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Justice Dept. Investigating TikTok’s Owner Over Possible Spying on Journalists

来源:纽约时报    2023-03-20 02:47

        WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is investigating the surveillance of American citizens, including several journalists who cover the tech industry, by the Chinese company that owns TikTok, according to three people familiar with the matter.        华盛顿——据三名知情人士透露,司法部正在调查拥有TikTok的中国公司对美国公民的监控,受到监控者包括几名报道科技行业的记者。
        The investigation, which began late last year, appears to be tied to the admission in December by the company, ByteDance, that its employees had inappropriately obtained the data of American TikTok users, including that of two reporters and a few of their associates.        这项调查始于去年年底,似乎与字节跳动去年12月承认其员工以不当方式获取了美国TikTok用户的数据有关,被获取数据的用户中包括两名记者以及他们的几名同事。
        The department’s criminal division, the F.B.I. and the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia are investigating ByteDance, which is based in Beijing and has close ties with China’s government, according to a person with knowledge of the situation.        据知情人士透露,司法部刑事部门、联邦调查局和弗吉尼亚州东区联邦检察官正在调查字节跳动,该公司总部设在北京,与中国政府关系密切。
        A Justice Department spokesman had no comment.        司法部发言人对此不予置评。
        Confirmation of the investigation comes as the White House hardens its stance toward forcing the company to address national security concerns about TikTok. They include fears that China might be using the popular video service to gather data about or spy on Americans, undermine democratic institutions and foster internet addictions among young people.        调查得到确认之际,白宫正在采取更强硬的立场,迫使字节跳动公司解决有关TikTok的国家安全担忧。这些关切包括担心中国可能利用该流行视频服务来收集美国人的数据或监视美国人,破坏民主制度,并滋长年轻人的网瘾。
        TikTok disclosed this week that the Biden administration had asked its owner to sell the app — which is already being blocked from government phones in the U.S., Europe and more than two dozen states — or face a possible nationwide ban.        TikTok本周披露,拜登政府已要求其所有者出售该应用程序——在美国、欧洲和二十多个州,该应用程序已被禁止在政府手机上使用——否则可能面临全国范围内的禁令。
        The federal criminal inquiry was reported earlier by Forbes magazine. The journalist who wrote the story said she was one of the people whose data had been tracked by the company.        《福布斯》杂志早些时候报道了联邦刑事调查的情况。撰写这篇报道的记者说,她也是数据受到该公司追踪的人之一。
        The ByteDance employees implicated in the surveillance, who were later fired, were trying to find the sources of suspected leaks of internal conversations and business documents to journalists. They gained access to the IP addresses and other data of the reporters and people they were connected to via their TikTok accounts.        参与监控的字节跳动员工后来被解雇,他们当时正试图找到涉嫌向记者泄露内部谈话和商业文件的源头。他们获得了这些记者以及他们通过TikTok帐户联系者的IP地址和其他数据。
        Two of the employees were based in China. The company said it was making changes to prevent such breaches in the future.        其中两名员工在中国工作。该公司表示正在做出改革,以防止未来发生此类违规行为。
        But the company’s reassurances have done little to quell growing demands by politicians on both sides of the aisle to block or ban the app. President Biden has said he might support an effort, now working its way through Congress, to ban the app in the U.S.        但该公司的保证并没有平息两党政界人士日益增长的要求——阻止或禁止这款应用。拜登总统曾表示,他可能会支持在美国禁止这款应用的努力,目前这项工作正在国会审议。
        This represents a drastic shift over the past year, when some in the administration were expressing confidence that a compromise could be struck that would allow the company to continue its operations in exchange for major changes to its data security and governance.        这代表着过去一年来的巨大转变,一年前,政府中的一些人曾表示有信心达成妥协,允许该公司继续运营,以换取其数据安全和管理的重大改变。
        TikTok had been hoping that a group of federal agencies known as the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or CFIUS, would approve of its plans for operating in the country while remaining under the ownership of ByteDance.        TikTok一直希望由多家联邦机构组成的美国外国投资委员会能够批准其在美国的运营计划,同时令它继续由字节跳动拥有。
        But the No. 2 official at the Justice Department, Lisa Monaco, did not sign off on a 90-page draft agreement, and the Treasury Department, which plays a crucial role in approving deals involving national security risks, expressed skepticism that the potential agreement would resolve national security issues, people with knowledge of the matter said.        但据知情人士透露,司法部二号人物丽莎·莫纳科并不认可一份90页的协议草案,而在批准涉及国家安全风险交易方面发挥关键作用的财政部对这项潜在协议能否解决国家安全问题表示怀疑。
        The White House now seems to be moving fast in the other direction, with senior officials increasingly viewing a divestment as the only acceptable path forward.        白宫现在似乎正迅速朝着另一个方向发展,高级官员们日益认为,撤资是唯一可以接受的前进道路。
        Officials with TikTok, which has a robust public relations and lobbying operation in Washington, said they were weighing their options and expressed disappointment with the pressure to sell.        TikTok在华盛顿拥有强大的公关和游说业务,该公司管理者表示,他们正在权衡自己的选择,并对出售的压力表示失望。
        The company said its security proposal, which involves storing Americans’ data in the United States, offered the best possible protection for users.        该公司表示,其安全提议包括将美国人的数据存储在美国,这为用户提供了最好的保护。
        “If protecting national security is the objective, divestment doesn’t solve the problem: A change in ownership would not impose any new restrictions on data flows or access,” Maureen Shanahan, a spokeswoman for TikTok, said in a statement this week.        “如果以保护国家安全为目标,撤资并不能解决问题:所有权的变更不会对数据流动或访问施加任何新的限制,”TikTok发言人莫琳·沙纳汉本周在一份声明中说。
        TikTok’s chief executive, Shou Zi Chew, is scheduled to testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee next week. He is expected to face questions about the app’s ties to China, as well as concerns that it delivers harmful content to young people.        TikTok首席执行官周受资定于下周在众议院能源和商务委员会作证。预计他将面临有关该应用程序与中国关系的质疑,以及该应用程序向年轻人传播有害内容的担忧。
        A spokeswoman for TikTok did not immediately respond to a request for comment, and referred all questions to ByteDance.        TikTok的发言人没有立即回应置评请求,并将所有问题转给字节跳动。
        A ByteDance spokeswoman did not respond. But she had told Forbes that the company “strongly condemned the actions of the individuals found to have been involved,” and would “cooperate with any official investigations when brought to us.”        字节跳动的发言人没有回应。但她曾告诉《福布斯》,该公司“强烈谴责涉事人员的行为”,并将“在受到任何官方调查时予以配合”。

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