意大利执政党提议限制使用英语 违者最高罚款10万欧元_OK阅读网
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意大利执政党提议限制使用英语 违者最高罚款10万欧元
Italian government seeks to penalize the use of English words

来源:中国日报    2023-04-04 19:21

        Italians who use English and other foreign words in official communications could face fines of up to 100,000 ($108,705) under new legislation introduced by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy party.        根据意大利总理焦尔吉娅·梅洛尼所在意大利兄弟党的新立法提案,在官方通讯中使用英语和其他外语的意大利人可能面临最高10万欧元的罚款。
        Fabio Rampelli, a member of the lower chamber of deputies, introduced the legislation, which is supported by the prime minister.        这项立法提案由众议院议员法比奥·兰佩利提出,并得到了总理梅洛尼的支持。
        While the legislation encompasses all foreign languages, it is particularly geared at "Anglomania" or use of English words, which the draft states "demeans and mortifies" the Italian language, adding that it is even worse because the UK is no longer part of the EU.        虽然该提案涵盖了所有外语,但特别针对“喜欢使用英语的英国迷”,草案指出,使用外语是对意大利语的“贬低和羞辱”,更糟糕的是英国已经不是欧盟成员。
        The bill, which has yet to go up for parliamentary debate, requires anyone who holds an office in public administration to have "written and oral knowledge and mastery of the Italian language." It also prohibits use of English in official documentation, including "acronyms and names" of job roles in companies operating in the country.        提案要求任何在公共行政部门任职的人员都必须“精通意大利语,并具备书面和口语能力”。该法案还禁止在官方文件中使用英语,包括禁止在意大利经营的公司使用英文“首字母缩写和单词”表示的职位称呼。该提案尚未提交议会辩论。
        Foreign entities would have to have Italian language editions of all internal regulations and employment contracts, according to a draft of the legislation seen by CNN.        根据美国有线电视新闻网看到的一份立法草案,外国实体所有的内部法规和雇佣合同必须提供意大利语版本。
        The first article of the legislation guarantees that even in offices that deal with non Italian-speaking foreigners, Italian must be the primary language used.        该提案第一条要求,即使在与母语为非意大利语的外国人打交道的办公室,意大利语也必须是主要使用语言。
        Article 2 would make Italian "mandatory for the promotion and use of public goods and services in the national territory." Not doing so could garner fines between 5,000 ($5,435) and 100,000 ($108,705).        第二条规定,“必须在国家领土内强制使用意大利语推广和使用公共产品和服务”。违反者可能会被处以5000欧元至100000欧元的罚款。
        Under the proposed law, the Culture Ministry would establish a committee whose remit would include "correct use of the Italian language and its pronunciation" in schools, media, commerce and advertising.        根据该草案,意大利文化部将成立一个委员会,其职权范围包括规范学校、媒体、企业和广告中“意大利语的使用及发音”。

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