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Yellen Calls for ‘Constructive’ China Relationship

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-26 03:12

        WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen on Thursday called for a “constructive” and “healthy” economic relationship between the United States and China, one in which the two nations could work together to confront global challenges in spite of their conflicting national security interests.        华盛顿——周四,美国财政部长珍妮特·L·耶伦呼吁在美国和中国之间建立一种“建设性”和“健康”的经济关系,在这种关系中,尽管两国的国家安全利益存在冲突,仍可以共同努力应对全球挑战。
        Ms. Yellen’s comments, which she delivered at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, were one of the most comprehensive articulations yet by a Biden official of the administration’s stance toward China. The speech struck a pragmatic but notably positive tone following months of heightened tensions between the nations, including over Chinese espionage and influence operations in the United States.        耶伦在约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院发表了这番评论,这是拜登政府官员迄今为止在政府对华立场方面最全面的阐述之一。这次讲话采用了务实但明显正面的语气,此前两国之间紧张局势加剧数月,原因包括中国在美国的间谍活动和宣传行动。
        Ms. Yellen stressed the importance of securing American national security interests, as well as of protecting human rights. But she also argued that the United States was secure enough in its leadership of the global economy to welcome economic competition from China, as long as the country played by international rules.        耶伦强调了确保美国国家安全利益和保护人权的重要性。但她也认为,美国在全球经济中的领导地位足够稳固,可以迎接来自中国的经济竞争,前提是中国遵守国际规则。
        “China’s economic growth need not be incompatible with U.S. economic leadership,” she said, adding, “We do not seek to ‘decouple’ our economy from China’s.”        她说:“中国的经济增长不一定与美国的经济领导不相容。”她还说,“我们不寻求与中国进行经济‘脱钩’。”
        She said that the Biden administration’s economic strategy is centered around investing in American infrastructure, clean energy and technology manufacturing, “not suppressing or containing any other economy.” And she urged China to work with the United States on challenges like helping indebted countries and mitigating climate change.        她说,拜登政府的经济战略重点是投资美国基础设施、清洁能源和科技制造业,“而不是压制或遏制任何其他经济体”。她敦促中国与美国合作应对帮助负债国家和减缓气候变化等挑战。
        Scott Kennedy, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the speech was “discordant with the general atmosphere in Washington and Beijing that the U.S. and China are destined to decouple and fight a war.”        战略与国际研究中心高级顾问甘思德(Scott Kennedy)表示,该演讲“不符合华盛顿和北京的总体气氛,即美国和中国注定要脱钩并开战”。
        Ms. Yellen articulated a positive rationale for having a commercial relationship with China in a way the Biden administration had not done before, Mr. Kennedy said. “By doing so, the administration has now clearly differentiated itself from the Trump administration in its approach to China.”        甘思德说,耶伦阐明了与中国建立商业关系的积极理由,这是拜登政府以前未有过的。“通过这样做,政府在对华方式上与特朗普政府明显区分开了。”
        Ms. Yellen’s appeal for cooperation might have sounded unremarkable a decade ago, but attitudes in Washington toward China have become significantly more dour in recent years.        要放在十年前,耶伦的合作呼吁可能听起来平淡无奇,但近年来华盛顿对中国的态度明显变得更加严厉。
        Republicans, as well as Democrats, now describe China as a dangerous economic rival and a security threat. Many have lost patience with the idea of bringing China into the rules-based international system, arguing that past efforts to do so failed to adequately improve the country’s practices.        两党现在都将中国描述为危险的经济对手和安全威胁。许多人对将中国纳入基于规则的国际体系的想法失去了耐心,认为过去这样做的努力未能充分改善该国的做法。
        Trump administration officials advocated a push toward “decoupling” the U.S. and Chinese economies, despite signing a trade deal with the country. The Biden administration has taken a more targeted approach, focused on preventing China from accessing technologies with military applications and lessening America’s dependence on China for critical products like solar panels and car batteries.        尽管与中国签署了贸易协议,特朗普政府官员仍主张推动美国和中国经济“脱钩”。拜登政府采取了更有针对性的方法,重点是阻止中国获得军事应用技术,并减少美国在太阳能电池板和汽车电池等关键产品上对中国的依赖。
        Relations have been particularly tense since February, when a Chinese spy balloon traversed the United States and caused a diplomatic blowup. Tensions also remain high over Taiwan, which China claims as its territory, and China’s close partnership with Russia.        自2月以来,两国关系变得尤为紧张,当时一个中国间谍气球飞越美国并引发了一场外交冲突。由于台湾问题(中国声称台湾为其领土)以及中俄的密切伙伴关系,紧张局势依然严峻。
        A prospective visit to China earlier this year by Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken was canceled following the fracas over the spy balloon. Ms. Yellen said she planned to travel to China “at the appropriate time” to engage in a “substantive dialogue on economic issues.” Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo is also exploring the possibility of a visit this year.        由于间谍气球的争吵,国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯今年早些时候计划的访华行程被取消。耶伦表示,她计划“在适当的时候”前往中国,参与“关于经济问题的实质性对话”。商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多也在探讨今年访问的可能性。
        Jonathan Ward, the author of “The Decisive Decade,” about U.S. competition with China, said it was “time to move past wishful thinking” that China could be a responsible economic partner for the United States.        就中美竞争撰写了《决定性的十年》一书的乔纳森·沃德说,现在是时候“摒弃一厢情愿的想法”了,即中国可以成为美国负责任的经济伙伴。
        “U.S. and allied economic engagement with China is creating enormous, systemic risks for America,” he said, increasing dependency on China and facilitating the transfer of “technology and capital that enables its military buildup, surveillance state and human rights abuses.”        “美国与中国的联盟经济往来正在给美国带来巨大的系统性风险,”他说,这增加了对中国的依赖,并促进了转移“技术和资本,助长中国的军备、监控和人权侵犯”。
        But Ms. Yellen said on Thursday that she and President Biden did not see the U.S.-China relationship as a zero-sum contest “where one must fall for the other to rise.”        但耶伦周四表示,她和拜登总统并不认为美中关系是一场“一方必须倒下,另一方才能崛起”的零和竞赛。
        “We believe that the world is big enough for both of us,” she said.        “我们相信世界对两国来说都足够大,”她说。
        Ms. Yellen also said that the United States was not trying to damage China’s economy, and that targeted actions the United States has taken against China — like cutting it off from some of the world’s most advanced semiconductors — were aimed purely at protecting U.S. national security.        耶伦还表示,美国无意损害中国经济,美国对中国采取的有针对性的行动——比如切断世界上最先进的半导体产品对中国的供应——纯粹是为了保护美国的国家安全。
        She added that the Biden administration was considering further restrictions on China, including a program to restrict certain U.S. investments in the country in technologies that could be used for surveillance or warfare. And she warned China not to provide material support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, saying that the consequences of violating U.S. sanctions on Russia “will be severe.”        她还说,拜登政府正在考虑进一步限制中国,包括一项限制美国在中国进行某些投资的计划,这些投资可能被用于监视或战争的技术。她还警告中国不要为俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争提供物质支持,称违反美国对俄罗斯的制裁“将带来严重后果”。
        The Biden administration has clamped down on doing business with China for certain advanced technologies, even as it aggressively subsidizes new manufacturing of semiconductors, clean cars and solar panels in the United States to build up alternative industries to China. Beijing has criticized the U.S. restrictions, saying that they are unlawful and a blatant effort to weaken the Chinese economy.        拜登政府已经禁止与中国就某些先进技术开展业务,同时大力补贴美国在半导体、清洁汽车和太阳能电池板方面的新制造业,以建立替代中国的产业。北京批评美国的限制,称其为非法,是在公然削弱中国经济。
        “These national security actions are not designed for us to gain a competitive economic advantage, or stifle China’s economic and technological modernization,” Ms. Yellen said.        耶伦说:“这些国家安全行动不是为了让我们获得竞争性经济优势,也不是为了扼杀中国的经济和技术现代化。”
        A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy, Liu Pengyu, said China supported a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States. He added that “China does not shy away or flinch from competition” but opposes a broadening of national security concerns in trade and any potential threats to global supply chains.        中国大使馆发言人刘鹏宇表示,中国支持与美国建立健康互利的关系。他还说,“中国不会回避竞争或在竞争面前退缩”,但反对在贸易中加剧国家安全担忧以及对全球供应链的任何潜在威胁。
        Ling Chen, an assistant professor in political economy at the School of Advanced International Studies, said that a “key challenge” with this approach would be separating areas of economic development that pose a national security threat from those that don’t. She noted that China manufactures more basic computer chips that are used in cars and toasters but also in tanks and weapons.        高等国际研究学院政治经济学助理教授陈凌(音)表示,这种做法的“关键挑战”是将对国家安全构成威胁的经济发展领域与不构成威胁的经济发展领域区分开来。她指出,中国在生产比较基础的芯片,多用于汽车和烤面包机,但也用于坦克和武器。
        “The potential problem is we live in a world where security issues and economic issues are increasingly intertwined. It’s very hard to separate,” Ms. Chen said.        “潜在的问题是我们生活在一个安全问题和经济问题日益交织在一起的世界。很难分开,”陈凌说。
        Still, she called Ms. Yellen’s focus on cooperation welcome. “Nobody wants a war,” she said.        尽管如此,她还是欢迎耶伦对合作的关注。“没有人想要战争,”她说。

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