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Chinese Worker in Pakistan Is Arrested on Blasphemy Charges

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-18 12:05

        ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A Chinese worker on a dam project in northern Pakistan has been arrested and imprisoned on accusations of blasphemy, in a rare case of a foreigner being swept up in Pakistan’s harsh and controversial blasphemy laws.        巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡——在巴基斯坦北部某水电站项目工作的一名中国员工因涉嫌亵渎罪被捕入狱,在巴基斯坦,外国人卷入该国严厉且有争议的亵渎法实属罕见。
        The Chinese man was identified in a Pakistani police report as “Mr. Tian” and described as a transportation supervisor at the Dasu hydropower project, led by China’s Gezhouba Group construction and engineering company.        在巴基斯坦警方的一份报告中,这名中国男子被称为“田先生”,系达苏水电站项目的运输主管,该项目由中国葛洲坝集团承建。
        The police report, which was obtained by The New York Times, said the man was on a field visit along with a team of Pakistani workers over the weekend when he was accused of making blasphemous remarks and gestures against God and the Prophet Muhammad after afternoon prayers during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Under Pakistani law, a conviction on those accusations could bring the death penalty.        《纽约时报》获得的这份警方报告称,这名男子周末与一队巴基斯坦工人进行实地考察时,被指控在斋月的下午祈祷后对真主和先知穆罕默德做出亵渎神明的言行举止。根据巴基斯坦法律,对这些指控定罪可能会判处死刑。
        Officials said the Chinese man was being transported to a jail near the city of Abbottabad for his safety, and faced court hearings to determine whether he would be indicted.        官员们说,为了安全起见,这名中国男子将被送往阿伯塔巴德市附近的监狱,他将面临法庭听证会,以确定是否起诉。
        News of the accusations spread quickly, leading to protests on Sunday that were dispersed by security officials in the Kohistan region of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province.        有关指控的消息迅速传开,周日在开伯尔-普什图省戈希斯坦地区爆发抗议活动,后被安全官员驱散。
        The Chinese Embassy in Islamabad has not yet commented on the arrest. But the action could strain diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China, which have drawn closer in recent years.        中国驻伊斯兰堡大使馆尚未就逮捕发表评论。但此举可能会使近年来日益密切的中巴外交关系变得紧张。
        China has been a heavy investor in development projects in Pakistan for years under the so-called Belt and Road Initiative, and the protection of Chinese employees there has been a challenge for Islamabad. China has repeatedly urged the Pakistani authorities to ensure the safety of its citizens in the country after separatist groups and Islamist militants have repeatedly targeted Chinese interests.        多年来,在所谓“一带一路”倡议下,中国一直是巴基斯坦发展项目的重要投资者,保护在当地工作的中国雇员一直是伊斯兰堡面临的挑战。在分离主义组织和伊斯兰激进分子多次以中方利益为目标后,中国一再敦促巴基斯坦当局确保其公民在该国的安全。
        Now, the arrest of the Chinese worker is again illuminating the tensions within an otherwise close economic friendship. One of the protests involved demonstrators surrounding a camp for Chinese workers in Barseen, Kohistan, and throwing stones before they were dispersed by security forces firing into the air, officials said. Enraged protesters also staged a sit-in on the Karakoram Highway, causing hundreds of vehicles to get stuck. The protest ended after assurances by the local authorities of action against the accused man.        现在,这名中国员工的被捕再次凸显出原本密切的经济友谊下存在的紧张关系。官员们说,在其中的一场抗议活动上,示威者包围了戈希斯坦巴森的一个中国工人营地并投掷石块,后来安全部队向空中开火将其驱散。还有愤怒的抗议者在喀喇昆仑公路静坐,导致数以百计的车辆拥堵。在地方当局保证对受到指控的男子采取行动后,抗议活动才告结束。
        Rights groups have long campaigned against Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, but accusations and convictions have not ebbed under successive governments. People accused of blasphemy frequently become targets of mob violence and have been beaten or killed in growing numbers in recent years.        人权组织长期以来一直反对巴基斯坦的亵渎法,但在历届政府的领导下,指控和定罪并没有减少。被控亵渎神明的人经常成为暴民暴力的目标,近年来为此遭到殴打或杀害的人数不断增加。
        In many cases, the accusations have risen out of personal feuds, and religious minority groups — especially Christians, Hindus and Ahmadis — face those charges in disproportionate numbers.        在许多情况下,指控都由个人恩怨引发,而且在宗教少数群体中面临此类指控的人数比例过高,尤其是在基督徒、印度教徒和艾哈迈迪耶穆斯林当中。
        The blasphemy allegations in the country have resulted in a wave of violence, including the vandalization of Hindu temples and neighborhoods, the torching of police stations by furious mobs, the lynching of a student on a university campus, and the arrest and killing of teachers and senior politicians.        该国的亵渎指控导致暴力事件频发,包括破坏印度教寺庙和社区、愤怒的暴徒焚烧警察局、在大学校园内对一名学生实施私刑,以及逮捕和杀害教师和资深政客。
        Officials who have dared to speak out against the blasphemy laws have found themselves targeted, as well. In 2011, two politicians were murdered in similar episodes. Salman Taseer, then a provincial governor, was killed by a bodyguard after expressing opposition to blasphemy laws. And, Shahbaz Bhatti, a federal minister, was murdered for opposing the death sentence imposed on Asia Bibi, a Christian convicted of verbally insulting the Prophet Muhammad. Though Ms. Bibi was acquitted in 2019, she fled Pakistan, and her lawyer has been receiving death threats.        敢于公开反对亵渎法的官员也成了目标。2011年,两名政客在类似事件中遇害。时任省长的萨勒曼·塔西尔在表达反对亵渎法后,遭一名保镖杀害。此外,联邦部长沙赫巴兹·巴蒂因反对亚细亚·比比被判处死刑而被谋杀,亚细亚·比比是一名基督徒,被指控使用言语侮辱先知穆罕默德。虽然比比在2019年无罪释放并且逃离了巴基斯坦,她的律师仍一直收到死亡威胁。

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