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China’s Car Buyers Have Fallen Out of Love With Foreign Brands

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-18 11:13

        For years, foreign automakers in China had a bead on customers drawn to luxury brands, like the Cao family in Shanghai. Not anymore.        多年来,在华外国汽车制造商一直把青睐豪华品牌的消费者,例如上海的曹氏夫妇当作目标。现在情况已经变了。
        Ben Cao and his wife, Rachel, both 36, are trading down from two Porsches to one, a gasoline-fueled $290,000 Porsche 911 sports car, and buying their first electric vehicle, a $70,000 sport utility vehicle designed and manufactured in China by a company called Li Auto.        本·曹(音)和他的妻子雷切尔都是36岁,他们正在将他们的两辆旧保时捷换成一辆售价200万元的汽油动力保时捷911跑车,以及他们的第一辆电动车,一款由中国公司设计和制造、售价49万元的运动型多功能车理想L9。
        “If you’re sitting in a Li Auto, the first feeling is of luxury,” said Mr. Cao, a business consultant.        “坐在理想汽车里,第一感觉就是豪华,”曹先生说,他是一名商业顾问。
        The rapid rise of Chinese electric carmakers like Li Auto, BYD, Nio and Xpeng Motors is the main preoccupation of the executives, engineers and designers arriving in Shanghai for the start of the city’s auto show next Tuesday. The country is now the world’s largest car market, and the home teams are routing multinational competitors that had until now mined the riches of China’s giant pool of customers. Buyers like the Caos, and China’s car companies, have embraced electric vehicles much more rapidly than almost anyone anticipated.        理想、比亚迪、蔚来和小鹏等中国电动车制造商的迅速崛起是周二抵达上海参加上海车展开幕式的高管、工程师和设计师的主要关注点。中国现在是全球最大的汽车市场,本土企业正在击败跨国公司,这些国外竞争对手此前一直从中国庞大客户群身上大获其利。像曹式夫妇这样的买家以及中国的汽车制造商接受电动汽车的速度远超几乎所有人的预期。
        The rise of Chinese auto companies, often subsidized by local governments in cities where they have factories, is another illustration of the country’s dominance in electric cars. China now manufactures and sells — at home and abroad — most of the world’s electric cars. Its prowess extends to the entire value chain for electric cars: It makes almost all of the cars’ electric motors and refines most of the chemicals used for lithium batteries. China even leads in developing what could be the next generation of technology, sodium batteries.        中国车企的崛起是中国在电动车领域占据主导地位的又一个例证,这些企业通常在设厂城市得到地方政府的补贴。现在,中国制造、销售(包括在海外市场)世界上的大部分电动车。它在电动车方面的专长覆盖整个价值链:制造几乎所有电动车的电动机,提炼用于锂电池的大部分化学品。甚至在开发有望成为下一代技术的钠电池方面,中国也处于领先地位。
        More than 80 percent of the electric cars sold in China last year were made by domestic automakers. Last autumn, they overtook multinational companies in the total number of gasoline-powered or electric cars sold each month.        去年在华销售的电动车中,超过80%是国内车企生产。去年秋天,它们每月销售的燃油车和电动车的销量超过了跨国车企。
        “Multinationals’ market share in China will likely continue to decrease due to the continuous development of Chinese automakers, especially in the electric car segment,” said Stephen W. Dyer, a managing director in the Shanghai office of Alix Partners, a consulting firm.        “由于中国车企的不断发展,尤其是在电动车领域,跨国公司在中国的市场份额可能将持续下降,”咨询公司艾睿铂上海办事处的董事总经理戴加辉(Stephen W. Dyer)说。
        As foreign automakers encounter problems in China, they are being pushed to shift more quickly to electric cars in Europe and the United States. The European Union and California want automakers to sell only zero-emission vehicles by 2035. And the Biden administration this week proposed emissions rules that would effectively require about two-thirds of new passenger cars sold in the United States to be electric by 2032 — standards that some automakers have complained are too stringent.        外国车企在中国遇到问题的同时,它们在欧洲和美国也被迫加速转向电动车。欧盟和美国加州要求汽车制造商到2035年时只销售零排放汽车。拜登政府本周提出的碳排放规则要求到2032年时,在美销售的新乘用车中有约三分之二是电动车,一些车企抱怨这个标准过于严格。
        With a couple of exceptions like Tesla, which China welcomed in 2018 for its technology, Beijing has compelled foreign companies to operate through joint ventures with Chinese automakers. Over the past four decades, multinational companies have trained an entire generation of Chinese auto engineers — many of whom now work for highly competitive domestic rivals.        除了2018年进入中国市场的特斯拉等个别例外(当时中国看好它的技术),中国政府一直强迫外国公司通过与中国车企建立合资企业在华运营。在过去的40年里,跨国公司培养了整整一代中国汽车工程师,他们中的许多人现在为与跨国公司竞争激烈的国内企业工作。
        Today the number of cars sold by the foreign companies’ joint ventures has plummeted as sales of gasoline-powered vehicles have shrunk and E.V.s have soared. Electric cars were almost a quarter of China’s market last year, compared with less than 6 percent in the United States, and are expected to be over a third by the end of this year.        如今,随着燃油车销量的暴跌和电动车销量的飙升,外国车企在华合资企业的销量大幅下降。电动车去年几乎占了中国市场的四分之一,预计到今年年底占比将超过三分之一,而在美国市场,电动车的占比不到6%。
        Ford Motor sold one million cars and light trucks in China in 2016 and in 2017 but barely 400,000 last year. Hyundai Motor, the South Korean giant, sold 1.8 million cars in China in 2016 and only 385,000 last year.        福特汽车2016年和2017年在中国销售了100万辆汽车和轻型卡车,但去年的销量仅为40万辆。韩国巨头现代汽车2016年在中国卖出了180万辆汽车,而去年仅卖出了38.5万辆。
        General Motors, which once vied with Germany’s Volkswagen for market leadership, has lost nearly half its sales in China. G.M. would be faring even worse if not for Wuling, a joint venture in which G.M. has a 44 percent stake. Wuling sells ultra-cheap pickup trucks and microvans that cost $4,800 to $21,800 and have slender profit margins.        曾经与德国大众汽车争夺市场领导地位的通用汽车公司在中国的销量已经减少了近一半。要不是因为合资企业上汽通用五菱的表现,通用汽车的情况会更糟,通用汽车拥有五菱44%的股份。五菱销售超级便宜的皮卡和微型货车,价格在3.4万元至153万元不等,利润率微乎其微。
        The market share of China’s domestic car companies rose to 52 percent in the last quarter of 2022, from 47 percent the year before, largely on a huge rise in electric vehicle sales. The best-selling brand is BYD, in which Warren E. Buffett was an early investor. It now holds 10.3 percent of the car market, up from 2.1 percent four years ago and supplanting the Volkswagen brand as China’s leader.        在2022年最后一个季度,中国本土车企的市场份额从一年前的47%上升到了52%,这主要归功于电动车销量的大幅增长。最畅销的品牌是比亚迪,巴菲特是其早期投资者。比亚迪现在中国汽车市场占有10.3%的份额,远高于四年前的2.1%,正在取代大众汽车成为中国市场的领导者。
        Volkswagen has also lost share, although less so than most foreign automakers. It plans to hold the worldwide introduction of its new ID.7 electric sedan in Shanghai on Monday.        大众汽车也在失去中国的市场份额,尽管情况要好于大多数外国车企。大众计划下周一在上海向全球推出其新款ID.7电动轿车。
        A Volkswagen spokesman said the company had already doubled sales of its ID. series of electric cars last year, and was refusing to cut prices like some competitors just to maintain the number of cars sold. G.M. plans to introduce four new electric vehicles this year in China for its Buick, Cadillac and Chevrolet brands, and plans to convert more than half its factory capacity in China to electric cars by 2030.        大众汽车发言人表示,公司ID系列汽车的销量去年已经翻了一番,公司拒绝像一些竞争对手那样为保持汽车销量降低价格。通用汽车计划今年在中国推出别克、凯迪拉克和雪佛兰品牌的四款新电动车,并计划到2030年时将其在中国一半以上的工厂产能转化为生产电动车。
        Volkswagen is so concerned about the China market that it chartered two flights from Germany to Shanghai to bring board members of the Volkswagen Group and its VW, Audi and Porsche brands to the auto show, said a person familiar with the company’s plans, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the plans were not public. Volkswagen declined to comment on its auto show travel arrangements.        一位熟悉该公司计划的人士称,大众汽车非常关心中国市场,为此公司包了两架飞机从德国飞往上海,将大众汽车集团及其大众、奥迪和保时捷品牌的董事会成员送来参加上海车展。这名人士要求不具名,因为这个计划尚未公开。大众汽车拒绝就其车展旅行安排置评。
        Electric vehicle sales have grown more slowly this year after national subsidies for purchases expired at the end of December. Sales of gasoline-powered cars have plunged as a purchase tax on them has been restored after a suspension during the pandemic.        国家提供的购车补贴去年12月底终止后,今年电动车的销量增长已放缓。燃油车的销量已大幅下降,因为政府恢复了疫情期间暂停征收的购置税。
        Tesla, which sells only electric cars, has had slower growth lately than Chinese electric car manufacturers, prompting the company to cut prices. That has set off a wave of discounting. Many consumers have waited to buy cars while watching whether electric car subsidies or purchase tax reductions will be restored.        仅销售电动车的特斯拉最近的增速低于中国车企,促使它降价促销。这引发了一波打折潮。不少想买车的消费者仍在观望中,看看电动车补贴或购置税减免政策是否恢复。
        “The weakness should be short term, because the weak sales were caused by the price chaos in March,” said Cui Dongshu, the secretary general of the China Passenger Car Association.        “疲软情况目前应该是短期的,因为三月份价格混乱带来销售疲软,”中国乘用车市场信息联席会秘书长崔东树表示。
        Multinational companies including Volkswagen and G.M. had introduced electric cars that looked like their gasoline-powered models, with the hope of achieving a gradual transition. But Chinese consumers have gravitated instead toward the flashiest electric car exteriors and interiors available.        包括大众汽车和通用汽车在内的跨国公司已推出了外观与它们的燃油车型相似的电动车,希望实现逐步过渡。但中国消费者们青睐更炫酷的电动车外观和内饰。
        Mr. Cao, the Porsche enthusiast, dismisses most designs of multinational automakers as dull.        保时捷爱好者曹先生认为,跨国车企的大多数设计乏味、沉闷。
        “They are far behind, no matter whether it is the U.S. ones and even the German ones,” he said. “They don’t even seem to be in the same age.”        “它们远远落在后面,无论是美国的还是德国的,”他说。“它们看起来甚至不属于这个时代。”
        Car fashions change quickly in China. Mr. Cao said that he was active in a 350-member club of Chinese buyers of the Sport Turismo version of the Porsche Panamera sedan, and that he knew of at least 50 others who, like him, were buying the Li Auto L9 sport utility vehicle.        中国的汽车时尚瞬息万变。曹先生说,他是一个汽车俱乐部的活跃成员,这家俱乐部由350名保时捷Panamera轿车Sport Turismo版的中国买家组成,他知道俱乐部里至少有50人和他一样,购买了理想汽车L9运动型多用途车。
        Unlike most large S.U.V.s on the global market, the L9 is electric. It has a small gasoline engine as a backup that can recharge the vehicle’s hefty battery pack. But the engine does not provide power to move the vehicle itself.        与全球市场上的大多数大型SUV不同,L9是电动车。它有一个小型汽油发动机作为备用,能为车辆的巨大电池组充电。但是这个发动机本身不提供让车开起来的动力。
        Mr. Cao said he doubted he would need the backup engine. He plans to drive the S.U.V. for day trips to large parks on the outskirts of Shanghai, recharging it at home each night. Such outings have become popular in China with the end of “zero Covid” quarantines and municipal lockdowns. For longer travel to other cities, he said, he would fly or take one of China’s many bullet trains.        曹先生说,这个备用发动机对他来说未必用得上。他的计划是,去上海郊区的那些大型公园一日游的时候开这辆车,晚上可以在家充电。中国结束了“新冠清零”政策、不再封城后,这种郊游已变得流行起来。他说,如果要花更长时间去其他城市旅行的话,他会选择飞机或高铁。
        Even the maneuvering for choice display locations at auto shows like the one in Shanghai has changed. Until the last several years, Chinese automakers vied to put their displays close to multinational brands like Mercedes-Benz, in the expectation that Chinese car buyers would flock to the multinational brands and might see the local brands along the way.        就连在上海车展这样的展览会上选择展位的策略也发生了变化。直到最近几年,中国车企都争先恐后地把自己的展位选在靠近梅赛德斯-奔驰等跨国品牌旁边,指望涌向跨国品牌的中国购车者们可能在看外国车的同时注意到本土品牌。
        But now, it’s Chinese electric car brands that other companies want to surround on the showroom floor, said Bill Russo, a former chief executive of Chrysler China. “You want to be closer to them — the Chinese companies have the hottest battery electric vehicles,” he said. “Foreign automakers don’t have the same halo now.”        但现在,是其他公司想把展位安排在中国电动汽车品牌的附近,克莱斯勒中国业务前首席执行官罗威(Bill Russo)说。“大家想离它们更近一些——这些中国公司拥有最热门的新能源车,”他说。“外国汽车制造商现在没有同样的光环。”

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