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China's foreign trade off to a good start in 2023: official

来源:中国日报    2023-03-21 14:25

        China's foreign trade has gotten off to a good start this year, with an upbeat trend to follow, a customs official said on Monday.        海关总署署长俞建华及相关负责人3月20日表示,2023年,我国外贸开局平稳趋势向好。
        The number of containers for export has been rising since late February, Yu Jianhua, head of the General Administration of Customs (GAC), told a press conference, addressing recent reports of empty containers piled at Chinese ports that have sparked concerns over trade.        对于“港口的集装箱空箱数量增加引发担忧”的问题,海关总署署长俞建华在新闻发布会上介绍称,从海关最新数据看,2月下旬以来,我国出口用箱量在持续增长。
        Weekly GAC data shows that trade has been improving since February, according to Yu. Although the foreign trade of goods edged down 0.8 percent year on year in the first two months, exports expanded by a better-than-expected 0.9 percent, Yu said.        从趋势上看,按周监测,2月以来我国外贸进出口明显回稳。今年前2个月,我国进出口总值同比微降0.8%。从规模上看,前两个月出口总值增长0.9%,比预期要好。
        Trade firms have reported increased numbers of new orders, and total exports of electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and solar batteries surged in the first two months, Yu said. These highlights could bolster trade growth in the months to come, he added.        在订单方面,据跟踪监测,新增出口订单金额增长企业比重连续提升;电动汽车、锂电池、太阳能电池“新三样”合计出口大幅增长。外贸前两个月平稳开局的势头有望保持下去。
        "Under the complex external trade climate lie opportunities, and the challenges are more global than local," Yu said, expressing confidence in securing stable trade growth this year as China's economic recovery continues.        俞建华表示,“综合起来看,外贸形势还是严峻复杂的,但也蕴含了不少机遇,困难更多是全球性的。随着我国经济形势整体好转,我们对今年我国外贸实现促稳提质的目标充满信心。”
                 贸易顺差 trade surplus
                 进出口总值 combined import and export value
                 中国货物贸易China's foreign trade of goods
                 服务贸易领域市场准入 market access in trade in services
                 高水平开放 high-standard opening-up

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