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F.B.I. Arrests Two on Charges Tied to Chinese Police Outpost in New York

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-18 02:23

        For years, thousands of New Yorkers and tourists have walked past an unassuming office building in Lower Manhattan. On Monday, federal prosecutors unsealed criminal charges accusing two men of helping run an unauthorized Chinese police outpost there, one of more than 100 around the globe used to intimidate and control China’s citizens abroad, and to stamp out criticism of the ruling Communist Party.        多年来,成千上万的纽约人和游客都会路过曼哈顿下城一座不起眼的办公大楼。周一,联邦检察官公布了刑事指控,指控两名男子在那座楼里参与管理着一个未经授权的中国警务站,它是全球100多个用来恐吓和控制海外中国公民、压制对执政共产党的批评的警务站之一。
        The two men were arrested on Monday and charged with conspiring to act as agents of the Chinese government, and with obstructing justice. They are said to have used the police outpost to intimidate Chinese dissidents living in the United States, on China’s behalf.        两人于周一被捕,被控密谋担任中国政府代理人和妨碍司法公正。据称,他们利用这个警务站代表中国恐吓居住在美国的中国异见人士。
        Charges were also unveiled in two related cases: one against 34 Chinese police officers accused of harassing Chinese nationals who lived in the New York area, and another against eight Chinese officials accused of directing a Zoom employee based in China to remove dissidents from the platform.        另外两起相关案件的指控也已公布:一起是34名中国警察被指控骚扰居住在纽约地区的中国公民,另一起是八名中国官员被控指示一名在中国的Zoom员工将异见人士从该平台赶走。
        The Manhattan police outpost, court papers say, was overseen by the Fuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, a branch of China’s Ministry of Public Security. It is one of scores of such operations around the world that have unnerved diplomats and intelligence officials.        法庭文件称,曼哈顿的警务站由中国公安部下属的福州市公安局监管。这是世界各地数十起令外交官和情报官员感到不安的此类行动之一。
        The case represents the first time criminal charges have been brought in connection with such a police outpost, according to the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn.        据布鲁克林的美国检察官办公室说,这起案件是首次对此类警务站提出刑事指控。
        The charges against the men, Lu Jianwang, 61, also known as Harry Lu, and Chen Jinping, 59, grew out of an investigation by the F.B.I. and the U.S. attorney’s office into the outpost, which conducted its operations without jurisdiction or diplomatic approval.        这两名男子分别是61岁、又名哈里·卢的卢建旺(音),以及59岁的陈金平,对他们的指控源于联邦调查局和美国检察官办公室对该警务站的调查,该警务站在没有管辖权或外交批准的情况下开展活动。
        “Today’s charges are a crystal clear response to the P.R.C. that we are onto you, we know what you’re doing and we will stop it from happening in the United States of America,” Breon S. Peace, the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn said, using the acronym for the People’s Republic of China. “We don’t need or want a secret police station in our great city.”        “今天的指控是对中国的一个非常明确的回应,我们注意到了你们,我们知道你们在做什么,我们会阻止这种事情在美利坚合众国发生,”布鲁克林的联邦检察官布伦·皮斯说。“在我们伟大的城市里,我们不需要也不想要一个秘密警察局。”
        Officials described all three cases as being part of a worldwide effort to suppress criticism of China’s government.        有关官员称,这三起案件都是中国政府在世界范围内压制对其批评所做的努力。
        “The People’s Republic of China, through its Ministry of Public Security, has engaged in a multifront campaign to extend the reach and impact of its authoritarian system into the United States and elsewhere around the world,” said David Newman, the Justice Department’s top national security official in Washington.        “中华人民共和国通过公安部开展了一场多线作战,将其威权体制的范围和影响扩大到美国和世界其他地方,”司法部驻华盛顿的最高国家安全官员戴维·纽曼说。
        F.B.I. counterintelligence agents searched the police outpost, located on the third floor of a nondescript glass-sheathed building at 107 East Broadway, as part of their investigation last fall.        作为去年秋天调查的一部分,联邦调查局反间谍特工搜查了位于东百老汇107号一栋普通玻璃幕墙建筑三楼的警务站。
        The six-story office building, on a bustling street on the edge of Chinatown in Lower Manhattan lined with restaurants, seafood shops, electronics stores and other businesses, also houses an acupuncturist, an engineering company and an accounting firm.        这栋六层楼高的写字楼位于曼哈顿下城华埠边缘的一条繁华街道上,两旁林立着餐馆、海鲜店、电子产品商店和其他企业,还有一家针灸馆、一家工程公司和一家会计师事务所。
        The search amounted to an escalation in the global dispute over China’s efforts to police its diaspora far beyond its borders.        此次搜查行动意味着围绕中国在海外管理海外侨民的全球争议进一步升级。
        Officials in Ireland, Canada and the Netherlands have called on China to shut down similar operations in their countries. The F.B.I. raid in New York was the first known example of authorities seizing materials from one of the outposts.        爱尔兰、加拿大和荷兰的官员呼吁中国停止在这些国家的类似行动。联邦调查局在纽约的搜查行动是目前所知的首次有当局查抄此类警务站的材料。
        Mr. Lu and Mr. Chen were charged with obstruction of justice and accused of destroying text messages between themselves and their handler at the Ministry of Public Security in October 2022, around the time of the F.B.I. search.        卢建旺和陈金平被控妨碍司法公正,并被控于2022年10月,也就是联邦调查局展开搜查的前后删除了他们与公安部负责人之间的短信。
        They were also charged with conspiring to act as agents of the People’s Republic of China without registering with the Justice Department, as the law requires.        他们还被控密谋充当中华人民共和国的代理人,没有按照法律要求在司法部注册。
        The charges were announced Monday at a news conference in Brooklyn by Mr. Peace, Mr. Newman, and Michael Driscoll, the F.B.I. assistant director who leads the New York office.        周一,皮斯、纽曼和负责纽约办公室的联邦调查局助理局长迈克尔·德里斯科尔在布鲁克林的新闻发布会上宣布了这些指控。
        Mr. Lu, who is also known as Harry Lu, lives in the Bronx and maintains a residence in China. Mr. Chen lives in Manhattan. Both men are American citizens and were released on bail after appearances before a magistrate judge on Monday afternoon.        又名哈里·卢的卢建旺住在布朗克斯区,在中国有一处住所。陈金平住在曼哈顿。两人都是美国公民,周一下午在裁判法官面前出庭后获取保释。
        Relatives of the men declined to comment. A court-appointed lawyer for Mr. Chen, Susan G. Kellman, said that he worked as a home health aide and owned no property to use as collateral.        这些人的亲属拒绝置评。法庭为陈金平指定的律师苏珊·凯尔曼说,陈金平是一名家庭健康助理,没有财产可以用作抵押。
        In 2018 IRS filings, Mr. Lu was listed as the president of a nonprofit organization called the America Changle Association NY, whose offices housed the police outpost.        在2018年的国税局申报文件中,卢建旺被列为非营利组织美国长乐协会的会长,警务站就设在该组织的办公室里。
        A criminal complaint unsealed on Monday said that the group was formed in 2013 and lists its charitable mission as a “social gathering place” for people from the Chinese city of Fuzhou. The complaint says Mr. Lu serves as the association’s general adviser and Mr. Chen as its secretary general.        周一公布的一份刑事起诉书称,该组织成立于2013年,并将其慈善使命列为从中国福州市前来者的“社交聚会场所”。起诉书称,卢建旺担任该协会的总顾问,陈金平担任秘书长。
        When news that the F.B.I. had searched the Manhattan office was first reported in January, the Chinese Embassy in Washington downplayed the role of the police outposts, saying they were staffed by volunteers who helped Chinese nationals perform routine tasks like renewing their driver’s licenses back home.        今年1月,当联邦调查局搜查曼哈顿办公室的消息首次被报道时,中国驻华盛顿大使馆淡化了这些警务站的作用,称它们由志愿者组成,帮助中国公民完成日常事项,比如更新他们在中国的驾照。
        But the American authorities said that they were clearly focused on monitoring members of the Chinese diaspora and infringing on their right to free speech.        但美国当局表示,他们显然是在重点监视海外华人,侵犯他们的言论自由权。
        “It is our belief that the ultimate purpose of this illegal police station was not to protect and serve,” Mr. Driscoll said, “but rather silence, harass and threaten individuals here in the United States.”        “我们相信,这个非法警务站的最终目的不是保护和服务,”德里斯科尔说,“而是对身在美国的人实施骚扰和威胁,让他们保持沉默。”
        The two other cases revolved around political speech in the digital sphere. But all of the defendants are believed to be in China, which does not have an extradition treaty with the United States.        另外两起案件涉及数字领域的政治言论。但据信所有被告都在中国,中国与美国没有引渡条约。
        One expanded a case first filed in 2020, in which prosecutors brought charges against Xinjiang Jin, formerly a China-based executive at the videoconferencing company Zoom, accusing him of disrupting and censoring commemorations of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.        其中一个案件是在2020年首次提交的,检察官对视频会议公司Zoom在中国的前高管金新江提出指控,称他破坏和审查1989年天安门广场大屠杀的纪念活动。
        The amended complaint unsealed on Monday expands the charges to eight Chinese officials and another person who prosecutors say directed the activity.        周一公布的修改后的起诉书将指控范围扩大到八名中国官员,以及另一名据检察官称是指使者的人。
        The remaining case charged 34 officers of China’s Ministry of Public Security with operating a “troll farm” to attack Chinese dissidents, sow division and disseminate disinformation. The officers were part of an elite task force called the 912 Special Project Working Group, prosecutors said.        其余案件指控中国公安部34名官员经营“喷子农场”,攻击中国异见人士,散布分裂和虚假信息。检察官说,这些官员属于一个名为“912特别项目工作组”的精锐专项工作小组。
        The complaint alleges that the group created thousands of fake profiles on social media sites including Twitter, and spread propaganda about topics like human rights in Hong Kong and the Xinjiang region, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, unrest after the police killing of George Floyd, and Covid-19.        起诉书称,该组织在Twitter等社交媒体网站上创建了数以千计的虚假资料,并就香港和新疆地区的人权、俄罗斯入侵乌克兰、警察杀死乔治·弗洛伊德后的骚乱以及新冠等话题进行宣传。

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