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F.B.I. Arrests National Guardsman in Leak of Classified Documents

来源:纽约时报    2023-04-14 03:50

        NORTH DIGHTON, Mass. — The F.B.I. arrested a 21-year-old member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard on Thursday in connection with the leak of dozens of highly classified documents containing an array of national security secrets, including the breadth of surveillance the United States is able to conduct on Russia.        马萨诸塞州北戴顿——美国联邦调查局周四逮捕了一名21岁的马萨诸塞州空军国民警卫队成员,他涉嫌泄露含有一系列国家安全机密的数十份高度机密文件,其中包括美国能够对俄罗斯进行的监视范围。
        Airman First Class Jack Douglas Teixeira was taken into custody to face charges of leaking classified documents after federal authorities said he had posted batches of sensitive intelligence to an online gaming chat group, called Thug Shaker Central.        空军一等兵杰克·道格拉斯·特谢拉遭到拘留,面临泄露机密文件的指控。联邦当局此前表示,他将数批敏感情报发布到一个名为Thug Shaker Central的在线游戏聊天群。
        As reporters from The New York Times gathered near the house on Thursday afternoon, about a half-dozen F.B.I. agents pushed into the home of Airman Teixeira’s mother in North Dighton, with a twin-engine government surveillance plane keeping watch overhead.        周四下午,当《纽约时报》的记者们赶到附近时,大约六名联邦调查局特工闯入了空军士兵特谢拉的母亲位于北戴顿的家中,一架双引擎政府侦察机在上空监视。
        Some of the agents arrived heavily armed. Law enforcement officials learned before the search that Airman Teixeira was in possession of multiple weapons, according to a person familiar with the investigation, and the F.B.I. found guns at the house.        部分特工全副武装。据一位知情人士透露,执法人员在搜查前了解到特谢拉拥有多件武器,联邦调查局在该房屋内发现了枪支。
        Not long after, cameras caught a handcuffed Airman Teixeira, wearing red shorts and boots, being led away from the home by two heavily armed men.        不久之后,镜头拍到身穿红色短裤和靴子、戴着手铐的特谢拉被两名全副武装的男子带离了家。
        In Washington, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, in a brief statement, announced the arrest and said Airman Teixeira would be arraigned at the Federal District Court in Massachusetts. Mr. Garland said he was arrested in connection with the “unauthorized removal, retention and transmission of classified national defense information,” a reference to the Espionage Act, which is used to prosecute the mishandling and theft of sensitive intelligence.        在华盛顿,总检察长梅里克·加兰在一份简短声明中宣布了这次逮捕行动,并表示空军士兵特谢拉将在马萨诸塞州的联邦地方法院接受传讯。加兰援引用于起诉不当处理和盗窃敏感情报的《间谍法》说,特谢拉因涉嫌“未经授权删除、保留和传输机密国防信息”而被捕。
        The arrest raised questions about why such a junior enlisted airman had access to such an array of potentially damaging secrets, why adequate safeguards had not been put in place after earlier leaks and why a young man would risk his freedom to share intelligence about the war in Ukraine with a group of friends he knew from a video game social media site.        这次逮捕引发了人们的疑问:为什么这样一位初级空军士兵能够接触到这样一系列具有潜在破坏性的秘密,为什么在早些时候的泄密事件后没有采取足够的保障措施,以及为什么一个年轻人会冒着失去自由的风险,将乌克兰战争情报分享给他在电子游戏社交媒体网站上认识的一群朋友。
        A motive in the case for now remains elusive. But, according to people who knew him online, Airman Teixeira was no whistle-blower. Unlike previous huge leaks of information, from the Pentagon Papers to WikiLeaks to Edward Snowden’s disclosures, outrage about wrongdoing or government policies does not appear to have been a factor.        目前案件的动机尚不清楚。但是,据网上认识他的人说,特谢拉并不是要做“吹哨人”。与此前的重大信息泄露事件——从“五角大楼文件”到维基解密,再到爱德华·斯诺登的披露——不同,对不当行为或政府政策的愤怒似乎并不是此次事件的因素之一。
        Indeed, the disclosures were potentially damaging to all parties in the Ukraine war as well as future intelligence collection. While some officials, including President Biden, have downplayed the damage from the leak, it will take months to learn whether U.S. intelligence loses access to important methods of collection because of the disclosures.        确实,这些披露可能会对乌克兰战争的各方以及未来的情报收集造成损害。尽管包括拜登总统在内的一些官员淡化了泄密造成的损害,但还需要几个月的时间,才能知道美国情报部门是否会因为泄密而失去重要的情报收集方式。
        The F.B.I. had been zeroing in on Airman Teixeira for several days, tracking its own investigative clues as well as some of the same information that The Times and The Washington Post had developed about the Discord group where he had shared the documents, officials said.        官员们说,联邦调查局几天来一直在锁定特谢拉,不仅追踪该局自己的调查线索,还有时报和《华盛顿邮报》从特谢拉分享文件的Discord群组发现的相同信息。
        Still, as reporters uncovered more information, law enforcement officials had to speed up their investigation.        然而,随着记者发现更多信息,执法人员不得不加快调查速度。
        While federal investigators believed that Airman Teixeira could pose a danger to agents conducting the search, his online friends knew him as a sometimes hectoring leader of their small community.        联邦调查人员认为特谢拉可能会对进行搜查的特工构成危险,而他的网上朋友们觉得,在他们这个小群组内,他有时是个虚张声势的领导者。
        Several months ago, a user of Thug Shaker Central known as O.G. began uploading hundreds of pages of intelligence briefings into the small chat group. The group also discussed guns and military equipment, as well as the original subject of their group, video games.        几个月前,Thug Shaker Central群组里一个名为O.G.的用户开始将数百页的情报简报上传到这个小聊天群。群里还讨论了枪支和军事装备,以及他们群最初的主题——电子游戏。
        While the members of the chat group would not identify the group’s leader by name, a trail of digital evidence compiled by The Times led to Airman Teixeira. American officials have confirmed that they believe he uploaded the information taken improperly from U.S. military computers.        虽然群成员不愿透露群主的姓名,但时报汇编的一系列数码证据指向了特谢拉。美国官员证实,他们认为他上传的信息是从美国军用计算机中不正当获取的。
        As he posted the material, O.G. lectured the group’s members, who had bonded during the isolation of the pandemic, on the importance of staying abreast of world events.        O.G.与群组成员在大流行期间建立了密切关系,在发布这些材料时,他教育群成员,随时了解世界大事是非常重要的。
        Airman Teixeira was trained as a cyber transport systems specialist, a job that could entail a variety of duties, such as keeping his unit’s communication networks running. He was assigned to the 102nd Intelligence Wing at Otis Air National Guard Base, part of Joint Base Cape Cod, according to an Air Force spokeswoman. The 102nd Intelligence Wing’s official Facebook page congratulated Airman Teixeira and colleagues on their promotion to airmen first class in July.        特谢拉接受过网络信息传输系统专员的培训,这项工作可能需要承担多种职责,例如保持部队的通信网络正常运行。据空军发言人称,他被分配到位于科德角联合基地的奥蒂斯空军国民警卫队基地的第102情报联队。第102情报联队的官方Facebook页面曾祝贺特谢拉及其同事在7月晋升为空军一等兵。
        Officials would not answer questions about what in Airman Teixeira’s duties would necessitate his having access to daily slides about the Ukraine war, much less the daily deluge of intelligence reports from the C.I.A., the National Security Agency and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. There are units at the base that process intelligence collected from drones and U-2 spy planes, though it is doubtful that work alone would require the sort of access to the broad array of classified information that has been leaked on the Discord server.        官员们不愿回答关于特谢拉的哪些职责需要他获得乌克兰战争的每日简报幻灯片的问题。更不用说关于每天来自中央情报局、国家安全局和国家情报总监办公室的大量情报报告。基地中有一些部门处理从无人机和U-2间谍飞机收集的情报,但值得怀疑的是,仅凭他的职务,他是否需要获得这些被泄露到Discord服务器上的大量机密信息。
        But he could also have gained access to the documents in other ways. U.S. government officials with security clearance often receive such documents through daily emails on a classified computer network, one official told The Times, and those emails might then be automatically forwarded to other people.        但他也可以通过其他方式获得这些文件。一位官员告诉时报,拥有安全许可的美国政府官员经常通过机密计算机网络上的日常电子邮件接收此类文件,然后这些电子邮件可能会自动转发给其他人员。
        Airman Teixeira’s mother, Dawn, speaking outside her home in North Dighton on Thursday, confirmed that her son was a member of the Air National Guard and said he had recently been working overnight shifts at a base on Cape Cod. In the past few days, he had changed his phone number, she said.        周四,特谢拉的母亲道恩在她位于北戴顿的家外接受采访,证实她的儿子是空军国民警卫队的成员,并表示他最近一直在科德角的一个基地上夜班。她说,在过去的几天里,他换了电话号码。
        Later, someone who appeared to be Airman Teixeira drove onto the property in a red pickup truck.        后来,有人开着一辆红色皮卡车来到这座房子,似乎是特谢拉。
        When Times reporters approached the house again, the truck was parked in the driveway. Airman Teixeira’s mother and his stepfather were standing in the driveway.        当时报记者再次走近这所房子时,皮卡车停在车道上。特谢拉的母亲和他的继父站在车道上。
        When asked if Airman Teixeira was there and willing to speak, his stepfather, Thomas P. Dufault, said: “He needs to get an attorney if things are flowing the way they are going right now. The feds will be around soon, I’m sure.”        当被问及特谢拉是否在家以及是否愿意接受采访时,他的继父托马斯·杜福说:“如果事情按现在的态势发展,他需要找一位律师。联邦调查局很快就会出现,我敢肯定。”
        Within a few hours, the prediction of Mr. Dufault, a retired Air Force master sergeant, proved correct as F.B.I. and other government personnel drove onto the property.        几小时后,退役空军军士长杜福的预测被证明是正确的,联邦调查局和其他政府人员驱车来到这座房子。
        Members of Thug Shaker Central who spoke to The Times said that the documents they discussed online were meant to be purely informative. While many pertained to the war in Ukraine, the members said they took no side in the conflict.        接受时报采访的Thug Shaker Central成员表示,他们在网上讨论的文件纯粹是为了获得资讯。虽然许多内容与乌克兰战争有关,但成员们表示不站冲突的任何一边。
        The documents, they said, started to get wider attention only when one of the teenage members of the group took a few dozen of them and posted them to a public online forum. From there they were picked up by Russian-language Telegram channels and then The Times, which first reported on them.        他们说,直到群里的青少年成员之一拿走了几十份文件并将它们发布到公开网络论坛时,这些文件才开始受到更广泛的关注。被发布到论坛后,这些文件被使用俄语的Telegram频道发现,然后被《纽约时报》首先报道。

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