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An Oil Rush Threatens Natural Splendors Across East Africa

来源:纽约时报    2023-03-16 03:13

        MURCHISON FALLS NATIONAL PARK, Uganda — Under dense forest canopy sheltering elephants, rare birds and colobus monkeys, roaring bulldozers and excavators shatter the idyll, toppling ancient trees and carving roads to reach Uganda’s newest source of riches: oil.        乌干达默奇森瀑布国家公园——这片茂密的森林里生活着大象、各种珍稀鸟类和疣猴,现在,轰鸣的推土机和挖掘机打破了宁静,古树被推倒,开挖出的一条条道路通往乌干达的最新财富之源——石油。
        “This is a sanctuary,” said Ben Ntale, a Ugandan tour guide who has been bringing visitors to the Murchison Falls National Park for two decades. “But they are intent on destroying one of our greatest heritages.”        “这是一个保护区,”乌干达导游本·恩塔莱说道,二十年来,他一直带着游客参观默奇森瀑布国家公园。“但他们打算摧毁我们最伟大的遗产之一。”
        An oil rush is now underway in Uganda, a verdant, landlocked country in East Africa that has signed onto a multibillion-dollar joint venture with French and Chinese oil companies, arguing that the revenues will fund schools, roads and other development.        乌干达是东非一个植被苍翠的内陆国家,眼下,这里正掀起一股石油热潮,该国与法国和中国的石油公司一起出资数十亿美元建起一个合资企业,声称相关收入将用于学校、公路和其他发展项目。
        Drilling has already begun on the shores of Lake Albert, and in the pristine habitat of Murchison Falls National Park, workers are clearing areas to lay pads for oil wells. Land is being acquired and cleared to build a pipeline to carry the oil from the lush west of landlocked Uganda, through forests and game reserves in Tanzania, to a port on the Indian Ocean coast.        在阿尔伯特湖畔,钻探工作已经开始,在默奇森瀑布国家公园的原始栖息地,工人正在做周围的清理工作,为油井铺设垫子。为了修建一条输油管道,政府正在进行征地和清理工作,这条管道西起乌干达西部的葱郁丛林,穿过坦桑尼亚的森林和野生动物保护区,直抵印度洋边的一个港口。
        Residents in both countries have been displaced from their lands, drawing international criticism and lawsuits. Environmentalists are alarmed that oil spills could threaten Lake Victoria, a vital source of freshwater for 40 million people, and ravage the park that protects Murchison Falls, one of the world’s most powerful waterfalls, where the Nile River roars through a narrow gorge.        两国都有民众都被迫离开家园,这招致了国际社会的批评并引发了诉讼。环保人士警告,若出现石油泄漏,可能会威胁到维多利亚湖,这是4000万人口的重要淡水来源,并破坏保护着默奇森瀑布的公园,那是世界上最大的瀑布之一,尼罗河的湍流在那里穿过一个狭窄的峡谷。
        The Biden administration set off a similar uproar among environmentalists this week when it gave formal approval to a huge oil drilling project in Alaska, in what is said to be the country’s largest single expanse of pristine land.        本周,拜登政府正式批准了阿拉斯加的一个大型石油钻探项目,这在环保主义者当中也引起了类似的骚动,因为该项目所在的地方被认为是美国最大的一片原始土地。
        The project in Uganda and Tanzania has affected towns and villages where small farmers living in mud brick houses with thatched roofs tell of having all or part of their land expropriated by the joint venture, known as the East African Crude Oil Pipeline. Many spoke of still waiting for payment years later, while the pipeline company forbade them from planting vital cash crops like bananas, which pay for food and school fees for their children.        乌干达和坦桑尼亚的项目已经影响到了很多城镇和村庄,住在泥砖茅草屋里的小农说,他们全部或部分土地被这个名为东非原油管道的合资项目征用了。许多人表示,等了很多年赔付款依旧没到位,管道公司却禁止他们种植香蕉等重要经济作物,从吃饭到孩子的学费原本全指望这些作物。
        Fishing communities as well as farmers are being displaced. On the shores of Lake Albert, a newly installed oil rig pierced the sky. China National Offshore Oil Corp. began initial drilling for oil there in January. Less than half a mile away, gentle waves lapped against the shore where idle fishing boats had been tied.        渔民和农民纷纷被迫离开家园。在阿尔伯特湖畔,一个新装好的石油钻井平台划破了天空。今年1月,中国海洋石油集团开始在那里进行初步的石油钻探。数百米之外,温柔的波涛拍打着湖岸,那里停泊着闲置的渔船。
        Babihemaiso Dismas, a village leader, said China National tells fishermen to stay off the lake for days on end because of the drilling — depriving them of food and income. Residents say they have seen little of the development the company promised. It paved only the roads leading to its drilling sites and offices, and hired few locals, bringing in outside laborers instead.        村长巴比贺梅索·迪斯马斯说,由于钻井作业,中海油一连数天不让渔民去打鱼,导致他们无法获得食物和收入。当地民众表示,他们几乎没有看到该公司所承诺的开发项目。该公司只铺设了通往钻探地点和办公室的道路,并且很少雇用当地人,只是引进外部劳工。
        “They are digging millions of dollars in our land but they don’t want to share it,” he said. “They are milking the cow without feeding it.”        “他们在我们的土地上挖走数百万美元,却想独占,”他说。“他们挤奶却不让牛吃草。”
        In Tanzania, residents in the pipeline’s path said they only learned of the project in the media, just before being informed that they had to leave. Some protested, but it was futile; under Tanzanian law, all land is public, with the president as trustee, giving the government great latitude to seize it.        在坦桑尼亚,管道途经地区的居民说,他们在被告知必须离开之前,才从媒体上得知这个项目的消息。有些人抗议,但完全是徒劳的;根据坦桑尼亚法律,所有土地都是公共的,总统是受托人,这让政府可以随心所欲地征用土地。
        “There was no opportunity for negotiations,” said Issa Fuga, 86, who said he was forced to accept compensation for his 3 acres of maize and sunflowers in northeast Tanzania. “It automatically came as an order.”        “没有谈判的机会,”86岁的伊萨·富加说。他说自己在坦桑尼亚东北部种植了三英亩(约合18亩)玉米和向日葵,被迫接受赔偿。“直接就是一个命令下来。”
        The governments of Uganda and Tanzania, and the two oil companies — TotalEnergies of France and China National — call the concerns overblown, even false. They insist that they have safeguarded people and the environment, and have respected the countries’ laws and United Nations principles on business and human rights.        乌干达和坦桑尼亚政府以及两家石油公司——法国道尔达能源公司和中海油——称这种担忧被夸大了,甚至是错误的。他们坚持说,他们保护了人民和环境,尊重了这些国家的法律,以及联合国关于商业和人权的原则。
        Officials in Uganda and Tanzania defend the project as economically vital. Ruth Nankabirwa Ssentamu, the Ugandan minister of energy and mineral development, said in an interview that the proceeds from oil — an estimated $2 billion annually — will provide money for roads, hospitals and affordable energy.        两国官员称该项目在经济上至关重要。乌干达能源和矿产发展部部长鲁斯·南卡伯瓦·森塔姆在采访中说,石油的收益——估计每年达到20亿美元——将为道路、医院和可负担能源提供资金。
        Both countries accuse wealthy nations whose emissions largely created the climate crisis of hypocrisy for trying to dissuade poor countries from exploiting their own oil resources to lift their standard of living.        两国都指责富裕国家虚伪地试图劝阻贫穷国家利用自己的石油资源来提高生活水平,而气候危机很大程度上是这些富国的排放造成的。
        “If there’s a symbol of global hypocrisy on energy consumption, this is it right here,” January Makamba, Tanzania’s energy minister, said in a phone interview. “It’s like they are saying, ‘Let the addiction to hydrocarbons be our exclusive right.’”        “如果说全球能源消费问题方面有什么虚伪的象征,就是这件事了,”坦桑尼亚能源部长詹纽瑞·马卡姆巴在接受电话采访时说。“就好像他们在说,‘对碳氢化合物上瘾应该是我们独享的权利。’”
        TotalEnergies, in emailed responses to questions, acknowledged it had delayed some payments because investments had not yet come through, and the coronavirus pandemic caused logistical problems. The company said it and the two nations decided to pay those impacted additional compensation of 15% in Uganda and around 12% in Tanzania. It also said it created mechanisms for anyone aggrieved to complain.        道达尔能源在通过电子邮件回答问题时承认,由于投资尚未到位,以及新冠病毒大流行造成了实际运作上的问题,该公司推迟了部分付款。公司表示已经和两国决定向受影响的人支付额外赔偿金,在乌干达支付15%,在坦桑尼亚支付12%左右。它还表示为受到侵害的人建立了投诉机制。
        China National did not respond to repeated requests for comment.        中海油没有回应记者的多次置评请求。
        The project has drawn international opposition. Six Ugandan and French environmental and human rights groups sued TotalEnergies for violating a French law that requires French companies to uphold human rights and environmental protections. The court dismissed the case in late February, citing procedural grounds, but activists vowed to continue fighting TotalEnergies in and out of court.        该项目遭到了国际社会的反对。乌干达和法国的六个环境和人权组织起诉道达尔能源公司违反了法国一项要求法国公司维护人权和环境保护的法律。法院在2月底驳回了此案,理由是程序问题,但活动人士誓言要在法庭内外继续与道达尔能源公司进行斗争。
        Financing for the pipeline has not been finalized and activists have been able to persuade some of the world’s largest banks not to support it. Several human rights and environmental groups recently filed a complaint with the U.S. government against Marsh, a New York-based company that reportedly insured the pipeline.        这条管道的融资尚未最终敲定,活动人士已成功说服一些全球最大的银行不再支持这条管道。几个人权和环保组织最近向美国政府投诉达信公司,这家总部位于纽约的公司据说为这条管道提供了保险。
        In both Tanzania and Uganda, people who protest the project and journalists who cover it have reported harassment, intimidation and arbitrary arrest. Comfert Aganyira, an activist in Hoima, Uganda, said unidentified men showed up at her office last year, shoving her and taking her phone.        在坦桑尼亚和乌干达,抗议该项目的人们和报道该项目的记者都报告了骚扰、恐吓和任意逮捕。乌干达霍伊马的活动人士康福特·阿干伊拉说,去年,一些身份不明的男子出现在她的办公室,推搡她,拿走了她的手机。
        “We have too much fear but we do the work anyway,” she said.        “我们有太多的恐惧,但我们还是做了工作,”她说。
        The oil rush has already brought a flood of workers, new hotels and lighted roads to the Hoima area in western Uganda.        石油热潮为乌干达西部的霍伊马地区带来了大量工人、新酒店和有照明的道路。
        But activists say that TotalEnergies and its partners inflated the number of jobs the project will create, initially downplayed the extent of drilling within Murchison park and underestimated the project’s full impact on climate.        但活动人士表示,道达尔能源公司及其合作伙伴夸大了该项目能创造的就业岗位数量,起初还掩盖了默奇森公园内钻探的实际规模,低估了该项目对气候的全面影响。
        Environmentalists say the risk of ecological disaster is unacceptable. The pipeline, the longest heated conduit in the world, will straddle the basin of Lake Victoria, which supplies Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya with fresh water. It will traverse a seismically active region to a coastline that has protected marine reserves rich with mangroves and coral reefs.        环保人士说,生态灾难的风险是不可接受的。这条管道是世界上最长的加热管道,横跨为乌干达、坦桑尼亚和肯尼亚提供淡水的维多利亚湖盆地。它将穿越一个地震活跃地区,到达海岸线,那里有包括大量红树林和珊瑚礁的海洋保护区。
        The drilling sites and pipeline will also cut through game reserves and steppes teeming with animals like lions, buffaloes and the endangered Rothschild giraffe that tourists flock to see. Activists warn that the project will damage habitat and the vital tourism industry.        钻探点和管道还将穿过野生动物保护区和草原,那里有很多动物,如狮子、水牛和濒危的罗斯柴尔德长颈鹿,吸引着众多游人慕名而来。活动人士警告说,该项目将破坏栖息地和至关重要的旅游业。
        Already, vehicles speeding on the paved road within Murchison have killed animals. The construction has driven elephants and other animals into villages, where they destroy crops and damage property, activists say.        在默奇森的铺面道路上,动物被疾驰的车辆撞死。活动人士说,这些建造工程迫使大象和其他动物进入村庄,破坏庄稼和财产。
        “It’s a tragedy,” said Ntale, shaking his head. “This park will never be the same again.”        “这是个悲剧,”恩塔莱摇着头说。“这个公园再也不会回到原来的样子了。”

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