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Claims of Chinese Election Meddling Put Trudeau on Defensive

来源:纽约时报    2023-03-21 04:47

        OTTAWA — The leaked intelligence reports have set off a political firestorm. They describe plans by the government of China and its diplomats in Canada to ensure that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party took power in the last two elections, raising troubling questions about the integrity of Canada’s democracy.        渥太华——泄露的情报报告引发了一场政治风暴。报告陈述中国政府及其驻加外交官制定了计划,意在确保贾斯汀·特鲁多的自由党在过去的两次选举中获得权力,这让人们对加拿大民主的公正性产生了深切质疑。
        But as two prominent Canadian news organizations have published a series of leaks over the past month, Mr. Trudeau has refused calls to launch a public inquiry into the matter, angering political opponents and leading to accusations that he is covering up foreign attempts to undermine his country’s elections.        然而,在上月两家加拿大知名新闻媒体发表一系列泄露材料的同时,特鲁多拒绝就此事发起公开调查,他的政治对手对此大为不满,指责他在掩盖境外势力破坏本国选举的企图。
        The news reports do not present any evidence that the Chinese carried out any of their plans for meddling or changing election outcomes. And an independent review released this month as part of Canada’s routine monitoring of election interference upheld the integrity of the 2019 and 2021 votes.        这些报道中并没有证据能证明中国实施了这些干预或改变选举结果的计划。本月发布了一项独立审查认可了2019和2021年选举的公正性,该审查属于加拿大选举干预监控的例行操作。
        Even so, the leaks pose a risk for Mr. Trudeau of appearing weak in the face of potential Chinese aggression and indecisive as a leader acting to preserve election integrity. His political opponents have accused him of being disloyal to Canada.        既便如此,这些泄露材料给特鲁多带来了风险,让他显得在潜在的中国侵犯面前表现软弱、作为领导人在维护选举公正性时优柔寡断。他的政治对手质疑了他对加拿大的忠诚。
        As the intelligence leaks have flowed, Mr. Trudeau has shifted from trying to dismiss them and refusing to discuss them because of secrecy laws, to announcing a series of closed-door reviews related to election integrity.        随着情报不断泄露,起初不予理会的特鲁多开始以保密法律为由拒绝讨论这些情报,并宣布针对选举公正性展开一系列闭门审查。
        Still, he continues to rebuff repeated calls for a public inquiry — which would include not just an independent investigation, but public hearings — arguing that other inquiries are more appropriate. He said he would only establish a public inquiry if one of his other reviews concludes it’s necessary.        但是,面对此起彼伏的公开调查呼吁,他仍然拒不接受,像这样的质询不仅需要展开独立调查,还要举行公开听证会。他的理由是其它的质询更为合宜。他说,只有在其它的审查认定有必要进行这样的公开调查时,他才会同意。
        “Canada has some of the best and most robust elections in the world,” Mr. Trudeau told reporters. “All Canadians can have total confidence that the outcomes of the 2019 and 2021 elections were determined by Canadians, and Canadians alone, at the voting booth.”        “加拿大的选举是世界上最优秀、最稳固的,”特鲁多对记者说。“全体加拿大人对2019和2021年选举有着绝对的信心,认为那是完全由加拿大人在投票间内做出的选择,不存在其他人。”
        The Liberals have accused Conservatives of undermining the public’s confidence in Canada’s electoral system by falsely claiming that the government ignored warnings of potential Chinese interference. Liberals have also accused Conservatives of using the leaks to fan fear and suspicion of Chinese-Canadian elected officials, in an effort to discredit them and undermine their participation in electoral politics.        自由党指责保守党妄称政府无视了潜在中国干预的警告,从而损害了公众对加拿大选举体制的信心。自由党人还指责保守党利用情报泄露来煽动对华裔加拿大选举官员的恐惧和怀疑,以求抹黑他们,妨碍他们的选举政治参与。
        The political attacks on Mr. Trudeau have been spearheaded by the leader of the Conservative Party, which says it is raising legitimate threats to Canadian democracy.        保守党领袖带头发起了对特鲁多的政治攻击,该党称此事对加拿大民主构成了真切的威胁。
        “He’s covered it up, even encouraged it to continue,” said the leader, Pierre Poilievre, who suggested that “the prime minister is acting against Canada’s interest and in favor of a foreign dictatorship’s interests.”        “他掩盖了这件事,甚至纵容它继续下去,”党魁博励治(Pierre Poilievre)说,他表示,“总理的行为对加拿大不利,对外国独裁政权有利。”
        Current and past inquiries about recent elections are not transparent and, in some cases, they lack independence from the Liberals, Mr. Poilievre said.        博励治称,目前和以往的针对近期选举的调查均不透明,在某些情况下,调查没有脱离自由党的影响。
        “He wants closed and controlled and we want an open and independent inquiry to make sure it never happens again,” Mr. Poilievre said in the House of Commons.        “他想要封闭和控制调查,而我们想要一个公开和独立的调查,以确保这种事不再发生,”博励治在下议院表示。
        Heightened scrutiny of China’s efforts to subvert Canada’s political process — and corresponding pressure on Mr. Trudeau — started in mid-February after the publication of an article in The Globe and Mail, a Toronto newspaper.        中国颠覆加拿大政治进程的企图引起了更多的审视,相应地也给特鲁多带来更多压力,这一切始于多伦多报纸《环球邮报》在2月中旬发表的一篇文章。
        According to the newspaper, its reporters had seen unspecified secret and top secret reports from the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, commonly called CSIS, that described the intentions of Chinese officials to manipulate the last two elections. The goal, according to the paper’s description of the leaks, was to prevent a win by the Conservative Party, which the Chinese viewed as excessively hard line toward China.        报道称其记者看到了来自加拿大安全情报局(通常称为CSIS)的一些密级未知的报告和绝密报告,其中描述了中国官员操纵最近两次选举的意图。根据该报对这些泄露情报的描述,中国的目的是阻止保守党获胜,认为保守党对自己过于强硬。
        A Chinese consular official boasted to her superiors that she had engineered the defeat of two Conservative candidates in 2021, The Globe and Mail reported, though the newspaper provided no evidence to support her claim.        据《环球邮报》报道,一名中国领事官员向上级吹嘘称,两名保守党候选人2021年在她的谋划下落败,尽管该报没有提供任何证据来支持她的说法。
        The Globe and Mail’s articles and reports on Global News, a broadcaster based-in Canada, said the leaks described orders given to Chinese diplomats based in Canada and, according to the news reports, involved 11 of Canada’s 338 electoral districts.        《环球邮报》的文章和加拿大广播公司环球新闻的报道称,泄露情报描述了驻加拿大的中国外交官接到的命令,据新闻报道,其中涉及加拿大338个选区中的11个。
        The leaks to both news organizations described illegal cash payments to Liberals and illegal hiring by Chinese officials or their agents in Canada of international students from China, who were reportedly then presented to Liberal campaigns as volunteers. Mr. Trudeau and other Liberals have characterized the reports as “inaccurate.”        这两家新闻机构接收到的泄露情报提及向自由党人非法支付现金,以及中国官员或其在加拿大的代理人非法雇用来自中国的国际学生,据报道,这些学生作为志愿者被介绍参与自由党竞选活动。特鲁多和其他自由党人称这些报道“不准确”。
        Some of the supposed plans would have been difficult to execute within Canada’s electoral system, analysts said, because Canada limits and tightly controls campaign spending and fund-raising.        分析人士称,由于加拿大限制并严格控制竞选支出和筹款,中国制定的计划有很多难以在加拿大的选举制度下执行。
        “It does come across as a highly unsophisticated understanding of Canadian politics,” said Lori Turnbull, an associate professor of political science at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.        位于新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的达尔豪斯大学政治学副教授洛里·特恩布尔表示:“确实给人一种对加拿大政治理解过于简单的感觉。”
        Aside from originating with the intelligence service, little has been revealed about the exact nature of most of the documents leaked to the two news outlets and it is unclear if the reporters saw them in their entirety. The sources for the information contained in the intelligence reports haves also not been revealed.        除了源自情报部门外,收到泄露情报的两家新闻媒体几乎没有透露大部分文件的确切性质,也不清楚记者是否看到了完整的文件。情报报告中所含信息的来源也没有披露。
        “It’s not necessarily evidence that a crime took place,” said Stephanie Carvin, a professor of national security studies at Carleton University in Ottawa, and a former Canadian government intelligence analyst. “We frankly don’t know. The way I feel about this issue is that it’s a puzzle. There’s a thousand pieces that the service has and we’re seeing 10 of them.”        “不一定能证明发生了犯罪,”渥太华卡尔顿大学国家安全研究教授、前加拿大政府情报分析师斯蒂芬妮·卡文表示。“坦率地说,我们不知道。我对这个问题的感觉是,这是一个谜。情报部门有一千份情报,而我们只看到了其中的10份。”
        Even so, Conservatives have been able to push Mr. Trudeau into a corner, while casting doubt on the allegiance of certain Chinese-Canadian elected officials in the Liberal Party, such as Michael Chan, a former Liberal cabinet minister in Ontario’s provincial government.        即便如此,保守党还是能够将特鲁多逼到墙角,同时对自由党内某些华裔加拿大民选官员的忠诚度提出质疑,例如安大略省政府前内阁部长、自由党人陈国治。
        Global News reported last month that CSIS said that at Beijing’s request, Mr. Chan arranged to replace a Liberal member of Parliament from Toronto with a different candidate.        环球新闻上个月报道称,CSIS表示,应北京的要求,陈国治安排用另一名候选人替换来自多伦多的一名自由党议员。
        Mr. Chan called that report nonsense because he’s never had the authority to orchestrate such a thing. “I don’t know where the heck CSIS gets this information,” he said.        陈国治称那份报告是胡说八道,因为他从来没有策划这种事情的权限。“我不知道CSIS到底从哪里得到这些信息,”他说。
        Mr. Chan and other Chinese-Canadian officials have been subject to increased scrutiny and what he says are false, racially motivated accusations that he was under the influence of officials in the Chinese consulate in Toronto.        陈国治和其他华裔加拿大官员受到了更严格的审查,他被指控受到中国驻多伦多领事馆官员的影响,他称之为出于种族动机的虚假指控。
        He has asked Mr. Trudeau to open an inquiry into “racial profiling” of the Chinese community by the intelligence service. “The informant who informed them just got it wrong, completely wrong,” he said.        他已要求特鲁多对情报部门的华人社区“种族定性”做法展开调查。“提供线索的线人肯定搞错了,完全搞错了,”他说。
        Mr. Trudeau initially responded to allegations of Chinese interference in elections by urging the public to wait for the release of a routine review that Canada uses to monitor foreign interference in elections.        最初回应中国干预选举的指控时,特鲁多敦促公众等待一份例行审查报告的公布,加拿大通过这项审查来监督外国对选举的干预。
        That report, made public on March 2, concluded that while China, Russia and Iran tried to interfere in the 2019 and 2021 elections, they had no effect on their results. But that did not quell the calls from opposition parties for a public inquiry.        这份于3月2日公布的报告得出的结论是,尽管中国、俄罗斯和伊朗试图干预2019年和2021年的选举,但它们对结果没有影响。但这并没有平息反对党要求公开调查的呼声。
        Mr. Trudeau recently announced several moves to examine foreign interference. And he committed to holding a public inquiry if it is recommended by a special reviewer who will make recommendations on preventing election subversion.        特鲁多最近宣布了几项审查外国干涉的举措。他还承诺,如果防止颠覆竞选的特别审查员建议,将进行公开调查。
        “We all agree that upholding confidence in our democratic process in our elections in our institutions, is of utmost importance,” Mr. Trudeau said. “This is not and should never be a partisan issue.”        “我们都知道,在我们制度下的选举中,维护对民主进程的信心至关重要,”特鲁多说。“这不是也不应该成为党派问题。”
        On Friday, The Globe and Mail published an essay it said was written by its source, who was only described as “a national security official.”        周五,《环球邮报》发表了一篇文章,据称是由提供消息者撰写的,此人仅被描述为“国家安全官员”。
        The newspaper’s source said that he or she acted because after years of what he or she saw as serious escalation of the threat from foreign interference in votes, “it had become increasingly clear that no serious action was being considered.”        这位为该报提供消息的人士称,他或她之所以采取行动,是因为多年来看到外国干涉选举的威胁已严重升级,“越来越明显的是,当局没有考虑采取任何严肃的行动。”
        The writer lamented that the political debate sparked by the leaks has been “marked by ugliness and division,” and added that he or she does not believe that any foreign power has “dictated the present composition of our federal government.”        作者感叹情报泄露事件引发的政治辩论“充满了丑陋和分裂”,并补充说,他或她不认为任何外国势力“支配了我们联邦政府目前的构成”。
        David J. Bercuson, the director emeritus of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary in Alberta, said he believes that Mr. Trudeau will eventually have to allow a public inquiry.        艾伯塔省卡尔加里大学军事与战略研究中心荣休主任戴维·J·伯库森表示,他认为特鲁多最终将不得不同意进行公开调查。
        Mr. Trudeau, Professor Bercuson, has yet to “do anything to resolve the growing mistrust.”        伯库森说,特鲁多尚未“采取任何措施来解决日益严重的猜疑”。

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