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UK supermarket inflation hits record high

来源:中国日报    2023-03-29 15:49

        Year-on-year price increases for groceries hit an all-time high of 17.5% in the four weeks to 19 March compared with a year earlier, according to the latest figures from the data firm Kantar. The prices of eggs, milk and cheese are rising at the fastest pace.        凯度的数据显示,截至3月19日的四周内,食品杂货价格同比涨幅创下17.5%的历史新高,鸡蛋、牛奶和奶酪的价格正在以最快的速度上涨。
        Helen Dickinson, chief executive of the BRC, said “poor harvests in Europe and north Africa worsened availabilityof fruit and vegetables and the weakness of sterling further pushed up the cost of imports. Prices of fruit and vegetables grown out of seasons in greenhouses in the UK and other northern European countries were also affected by high energy costs.        英国零售商协会首席执行官海伦·迪金森表示,“欧洲和北非歉收导致水果和蔬菜的供应短缺恶化”,英镑疲软进一步推高了进口成本。英国和北欧国家的反季节种植温室果蔬价格也受到能源价格上涨的影响。
        Ms Dickinson added that the rising cost of sugar had also fed through into higher prices for chocolate and other sweets as the Easter holidays approached.        迪金森称,随着复活节假期的临近,糖的成本上涨也导致了巧克力和其他糖果涨价。
        Susannah Streeter, head of money and markets, at Hargreaves Lansdown, a financial services company, said the cost of living crisis was “showing little sign of dying down”.        金融服务公司英国哈格里夫斯-兰斯当货币和市场主管苏珊娜·斯特里特表示,英国的生活成本危机“几乎没有消退的迹象”。
        It follows the shock rise in inflation recorded by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) earlier this month. Experts were expecting the rate to start easing downwards. But the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose to 10.4% in the 12 months February – up from 10.1% in the previous month.        英国国家统计局此前公布的数据显示,尽管专家预计通胀率将放缓,但2月通胀率同比上涨10.4%,较1月的 10.1%有所上升。
        The ONS said the price of food and non-alcoholic drinks rose at their fastest rate in 45 years over this period, with the largest contributor to the increases being fresh vegetables.        英国国家统计局表示,2月食品和非酒精饮料的价格以45年来的最快速度上涨,新鲜蔬菜的涨幅最大。
        Laura Suter, head of personal finance at AJ Bell, said: “Food costs keep going up and up, much to the dismay of the British public, who had hoped the bill at the checkout would have dropped by now.        英国投资平台AJ Bell个人财务主管罗拉·苏特说:“食品价格一直在上涨,这让英国公众非常沮丧,他们原本希望物价现在就会开始下降。”
        Ms Suter added that those hit hardest are low income families, who spend more of their overall income on food.        苏特表示,低收入家庭受到的冲击最大,因为食品在他们的总支出中占比更多。
        Almost half of households (47%) say they are concerned about paying their mortgage or rent in the coming year, according to new data from financial services provider Legal & General.        英国励正集团最新数据显示,近一半的家庭(47%)表示,他们担心在未来一年无力支付房贷或租金。
        The findings, from its Rebuilding Britain Index survey of 20,000 households, also show that 95% have experienced a real-terms pay cut over the last 12 months due to soaring inflation.        “重建英国指数”对2万户家庭的调查结果还显示,由于通货膨胀飙升,95%的家庭在过去12个月里实际减薪了。
        The lowest income groups – those with a household annual income of less than £20,000 – are most likely to feel that their quality of life is declining at 29%, compared to 13% in the highest income households.        最低收入群体(家庭年收入低于2万英镑的群体)最有可能感到的生活质量下降,下降幅度为29%,而最高收入家庭为13%。
        More than half of respondents to the survey said they had reduced day-to-day expenditure in response to rising inflation and costs. And 51% said they expect their spending to have to decrease even further over the next 12 months.        超半数受访者称,为应对高通胀和物价持续上涨而减少了日常支出。51%的人表示,他们预计未来12个月的支出将进一步减少。
        Inflation is widening the gap between the wealthiest and poorest households, according to L&Gs survey. It found that one in five households have experienced a decline in income, with lower income communities hit the hardest.        根据励正集团的调查,通货膨胀正在扩大贫富差距。调查发现,五分之一的家庭收入下降,其中低收入群体受到的打击最为严重。
        New research from Nationwide Building Society has revealed that almost four-in-10 (38%) consumers have used credit cards in the last six months to tide them over until payday or benefits payment.        英国全国建筑协会的一项新研究显示,38%的消费者在过去六个月里使用过信用卡来度过难关,直到发薪日或福利金支付。
        The poll of more than 2,000 people across the country also revealed that almost two thirds (63%) are worried about the state of their personal finances and their ability to cover essential costs.        这项针对英国2000多人的民意调查还显示,63%的受访者担心自己的个人财务状况和支付基本费用的能力。

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