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China realizes unified registration of immovable property

来源:中国日报    2023-04-26 10:23

        After ten years of efforts, China has fully realized the unified registration of immovable property, Minister of Natural Resources Wang Guanghua said Tuesday.        自然资源部部长王广华4月25日表示,经过十年不懈努力,我国全面实现不动产统一登记。
        In March 2013, China decided to set up an agency for the unified registration of immovables and to integrate related responsibilities assigned to multiple departments. It proposed to unify registration administration, documents, and certificates, as well as the information platforms.        2013年3月,党中央、国务院决定建立不动产统一登记机构,提出将分散在多个部门的不动产登记职责整合,实现登记机构、登记簿册、登记依据和信息平台“四统一”改革任务。
        Over the past ten years, China has issued more than 790 million immovable property rights certificates and 360 million registration documents, official data showed. The country slashed the time required to make regular or collateral registrations to no more than five days, down by 83 percent of the average time in 2015.        官方数据显示,10年来全国累计颁发不动产权证书7.9亿多本、不动产登记证明3.6亿多份。一般登记和抵押登记实现5个工作日内办结,较2015年压缩83%。
        China has completed property registrations for all households relocated to shake off poverty and ownership registrations for 413 million mu of state-owned land for agricultural cultivation.        我国全面完成易地扶贫搬迁安置住房不动产登记,基本完成农垦国有土地确权登记,登记面积4.13亿亩。
        China's property registration, perfected over the years, has lent better protection to property rights and enabled safer transactions, forming a stronger foundation for the socialist market economy regarding property rights, Wang said.        王广华表示,多年来,不动产登记不断完善,产权保护更加有力,交易安全更有保障,社会主义市场经济的产权基础更加坚实。
        To promote rural revitalization, Wang called for solid efforts to implement registration for contracted management rights and management rights of land in rural areas. The registration and certification of homestead ownership should be completed in three to five years, he added.        王广华指出,为助力乡村振兴,要稳妥做好土地承包经营权和土地经营权登记,用3至5年时间完成房地一体宅基地确权登记颁证。
                 土地所有权  land ownership rights
                 土地经营权 right of land management
                 农地流转  rural land transfer
                 新型城镇化 new type of urbanization

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