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What’s Hot on TikTok? Defending Its C.E.O.

来源:纽约时报    2023-03-29 06:24

        The latest viral trend on TikTok is defending TikTok.        TikTok上最新的热门走红趋势是捍卫TikTok。
        “Now is the time to fight the ban on TikTok,” read a caption of a TikTok video that was posted on Thursday about the app’s future. “#savetiktok #keeptiktok.”        “是时候对抗TikTok禁令了,”周四发布的一段关于该应用程序未来的TikTok视频的标题写道。“#savetiktok(救救TikTok) #keeptiktok(保住TikTok)。”
        “Do I believe TikTok should be banned? No,” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, said on Friday in her first TikTok video, which netted more than 3.7 million views.        “我认为TikTok应该被禁吗?不,”纽约民主党众议员亚历山德里娅·奥卡西奥-科尔特斯周五在她的第一个TikTok视频中说,该视频获得了超过370万次观看。
        Other TikTok users shared video montages of the app’s chief executive, Shou Chew, to the tune of pop songs and applied the “fancam” treatment typically reserved for celebrities.        还有一些TikTok用户发布了以该应用程序首席执行官周受资为主题的视频剪辑,配上流行音乐的曲调,并采用了通常用在名人身上的“饭拍”方式。
        Across TikTok, users have in recent days leaped to the defense of the popular video app, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. In hundreds of videos, they have argued that the app should not be banned in the United States over national security concerns, questioned why American social media apps aren’t facing similar scrutiny and expressed concerns that their First Amendment rights are under attack.        最近几天,在TikTok上,用户纷纷为这款中国公司字节跳动拥有的短视频应用程序辩护。数百个视频中的用户争辩说,TikTok不应以国家安全考虑为由在美国被禁止,质疑为什么美国的社交媒体应用程序没有面临类似的审查,并表示担心他们的第一修正案权利被侵犯。
        The outcry follows rising concerns from lawmakers and the Biden administration over whether TikTok provides sensitive data about American users to Chinese authorities. On Thursday, Mr. Chew appeared before Congress and was grilled for roughly five hours, with lawmakers questioning whether TikTok was spying on Americans on behalf of the Chinese government, endangering young people with toxic content and invading people’s privacy.        此前,立法者和拜登政府越来越担心TikTok是否向中国当局提供了有关美国用户的敏感数据。周四,周受资出现在国会听证会上并被盘问了大约五个小时,立法者质疑TikTok是否在替中国政府对美国人进行间谍活动,用有害内容危害年轻人并侵犯人们的隐私。
        Mr. Chew said TikTok had a plan to protect American user data and denied that the Chinese government controlled ByteDance. But his answers were largely met with derision by lawmakers, fueling calls for TikTok to be banned entirely from Apple’s and Google’s app stores in the United States. The Biden administration has also pushed for TikTok to be separated from ByteDance through a sale, a move that China has opposed, or for it to try to strike an agreement with the U.S. government over data security concerns.        周受资表示,TikTok已制定计划保护美国用户数据,并否认中国政府控制了字节跳动。但他的回答在很大程度上遭到了立法者的嘲讽,这加剧了要求完全禁止TikTok出现在美国的苹果和谷歌应用程序商店的呼声。拜登政府还推动通过出售TikTok将其与字节跳动分离——这遭到了中国的反对,或者促使它与与美国政府就数据安全问题达成协议。
        But on TikTok itself, lawmakers’ concerns landed with a thud.        但在TikTok上,立法者的这些关切遭到痛击。
        “There needs to be an age limit on congressional positions bc this was so embarrassing,” one user wrote in the caption of a video posted on Friday.        “需要给国会职位加年龄限制,太丢人了,”一位用户在周五发布的一段视频的标题中写道。
        Many were solidly against a TikTok ban in the United States. Doctors, self-defense experts, parenting influencers and others shared videos saying they were already researching ways to maintain access to the app even if it became banned and blamed Facebook and Google for the criticism.        许多人坚决反对在美国禁止TikTok。医生、防身术专家、育儿网红等等人士都发布了视频,称他们已经在研究如何在TikTok被禁止的情况下保持正常使用,并将TikTok受到的非难归咎于Facebook和谷歌。
        The hashtag #TikTokBan had 1.7 billion views on Monday, up from 983 million on March 18.        #TikTokBan(TikTok禁令)标签在周一的浏览量为17亿,大大高于3月18日的9.83亿。
        Many TikTok users also rallied behind Mr. Chew, who is Singaporean. They highlighted lawmakers asking the executive yes or no questions and then interrupting him. They also portrayed Mr. Chew’s responses as wins against uninformed lawmakers, who sometimes posed basic questions about the internet.        许多TikTok用户还支持新加坡人周受资。他们截取了立法者向这位高管询问非黑即白的问题并打断他的画面。他们还称周受资的回应战胜了无知的立法者,这些立法者有时会就互联网提出非常初级的问题。
        And they made their displeasure known in their videos. Some users cut together older photos of Mr. Chew and clips from the hearing with viral TikTok songs, like Chris Brown’s “Under the Influence.” One user posted videos of the “Schitt’s Creek” character David Rose sighing and rolling his eyes to express disdain for lawmakers’ questions. One account shared a video of a young child responding to the clips with exasperation.        他们发布视频来表达他们的不满。一些用户将周受资的旧照片和听证会的片段与TikTok热门歌曲剪辑在一起,例如克里斯·布朗的《Under the Influence》。一位用户发布了《富家穷路》(Schitt's Creek)角色大卫·罗斯叹息和翻白眼的视频,以表达对立法者问题的蔑视。在一个账号发布的一段视频中,一个幼儿在恼怒地回应听证会片段。
        The response was probably what TikTok had hoped for. Mr. Chew, who has avoided the public eye for much of his tenure as chief executive, posted a video last week on TikTok’s main account and told American users that lawmakers “could take TikTok away from all 150 million of you.” He posted another video after the hearing, reiterating TikTok’s messages to lawmakers. Each video received more than 25 million views.        这种回应可能是TikTok所希望的。在担任首席执行官的大部分时间里,周受资都避开了公众的视线,他上周在TikTok的官方账户上发布了一段视频,告诉美国用户,立法者“可以将TikTok从你们所有1.5亿人手中夺走”。他在听证会后发布了另一个视频,向立法者重申了TikTok的要旨。两个视频的观看次数分别都超过2500万次。
        “It seems clear that much of America did not experience the hearing the same way many members of Congress and political insiders did,” Brooke Oberwetter, a spokeswoman for TikTok, said in a statement.        TikTok发言人布鲁克·奥伯韦特在一份声明中表示:“很明显,大部份美国人对听证会的感想与许多国会议员和政治内部人士不同。”
        Mr. Chew’s messages were apparently taken to heart by some fans who posted on TikTok that they found him attractive. One video spliced photos of Mr. Chew to the beat of lyrics from the K-pop girl group New Jeans: “Oh my, oh my God, I was really hoping that he will come through.” The caption read, “Come through for us shou oppa,” referring to a Korean term for older men. It garnered more than 4.3 million views.        周受资的话深得一些粉丝的喜欢,他们在TikTok上发布视频说觉得他很有魅力。一段视频将周受资的照片与K-pop女子组合NewJeans的歌词组成卡点视频:“天哪,天哪,我真的希望他能渡过难关。”标题写道,“为了我们渡过难关周欧巴”,欧巴指的是韩语中对年长男性的称呼。这条视频获得了超过430万次观看。
        Others called Mr. Chew, 40, who is married with two children, a “zaddy,” a slang term that rhymes with “daddy” and refers to older, attractive men.        还有人管现年40岁、已婚并育有两个孩子的周受资叫“zaddy”,这个与“daddy”押韵的俚语指的是有魅力的老男人。
        “If TikTok bad, why is he Fine???” one user posted in a video with three-million-plus views. “shou zi chew didn’t chew he devoured,” one comment, which had some 29,000 likes, said under another video supporting the TikTok chief executive.        “如果TikTok不好,为什么他这么好???”一位用户发布了一段视频,观看次数超过300万次。在另一个支持TikTok首席执行官的视频下,一条评论说:“周受资不细嚼慢咽,他会把你一口活吞。”(英文中周的姓氏Chew可理解为咀嚼。——译注)该评论获得约2.9万个赞。
        Mr. Chew, who had fewer than 20,000 followers on his personal TikTok account on March 21, now has 557,000, according to Trendpop, a social media analytics firm.        社交媒体分析公司Trendpop的数据显示,周受资的个人TikTok账户上的粉丝在3月21日不到2万,现在已有55.7万。
        TikTok users also mocked some of the questions from lawmakers. One target of their ire was Representative Richard Hudson, Republican of North Carolina, who asked Mr. Chew at last week’s hearing if TikTok “can access the home Wi-Fi network.” The exchange — including Mr. Chew’s puzzled response saying, “Only if the user turns on the Wi-Fi” — was shared in multiple posts.        TikTok用户还嘲笑了立法者提出的一些问题。他们的怒火指向的目标之一是北卡罗来纳州共和党众议员理查德·哈德森,他在上周的听证会上询问周受资TikTok是否“可以连到家庭Wi-Fi网络”。许多视频包含了这段对话,包括周受资困惑的回应:“只有当用户打开Wi-Fi之后。”
        One caption read, “We’re … not entirely sure … if Rep. Richard Hudson knows how TikTok OR WiFi works?” Another caption featured a series of wide-eyed blushing emojis.        一条视频的标题写道:“我们……不是很确定……理查德·哈德森议员是否知道TikTok或WiFi是怎么回事?”另一个视频的标题里包含了一系列脸红惊讶的表情符号。

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