身体探出窗外。
        “They were crawling from the windows, and I was scared they would fall,” she said.”        “他们往窗户爬,我怕他们摔倒,”她说。
        The fire appeared to be the deadliest in the Chinese capital in more than two decades, with the toll exceeding that of a 2002 fire at an internet cafe in the Haidian university district that killed 25 students and shocked the nation.        这场火灾似乎是20多年来在中国首都发生的最致命火灾,死亡人数超过了2002年的海淀网吧大火,那场发生在大学区的火灾导致25名学生丧生,震惊了全国。
        In the initial hours after Tuesday’s fire, government censors sought to quell public anger by restricting information on the internet.        在周二火灾发生后的最初几个小时内,政府审查员试图通过限制互联网上的信息来平息公众的愤怒。
        Chinese censors typically go on high alert after major tragedies involving public safety, attuned to the risk that grief and anger hold the potential to spur demonstrations of broader dissatisfaction with the Communist Party.        在发生涉及公共安全的重大悲剧后,中国的审查人员通常会保持高度警惕,担心悲痛和愤怒可能会引发对共产党更广泛的不满情绪。
        On Wednesday morning, the censors appeared to relax as online conversation about the blaze suddenly soared to the top of trending topics on Chinese social media platforms.        周三早上,审查人员似乎有所放松,网上对这场火灾的讨论突然飙升至中国社交媒体平台热搜榜首。
        Local officials apologized for the fire and said they would learn from the tragedy.        当地官员为火灾道歉,并表示他们将从这场悲剧中吸取教训。
        “We feel deeply responsible and guilty,” said Li Zongrong, a deputy district mayor of Beijing’s Fengtai district, the area where the hospital is. “I would like to express our deep condolences to the victims, sincere greetings to the families of the victims, the injured and their relatives, and apologies to the people of the city.”        “我们深感自责和内疚,”医院所在地北京丰台区副区长李宗荣说。“向遇难者表示沉痛哀悼,向遇难者家属、受伤人员及亲属致以诚挚问候,向全市人民表示歉意。”
        Yin Li, the highest ranking Communist Party official for Beijing, visited the hospital and vowed that the authorities would pursue those who were culpable for the fire, according to the Beijing Daily, the city’s official newspaper.        据北京市官方报纸《北京日报》报道,北京市委级别最高的官员尹力视察了医院,并承诺当局将追究火灾的责任人。
        A Beijing public security official said the authorities had detained 12 people, including the hospital’s director and deputy director, as well as the head of the construction company overseeing the work at the hospital. They were being investigated for possible violations of safety management regulations that resulted in a major incident with serious casualties, the official said.        北京一名公安官员说,当局已经拘留了12人,包括医院院长和副院长,以及负责监督医院工程的建筑公司负责人。该官员称,由于涉嫌违反安全管理规定造成重大人员伤亡事故,他们正在接受调查。
        A preliminary inquiry found that the fire started from a construction project in the hospital’s inpatient department, a fire official said.        一名消防官员说,初步调查发现,火灾是由医院住院部的一个建筑工程引起的。
        Officials said the hospital’s east building, where the fire broke out, mainly treats critically ill patients. Nearby residents shared pictures and videos on Chinese social media platforms, such as Weibo, that showed how the fire engulfed the hospital, making it difficult for patients who were on the upper floors to evacuate.        有关官员说,发生火灾的医院住院部东楼主要治疗危重病人。附近的居民在微博等中国社交媒体平台上分享了图片和视频,从中可以看到大火如何吞没医院,使得住在高层的病人难以撤离。
        The average age of the hospital patients who died in the fire was 71.        在火灾中死亡的医院病人平均年龄为71岁。
        Like other medical facilities in China, the Beijing Changfeng Hospital suffered greatly during the pandemic as a result of the country’s restrictive “zero Covid” policies, which limited the number of patients it could accommodate. Built in 1993 with about 150 beds, the hospital was temporarily shuttered at times during the last few years, according to Chinese newsmagazine Caixin.        与中国的其他医疗机构一样,北京长峰医院在疫情期间遭受了巨大损失,因为中国严格的“清零”政策限制了它能容纳的病人数量。据中国的新闻杂志《财新》报道,该医院建于1993年,约有150张床位,在过去几年里曾多次临时关闭。
        The Beijing hospital is the flagship facility of a medical care group with branches across China. The publicly traded parent company, also named Beijing Changfeng Hospital, incurred significant losses during the pandemic. It lost a combined 66 million yuan, or about $9.5 million, in 2020 and 2021, and an additional $4.6 million in the first half of 2022.        北京的这座医院是一家医疗集团的旗舰机构,该集团在中国各地设有分支。其上市母公司也叫北京长峰医院,在疫情期间遭受了重大损失。该公司在2020年和2021年共亏损人民币6600万元,2022年上半年又亏损3264万元。
        The 29 deaths put this blaze just below the threshold reserved for fires considered the most serious — killing more than 30 people or causing 100 million yuan, or $13 million, in damage. Investigations of such fires must be led by the State Council, or China’s cabinet.        这场大火的死亡人数达到29人,略低于特别重大事故的门槛——造成30人以上死亡或造成1亿元人民币的损失。对此类火灾的调查必须由中国国务院领导。
        The last disaster to receive that designation was a factory fire in Anyang, a city in Henan Province, that killed 38 people in November, but such blazes have been increasingly rare, a sign of the country’s progress in implementing tougher fire regulations.        上一次被认定为特别重大事故的火灾是去年11月发生在河南安阳一家工厂的大火,造成38人死亡,但这类火灾越来越罕见,这标志着中国在实施更严格的消防法规方面取得了进展。
        After the fire on Tuesday in Beijing, public safety officials across China conducted impromptu inspections of hospitals and elder-care facilities late into the night to ensure that evacuation routes were not obstructed, according to local media reports.        据当地媒体报道,周二北京发生火灾后,中国各地的公共安全官员对医院和养老机构进行突击检查直到深夜,以确保疏散路线的畅通。
        Beijing held a meeting with officials from across the city on Wednesday to carry out “comprehensive large-scale inspection and rectification of hidden dangers” in the capital.        周三,北京召开全市领导干部会议,在首都开展“全市安全生产隐患大排查大整治”。
        On Chinese social media, people questioned whether the government could have done more to prevent the tragedy.        在中国的社交媒体上,人们质疑政府是否本可以采取更多措施来防止这场悲剧。
        “Hospitals are full of sick, wounded, and weak people, shouldn’t they pay more attention to the safety of their surroundings?” said one comment on Weibo. “What should family members do?”        “医院都是病伤弱,不应该是更注重环境安全吗?”微博上的一条评论说。“家属怎么办啊?”
        The neighborhood around the hospital was calm on Wednesday evening. Older residents were walking dogs and parents were watching children on tricycles.        周三晚上,医院周围的街区很平静。年长的居民在遛狗,父母照看着骑三轮车的孩子。
        A young couple said that police had been stationed nearby all day.        一对年轻夫妇说,警察在附近守了一整天。
        The hospital’s eastern section was mostly dark, except for a few illuminated windows on the top floor. Dark stains blanketed the outer wall of the easternmost part of the complex.        医院东楼基本上是漆黑一片,只有顶楼几扇窗户亮着灯。建筑最东面的外墙覆盖着黑色的污渍。
        The western section was illuminated, and people could be seen in the windows. The hospital is still caring for patients but is not receiving new ones, a guard outside it said.        西楼则灯火通明,从窗户里可以看到人影。医院外的一名保安说,医院仍在治疗现有病人,但不再接收新病人。
        Around 8:30 p.m., at least two police cars were parked nearby, and eight uniformed police officers were standing by the hospital entrance.        晚上8点30分左右,至少有两辆警车停在附近,八名身穿制服的警察站在医院门口。

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