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A Hungarian Town Seethes Over a Giant Chinese Battery Plant

来源:纽约时报    2023-03-16 10:25

        The small-town mayor, long a loyal foot soldier for Hungary’s governing party, recently committed what he described as “political suicide,” throwing himself in the path of an enormous $7.8 billion Chinese battery factory project promoted by his dissent-intolerant prime minister, Viktor Orban.        这个小镇的镇长长期以来一直是匈牙利执政党在基层的支持者。他说,自己最近做的事情相当于“政治自杀”,他当了一个中国电池厂项目的挡路石。这项投资金额73.4亿欧元(约合534亿元人民币)的巨型项目是匈牙利不容异见的总理欧尔班·维克托推动的。
        “It is like lying in front of a steamroller,” Zoltan Timar, the mayor of Mikepercs, said of his decision to side with residents opposed to the project, which his Fidesz party championed. “I just hope it won’t roll over me too soon.”        “就像躺在压路机前那样,”米凯佩尔奇镇长蒂马尔·佐尔坦在谈到他决定站到反对该项目的居民一边时说道,他所在的政党——青年民主主义者联盟(下文简称“青民盟”)则支持该项目。“我只是希望它不会很快压到我身上。”
        The factory, which would be the biggest of its kind in Europe, is the fruit of a yearslong diplomatic and economic tilt by Mr. Orban away from the West toward countries like China and Russia. It promises to put Hungary at the center of a wrenching and, for some, highly profitable green transition, with electric cars leading the way.        这家电池厂建成后将是欧洲同类工厂中规模最大的,是欧尔班多年来在外交和经济上偏离西方、向中国和俄罗斯等国倾斜的成果。它有望让匈牙利成为一场痛苦的、对某些人来说非常有利可图的绿色转型过程的中心,电动汽车在这个转型中起着引领作用。
        But residents in Mikepercs, a Fidesz stronghold in eastern Hungary, are seething over the arrival on nearby farmland of bulldozers and dump trucks preparing the way for the Chinese plant. Many worry the project would create pollution, drain their water supply and bring an influx of Chinese and other foreign workers.        虽然位于匈牙利东部的米凯佩尔奇是青民盟的大本营,但当地民众对附近农田出现的推土机和自卸卡车充满愤怒,它们正在做开工前的准备工作。许多人担心这个项目会造成污染,耗尽他们的水资源,并带来大量中国和其他国家的工人。
        “Pocketknives have opened up in everyone’s pocket,” said Eniko Pasztor, a pensioner and opponent of the factory, using a Hungarian phrase used to express anger.        “每个人口袋里的折刀都已打开,”领养老金的帕斯托尔·埃妮科说,她用了一个匈牙利语里的说法来表达愤怒。
        Two public hearings on the venture, held in the nearby city of Debrecen in January, descended into chaos amid fistfights and shouts of “traitor” directed at officials by residents anxious about their future health and property values.        今年1月在附近的德布勒森举行的两次有关该项目的公众听证会曾陷入混乱,对自己未来的健康和房地产价值忧心忡忡的居民们大骂官员是“卖国贼”,还对他们动了拳脚。
        Taman Polgar Toth, a journalist with a local news site, Debreciner, said he “had never seen anything like it — hundreds of people yelling and fighting.”        当地新闻网站Debreciner的记者托特·波尔加尔·塔曼说,他“从未看到过这种事情——几百人大喊大叫、大打出手。”
        Behind the noise, however, lie two of the most consequential and closely entwined issues of the day: China and climate change. Disagreement over what to do about either has thrust tiny Mikepercs (population: 5,300) into a global ruckus.        但这些大吵大闹的背后隐伏着当今最重要且最密切相关的两个问题:中国和气候变化。对如何处理这两个问题的分歧已将小小的米凯佩尔奇(人口5300人)置入了一场全球争论之中。
        In a push to dominate new technologies vital to the reduction of carbon emissions, China has lavished tens of billions of dollars’ worth of tax breaks and other subsidies on its electric carmakers.        为了主导对减少碳排放至关重要的新技术,中国已为本国的电动汽车制造商提供了价值数百亿美元的税收减免和其他补贴。
        It is now the world’s biggest maker of batteries for electric vehicles, led by Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd., or CATL, the company behind the Hungarian project.        它现在是世界上最大的电动汽车电池制造国,宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司是它最大的厂商,也是这个匈牙利项目背后的中国公司。
        China’s dominance of the industry has raised alarm in the United States, where a recent battery-factory project involving CATL in Virginia collapsed after Gov. Glenn Youngkin denounced it as a “front for the Chinese Communist Party.” In Europe, there have been warnings about the risks of dependence on Chinese battery manufacturers.        中国在该行业的主导地位已引起了美国的警觉。弗吉尼亚州一个与宁德时代有关的电池工厂项目被州长格伦·扬金谴责为“中国共产党的阵线”后已告失败。欧洲也有人对依赖中国电池制造商的风险发出警告。
        CATL already has a $2 billion plant in Germany that was widely welcomed, but its plans for the larger one in Hungary has left it at odds with the nearly half of the country’s population that, according to a survey this week, wants new battery plants banned.        宁德时代已经在德国拥有一家投资额达18亿欧元的工厂,虽然这家工厂受到了广泛欢迎,但宁德时代在匈牙利建更大工厂的计划却让公司与匈牙利的近一半人口产生了矛盾,据本周的一项调查,匈牙利近50%的人希望禁止建新电池厂。
        Mr. Orban’s courtship of China and its investors is part of Hungary’s “Eastern Opening,” a policy he announced in 2010 in an abrupt turn away from his previous role championing democracy, human rights and Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.        欧尔班向中国及其投资者献殷勤是匈牙利“东部开放”政策的一部分,这项政策是他突然改变了以前支持民主、人权和西藏流亡精神领袖达赖喇嘛的立场后于2010年宣布的。
        The shift has delighted Beijing. On a visit last month to Budapest, the Hungarian capital, China’s senior foreign policy official, Wang Yi, praised Hungary for its “China-friendly policy.”        这一转变令中国政府感到高兴。中国级别最高的外交官王毅上个月访问匈牙利首都布达佩斯时对该国“与中国友好的政策”表示赞赏。
        Many other European countries have soured on China, in part because of its support for Russia over the war in Ukraine. But Hungary — already isolated from its NATO and European Union allies because of its equivocal stand on the war — has doubled down.        许多其他欧洲国家也对中国产生反感,部分原因是中国在乌克兰战争中支持俄罗斯。但由于在俄乌战争问题上持模棱两可的立场,匈牙利已受到其北约和欧盟盟友的孤立,因此加倍努力搞好与中国的关系。
        “He is the last man standing as a friend of China in the European Union,” said Tamas Matura, a foreign relations scholar at Corvinus University in Budapest.        “他是欧盟国家领导人当中最后一个跟中国保持友好关系的人,”布达佩斯科尔维努斯大学的外交关系学者毛图拉·塔马斯说。
        When Hungary announced the battery plant last August, it trumpeted it as the biggest foreign investment in the country’s history.        去年8月宣布这个项目时,匈牙利曾将其捧为该国历史上最大的一笔外国投资。
        Previous Chinese megaprojects in Hungary, notably a nearly $3 billon high-speed railway between Budapest and Belgrade, the capital of neighboring Serbia, have been mired in delays and accusations of corruption relating to secret contracts for Mr. Orban’s allies in business.        中国以前在匈牙利的大型项目,尤其是耗资近30亿美元的布达佩斯到邻国塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德的高速铁路,一直受拖延,以及与欧尔班的商业盟友签秘密合同有关的腐败指控所困扰。
        Now, the battery plant has been met with stiff opposition, first from local residents, and then from opposition politicians and civil society activists.        现在,电池厂的建设遭到了激烈反对,先是来自当地居民,然后是反对派政客和民间社会活动人士。
        They were joined last week by the governor of Hungary’s central bank, Gyorgy Matolcsy, a former Fidesz stalwart who accused Mr. Orban’s government of stoking inflation by pursuing economic growth through large foreign investments in basic manufacturing, like battery plants. Hungary has become a manufacturing hub for German carmakers, Asian companies like Samsung, which has a battery plant near Budapest, and others foreign corporations.        上周,匈牙利中央银行行长毛托尔奇·捷尔吉加入了他们的行列,他曾是青民盟的坚定支持者,现在指责欧尔班政府用大量外国投资来建设电池厂等基础制造业的方式追求经济增长,从而加剧了通胀。匈牙利已成为一个制造中心,为包括德国汽车制造商、三星(在布达佩斯附近有一家电池厂)等亚洲公司,以及其他一些外国公司制造产品。
        The new Chinese battery factory is expected to create 9,000 jobs, but some economists say the macroeconomic gains, like years of robust growth, from such projects are offset by the inflation they help fuel. Hungary has Europe’s highest annual rate of inflation, running at around 25 percent.        新的中国电池厂预计将创造9000个就业岗位,但一些经济学家说,这些项目带来的宏观经济收益,如多年的强劲增长正在被这种投资助长的通货膨胀抵消。匈牙利的年通货膨胀率约为25%,在欧洲最高。
        Gergely Karacsony, the mayor of Budapest, a prominent liberal critic of both Mr. Orban and China who has renamed several streets in the capital to give them names like “Free Hong Kong Road,” said the “huge Chinese factory is a symbol of Hungary’s model of capitalism” based on what he said were “low wages, low environmental standards and low protection for workers.”        布达佩斯市长卡拉乔尼·盖尔盖伊是批评欧尔班和中国的著名自由主义者,他已把首都的几条街道重新命名为“自由香港路”这样的名字,他说,“巨大的中国工厂是匈牙利资本主义模式的象征”,是建立在他称之为“低工资、低环保标准、对工人低保护”基础之上的。
        “In Hungary, we have socialism for the elites and capitalism for the masses,” he said.        “在匈牙利,我们让精英过社会主义生活,让大众过资本主义生活,”他说。
        More worrying for the government is the public rift, small but highly unusual, that has opened up within the ranks of Fidesz.        对政府来说更为担心的是,青民盟内部已出现了虽然不大,但极不寻常的公开分歧。
        Mr. Timar, the mayor of Mikepercs, won 100 percent of the vote in the last election in 2019, his fifth victory in a row for the party.        米凯佩尔奇镇长蒂马尔在2019年的最近一次选举中全票当选,那是他连续五次为青民盟赢得胜利。
        Struggling to contain discontent among its supporters, Fidesz has deployed its vast media apparatus to paint the furor over the battery plant as the work of outside agitators funded by the Hungarian-born financier George Soros, the governing party’s go-to villain, and “fake” residents mobilized by the opposition.        青民盟正在努力防止其支持者中不满情绪的恶化,它调动庞大的宣传机器,把对电池厂的愤怒描绘成外部煽动者的所作所为,称该国执政党的头号反派人物、匈牙利出生的金融家乔治·索罗斯出钱雇人“假冒”居民,反对项目。
        But Fidesz’s problems began last November, when a group of women in Mikepercs, angry that they had not been consulted about the Chinese project, organized a street protest, the first of many.        但青民盟的问题始于去年11月,当时米凯佩尔奇的一群女性因有关方面没有就中国项目征求她们的意见感到愤怒,组织了一次街头抗议,那是多次抗议活动的第一次。
        Ms. Pasztor, the pensioner, joined other women to form Mothers of Mikepercs, a group that wants to halt construction of the factory until residents have reliable information about what it would mean for their water supply, noise levels and pollution. Another big question they have is where the plant’s workers would come from, since unemployment in the area is nearly nonexistent.        领养老金的帕斯托尔和其他女性一起成立了名为“米凯佩尔奇母亲”的组织,希望工厂先暂停建设,直到把项目给供水、噪音和污染带来什么影响的可靠信息提供给民众。她们的另一个大问题是,工厂的工人将从哪里来,因为当地几乎不存在失业问题。
        The mayor, Mr. Timar, held a town-hall meeting and invited CATL to address local concerns. The company, he said, told him it was “too busy” to send someone to answer questions.        镇长蒂马尔召开了市政厅会议,邀请宁德时代出席,回答当地人的疑问。他说,公司告诉他因为“太忙”,无法派人出席。
        Asked about the meeting, a spokesman for the Chinese company, Fred Zhang, said CATL “communicates regularly” with the mayor and has been “actively responding to questions and concerns from local residents.”        记者把那次会议的问题提给宁德时代后,公司发言人弗里德·张(音)说,宁德时代与镇长“定期沟通”,并一直对“当地居民的问题和担忧作出积极的回应”。
        Many of the concerns, he added, “are misinformation and misunderstanding. We intend to strengthen our communications with local communities in the future.”        他还说,这些担忧中许多“是假信息和误解,我们打算在未来加强与当地社区的沟通”。
        Ms. Pasztor said she has nothing against China but did not want neighborhood houses turned into dormitories for Chinese and other foreign workers, a widespread concern after years of anti-immigrant fear-mongering by Mr. Orban and his party’s media machine.        帕斯托尔说,她并不反感中国,而是不想让附近的房子变成中国工人和其他外国工人的宿舍。欧尔班及其所在政党的宣传机器散布了多年的反移民信息,匈牙利人普遍有这种担忧。
        The Fidesz mayor of Debrecen, Laszlo Papp, a strong supporter of the Chinese factory, acknowledged that many locals were upset but said this was largely because there “is a lot of fake information” about how much water the plant would use, where factory workers would come from and other issues.        德布勒森市长帕普·拉斯洛也是青民盟成员,他坚定地支持中国建厂,他承认许多当地人对建厂感到不安,但他说,那主要是因为对工厂将使用多少水、工厂的工人从哪里来,以及其它问题“有很多假信息”。
        He added that it was important to keep an eye on long-term economic development and not be distracted by “momentary shifts in the public mood” driven by political rivalries. “You can’t run a city on the basis of mood and feelings,” he said.        他补充说,重要的是把注意力放在长期经济发展上,不被受政治对抗驱动的“公众情绪的瞬间转变”分散精力。“不能根据人们的情绪和感受来管理一座城市,”他说。
        The Chinese factory, its supporters say, is vital for the whole country.        支持建厂的人说,中国工厂对整个国家至关重要。
        “The green transition is inevitable, and we want to be part of it,” said Mate Litkei, director of the Climate Policy Institute in Budapest, hailing the Chinese investment as an important contribution to the shift away from fossil fuels.        “绿色转型不可避免,我们想成为其中的一部分,”布达佩斯气候政策研究所所长利特凯伊·马特说,他把中国的投资称赞为向非化石燃料转移的重要贡献。
        Mr. Litkei said that Hungary needed to ensure there were enough batteries on hand before 2035, when a European Union ban on the sale of new gas and diesel cars will start.        利特凯伊说,匈牙利需要确保在2035年前有足够的电池,届时欧盟禁售新的汽油和柴油车的立法将开始生效。
        Mercedes-Benz Group, which has a big factory in Hungary, welcomed CATL’s plans, saying it would be the “first and biggest customer of the new plant’s initial capacity.”        在匈牙利拥有一家大工厂的梅赛德斯-奔驰集团欢迎宁德时代的计划,称集团将成为“新电池工厂初始产能的第一个和最大的客户”。
        When CATL in January opened a much smaller battery factory in Germany, it met with no opposition from local residents or German environmentalists, whose Green Party is part of the coalition government in Berlin.        宁德时代今年1月在德国开工建设一家规模小得多的电池工厂时没有遭到当地居民或德国环保主义者的反对,柏林的三党联合政府中包括德国绿党。
        In Hungary, however, politics have become so polarized and toxic, with Fidesz for years vilifying environmental activists as agents of Mr. Soros, that neither side trusts the other.        然而,在匈牙利,政治已经变得如此两极分化、如此有害,而且青民盟多年来一直将环保活动人士诋毁为索罗斯的代理人,支持建厂和反对建厂的人都不信任对方。
        Hungarian environmentalists see electric cars as a big improvement on carbon-emitting vehicles, but point to the damage caused by the mining and processing of lithium, cobalt and other hazardous materials used to make batteries.        虽然匈牙利环保人士将电动汽车视为取代碳排放车辆的一大进步,但他们指出,开采加工锂、钴和其他用于制造电池的有害材料会给环境造成损害。
        On top of that, said Peter Ungar, co-chairman of the Green Party of Hungary, factories like the one next to Mikepercs consume vast amounts of water and energy and cover arable land with concrete. CATL’s Hungarian plant would cover an area around the size of 400 football fields.        匈牙利绿党联合主席温加尔·彼得说,更重要的是,像建在米凯佩尔奇镇旁边的工厂会消耗大量的水和能源,还将把可耕地用混凝土覆盖起来。宁德时代匈牙利工厂的占地面积相当于 400个足球场。
        “Batteries are not our salvation,” Mr. Ungar said. “Nor is China.”        昂加尔说,“电池救不了我们。中国也救不了。”

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