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In China, a Big Auto Show Returns to a Country That Has Gone Electric

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-20 03:17

        A hall showing off electric vehicles made by Nio, XPeng Motors, Zeekr and dozens of other Chinese companies was mobbed with visitors. An area nearby full of gasoline-powered cars by foreign brands barely got a second look by anyone.        一个展示蔚来、小鹏、极氪和其他数十家中国公司制造的电动汽车的大厅里挤满了参观者。附近的一个展区里展示的全是外国品牌汽油动力汽车,几乎没有人多看一眼。
        At the same event, Volkswagen, which vies with Toyota to be the world’s biggest seller of cars with combustion engines, issued a bold forecast: Within two years, half the cars sold in China, the world’s largest automobile market, will be electric, up from only 6 percent in 2020.        在同一场活动中,与丰田竞争全球最大内燃机汽车销售商地位的大众汽车发布了一个大胆的预测:两年内,电动汽车将占中国这个全球最大的汽车市场所售汽车的一半,这一数字在2020年仅为6%。
        The theme at the Shanghai auto show this week was clear. Electric cars are here to stay, and Chinese automakers are leading the field.        本周上海车展主题鲜明。电动汽车已经站稳脚跟,而中国汽车制造商在该领域正处于领先。
        Silvio Pietro Angori, the chief executive and managing director of Pininfarina of Italy, a nearly century-old car design business, said the global industry was not going back.        意大利宾尼法利纳是一家拥有近百年历史的汽车设计公司,其首席执行官兼董事总经理西尔维奥·彼得罗·安戈里表示,全球行业回不到过去了。
        The internal combustion engine, he said, “is done, it’s gone, it doesn’t exist any more.”        他说,内燃机的时代“结束了,消失了,不复存在了”。
        The Shanghai auto show is one of the world’s biggest, and the first of its size in China since 2019. During the pandemic, when China’s borders were sealed because of “zero Covid” precautions, its auto industry was quietly transformed and the market share of foreign companies shrank. Today half the cars sold in Shanghai itself are already electric.        上海车展是世界上最大的车展之一,也是2019年以来中国规模最大的车展。在疫情期间,当中国因“清零”措施而封锁边境时,其汽车产业悄然转型,外资企业市场份额萎缩。如今,上海本地销售的汽车中有一半已经是电动汽车。
        Brian Gu, the president and vice chairman of Xpeng, said his company planned to reduce the cost of building a powertrain — primarily the battery and electric motor — by 25 percent by the end of the year. Powertrains, particularly the batteries, make up about two-fifths of Xpeng’s overall cost of building an electric car.        小鹏汽车总裁兼副董事长顾宏地表示,他的公司计划在今年年底之前将动力总成——主要是电池和电动机——的制造成本降低25%。小鹏电动汽车的动力总成——尤其是电池——约占其总成本的五分之二。
        Ashwani Gupta, the chief operating officer of Nissan, one-upped Xpeng, saying his company’s latest designs would cut powertrain costs by 30 percent. Shohei Yamazaki, the chairman of Nissan’s China investments subsidiary, said Nissan would rely heavily on Chinese suppliers.        日产的首席运营官阿什瓦尼·古普塔给了一个比小鹏更高的数字,称公司的最新设计将使动力总成成本降低30%。日产的中国投资子公司董事长山崎庄平表示,公司将非常依赖中国的供应商。
        “Price competition in China is very fierce right now,” he said.        “目前中国的价格竞争非常激烈,”他说。
        Chinese brands have adopted unusual electric car designs while foreign companies and their Chinese joint ventures have played it safe. The wheels are nearly at the corners of the Chinese brand cars, an architecture that also allows more room for batteries under the floor in the middle. Nio and Xpeng have chosen sleek designs, while Changan, based in western China, is making cars so rectangular that they look faintly Cubist.        当外国公司及其中国合资企业则趋于保守时,中国品牌采用了不同寻常的电动汽车设计。中国品牌的汽车车轮位置几乎移到了四角,这种架构还可以为中间底板下的电池留出更多空间。蔚来和小鹏选择了流线型的设计,而总部位于中国西部的长安汽车的汽车设计方方正正,甚至看起来有点立体主义。
        “Some of that comes from the freedom from legacy,” said Felix Kilbertus, the chief creative officer at Pininfarina.        宾尼法利纳的首席创意官菲利克斯·基尔伯图斯说:“其中一些是因为它们不受传统的羁绊。”
        Great Wall, a Chinese maker of sport utility vehicles, has a new electric car brand, Ora, that is targeted to women. It named car models for cats, partly to appeal to lovers of the Hello Kitty brand. It has an electric car that strongly resembles a Volkswagen Beetle.        中国运动型多用途车制造商长城汽车拥有一个新的电动汽车品牌欧拉,主要面向女性。它以猫来命名汽车型号,部分是想吸引Hello Kitty品牌的爱好者。它的一个电动汽车型号非常像大众的甲壳虫。
        The main market for electric cars so far is China — E.V.s were a quarter of China’s market last year, compared with less than 6 percent in the United States.        到目前为止,电动汽车的主要市场在中国——去年电动汽车占中国市场的四分之一,而在美国则不到6%。
        Most of the cars displayed at the auto show use lithium batteries, the current industry standard, though companies are developing vehicles that run fully or partly on batteries made of sodium.        车展上展示的大多数汽车都使用锂电池,这是当前的行业标准,不过各公司正在开发完全或部分使用钠电池的汽车。
        At the moment, there is a glut of lithium batteries, but long term many in the industry believe sodium can become a viable alternative or supplement to lithium as a key ingredient in E.V. batteries. For one thing, the production of sodium batteries would be better for the climate.        目前市场上充斥着锂电池,但从长远来看,业内许多人认为钠可以作为锂的替代品或补充,成为电动汽车电池的关键组成部分。一个原因是,钠电池的生产对气候也更友好。
        Toyota’s chief scientist, Gill Pratt, contended at a session of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January that overall greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced more by replacing 90 gasoline cars with hybrid cars than by using the same amount of scarce lithium to build one battery-electric car.        丰田首席科学家吉尔·普拉特于1月在瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛的一次会议上指出,相比使用同等量的稀缺资源锂生产电池驱动汽车,用混合动力汽车取代使用90号汽油的汽车可以减少更多的温室气体排放。
        “If you think about the total amount of lithium that the world has, the key is let’s use it where it does the most good,” he said.        “如果考虑到世界上锂的总量,关键是用在能让它最大程度发挥益处的地方,”他说。
        Toyota has a vested interest in questioning the availability of lithium. It owns many key patents for hybrid cars, and has emphasized them over entirely electric cars that require far more lithium. American and European automakers like Ford Motor and Volkswagen, as well as most Chinese automakers, are still betting on battery-electric cars.        质疑锂的可用性是符合丰田既得利益的。它拥有许多混合动力汽车的关键专利,并且更重视混合动力车,而不是需要更多锂的纯电动汽车。福特汽车和大众汽车等美国和欧洲汽车制造商以及大多数中国汽车制造商仍在押注电池驱动的汽车。
        Prototype cars with all-sodium batteries that were disclosed in recent weeks by Chinese domestic carmakers and battery manufacturers have been low-budget microcars. One of them, the Sihao Huaxianzi from JAC Motors, in collaboration with HiNA, a sodium battery start-up, is designed for a top speed of 75 miles an hour.        中国国内汽车制造商和电池制造商最近几周披露的全钠电池原型车都是低预算的微型车。其中之一是江淮汽车与钠电池初创公司HiNA合作的思皓花仙子,其最高时速可达120公里。
        Pulkit Khurana, a co-founder of Battery Smart, an Indian company that provides batteries for three-wheeled auto rickshaws, expressed doubt that any technology, including sodium, would displace conventional lithium batteries soon. And with the price of lithium having dropped by two-thirds since November, the cost of lithium batteries is likely to drop significantly, he said.        为三轮机动车提供电池的印度公司Battery Smart的联合创始人普吉·库拉纳认为,传统锂电池不见得很快会被包括纳在内的其他技术取代。他说,随着锂价自去年11月以来下跌了三分之二,锂电池的成本可能会大幅下降。
        A midsize car or sport utility vehicle would have enough room for a far larger sodium battery than the low-cost subcompacts that Chinese manufacturers are initially building. Another possibility is to use a combination of sodium and lithium cells in a single car battery.        与中国制造商最初生产的低成本超小型汽车相比,中型汽车或运动型多用途车有足够的空间容纳更大的钠电池。另一种可能性是在一个汽车电池中使用钠电池和锂电池的组合。
        Using an artificial intelligence computer program, China’s CATL, the world’s largest manufacturer of electric car batteries, has figured out the complex electronics and programming for battery packs with some lithium cells and some sodium cells, said Huang Qisen, the deputy dean of company’s research institute.        中国的宁德时代是全球最大的电动汽车电池制造商,公司研究院副院长黄其森说,该公司使用人工智能计算机程序已经做出了由部分锂电池和部分钠电池组成的电池组的复杂电路和程序。
        CATL — the company’s full name is Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd. — said at the auto show that it would make sodium battery cars in cooperation with Chery, a Chinese automaker that is strongest in manufacturing low-cost subcompacts. But both companies declined to provide any details.        宁德时代在车展上表示将与中国汽车制造商奇瑞合作生产钠电池汽车,奇瑞在低成本微型车方面实力最强。但两家公司均拒绝提供任何细节。
        Switching to sodium could solve one of the biggest problems with lithium batteries, which put out much less electricity in freezing temperatures.        改用钠可以解决锂电池的最大问题之一,即锂电池在严寒中电量会有大幅折损。
        Because of chemical differences between sodium and lithium, a sodium battery loses less than a tenth of its power at very cold temperatures, according to battery chemistry experts.        据电池化学专家称,由于钠和锂之间的化学差异,钠电池在极冷的温度下流失的电量不到十分之一。
        “It is promising,” said Ouyang Chuying, the president of research and development at CATL. “Sodium has no resource limit.”        “有前途,”宁德时代研发总裁欧阳楚英说。“钠没有资源限制。”

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