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Workers are getting two jobs amid inflation, says industry watcher

来源:中国日报    2023-03-27 17:10

        The U.S. labor market may be signaling that workers are doubling up on gigs to make ends meet, says one industry observer.        美国行业观察人士、招聘平台Recruiter.com首席执行官伊万·佐恩表示,美国劳动力市场或释放信号:劳动者正在打双份工以维持生计。
        “What we actually think is happening is that you’re going back to a time where people had two jobs,” Recruiter.com CEO Evan Sohn told Yahoo Finance Live. "They'd have double income, two jobs to make ends meet."        佐恩在雅虎财经直播中表示:“我们认为现在的情况是,人们将回到一个打两份工作的时代。他们要靠两份工资才能维持生计。”
        “You have inflation going up, you have higher cost of everything… and that would lead to two jobs,” he said. “That could actually be what's happening now: people going back to having two jobs. That would make sense if you’re seeing a flat labor participation, increase in unemployment and yet jobs are being created.”        他说:“通货膨胀加剧,所有的生活成本都更高……将迫使人们打双份工。事实上,现在的情况是:人们又开始打两份工了。这就能解释为什么劳动力参与率保持不变,招聘岗位增加,失业率却上升。”
        In February the U.S. added 311,000 jobs, while unemployment ticked up to 3.6%. Work force participation, which measures the number of people actively in the labor force as a percentage of the total working age population, was up ever so slightly, to 62.5%. That measure has shown little change since early 2022, and still sits below its pre-pandemic level.        2月,美国新增31.1万个工作岗位,而失业率上升至3.6%。劳动力参与率(活跃劳动力人数占总劳动年龄人口的百分比)略有上升,达到62.5%。自2022年初以来,劳动力参与率基本不变,仍低于疫情前水平。
        The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) latest employment report shows multiple job holders increased to 8,041,000 last month, compared to 7,557,000 in February 2022. The segment of the workforce which falls under that category ticked up to 5%, compared to 4.8% last year.        美国劳工统计局最新就业报告显示,2月多重职业就业者增至8041000人,而2022年2月为7557000人。该类别劳动力占比从去年的4.8%上升到了5%。
        Sohn says 40% of recruiters are posting for jobs that don’t require a college degree, in sectors that are still hot, such as hospitality and services. Those industries are some of the ones still adding jobs, as seen in the latest labor data for February.        佐恩表示,40%的招聘岗位不需要大学学历,如酒店和服务业等。正如2月的最新劳动力数据所示,这些行业是仍在增加就业岗位的行业之一。
        Sohn says industry layoffs from December 2022 to February 2023 show IT lost about 24%, while about 22.5% of the losses were in manufacturing.        佐恩表示,2022年12月至2023年2月的行业裁员数据显示,IT行业裁员约24%,而制造业裁员近22.5%。

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