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U.K. Bans TikTok on Government Devices

来源:纽约时报    2023-03-17 11:31

        Britain on Thursday became the latest Western country to prohibit the use of TikTok on “government devices,” citing security fears linked to the video-sharing app’s ownership by a Chinese company.        周四,英国成为最新一个禁止在“政府设备”上使用TikTok的西方国家,理由是担心这款视频分享应用由一家中国公司所有而导致的安全问题。
        Speaking in Parliament, Oliver Dowden, a senior cabinet minister, announced the ban with immediate effect, describing it as “precautionary,” even though the United States, the European Union’s executive arm, Canada and India have already taken similar steps.        内阁高级大臣奥利弗·道登在议会发言时宣布这项禁令立即生效,并称其为“预防措施”,尽管美国、欧盟的执行机构、加拿大和印度已经采取了类似的措施。
        Social media apps collect and store “huge amounts of user data including contacts, user content and geolocation data on government devices that data can be sensitive,” Mr. Dowden said, but TikTok has aroused more suspicion than most because of its owner, the Chinese company ByteDance.        道登说,社交媒体应用程序收集和存储“大量用户数据,包括政府设备上的联系人、用户内容和地理位置数据,这些数据可能是敏感的”,但TikTok引起的怀疑比大多数同类产品要多,因为其所有者是中国公司字节跳动。
        Britain’s actions reflect fears expressed across a variety of Western governments that TikTok might share sensitive data from devices used by politicians and senior officials with the government in Beijing.        英国的行动反映了西方各国政府的担忧,他们担心TikTok可能会将政治人物和高级官员使用的设备中的敏感数据分享给中国政府。
        The ban announced on Thursday follows a hardening of policy in Britain. On Monday, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak described China as an “epoch-defining challenge” to the international order.        周四宣布的禁令是在英国政策趋于强硬之后做出的。周一,首相苏纳克称中国对国际秩序构成了“划时代挑战”。
        The new instruction applies only to the official work phones of government officials, and it was described by Mr. Dowden as a proportionate approach to addressing a potential vulnerability of government data.        新指令只适用于政府官员的官方工作电话,道登称,这是应对政府数据潜在漏洞的一种适当方法。
        TikTok has long insisted that it does not pass on information to the Chinese government. In a statement on Thursday, TikTok said it was disappointed with the British government’s decision, saying that the bans imposed on it were “based on fundamental misconceptions and driven by wider geopolitics.” It added that it was taking steps to protect British users’ data.        TikTok长期以来坚称没有向中国政府传递数据。TikTok在周四的声明中表示,对英国政府的决定感到失望,称对其实施禁令是“基于根本性的误解,并受到更广泛的地缘政治推动”。该公司还表示,它正在采取措施保护英国用户的数据。
        In the United States, the White House told federal agencies on Feb. 27 that they had 30 days to delete the app from government devices. More than two dozen states have banned TikTok on government-issued devices, and a significant number of colleges have blocked it from campus Wi-Fi networks. The app has been banned for three years on U.S. government devices used by the Army, the Marine Corps, the Air Force and the Coast Guard.        在美国,白宫于2月27日通知联邦机构,它们有30天时间从政府设备中删除这款应用。20多个州已经禁止在政府发放的设备上使用TikTok,相当多的大学已经从校园Wi-Fi网络上屏蔽了它。陆军、海军陆战队、空军和海岸警卫队使用的政府设备已禁止使用该应用程序三年。
        On Wednesday, TikTok said the Biden administration was toughening its stance about addressing national security concerns, telling the company that it would need to sell the app or face a possible ban.        周三,TikTok表示,拜登政府在解决国家安全问题上的立场更加强硬,通知该公司需要出售这款应用,否则可能面临禁令。
        Several British government departments have TikTok accounts as part of their public outreach, including the country’s defense ministry, and as recently as one day ago, Michelle Donelan, the secretary of state for science, innovation and technology, said the app was safe for British people to use.        包括英国国防部在内的几个英国政府部门都有TikTok账户,作为其公共宣传的一部分。就在一天前,英国科学、创新和技术大臣米歇尔·唐兰表示,英国人使用这款应用是安全的。
        “In terms of the general public, it is absolutely a personal choice, but because we have the strongest data protection laws in the world, we are confident that the public can continue to use it,” she told lawmakers in Parliament.        她在议会上对议员们说:“就公众而言,这绝对是个人选择,但由于我们拥有世界上最强有力的数据保护法,我们相信公众可以继续使用它。”
        China has featured prominently in an updated security review published by the government, although Mr. Sunak’s toughened language failed to satisfy all the hawks in his Conservative Party, including one of its former leaders, Iain Duncan Smith.        在政府最新发布的一份安全评估报告中,中国占据了重要位置,不过苏纳克的强硬措辞未能满足其所在的保守党内的所有鹰派人士,包括该党前领导人之一伊恩·邓肯·史密斯。
        Mr. Duncan Smith questioned whether the British government officially considered China to be a threat, and on Thursday, while he praised the action against TikTok, he called for the ban to be extended to private devices belonging to government officials.        邓肯·史密斯质疑英国政府是否正式将中国视为威胁。周四,他赞扬了针对TikTok的行动,但同时呼吁将禁令扩大到政府官员的私人设备。
        That followed a decision by China in December to withdraw six of its diplomats from Britain, after a diplomatic standoff between London and Beijing in the wake of a violent clash during a pro-democracy demonstration at the Chinese Consulate in the northern city of Manchester.        此前,北部城市曼彻斯特的中国领事馆门前举行的一场支持民主的示威活动中发生暴力冲突,导致伦敦和北京之间的外交僵局,中国于去年12月决定从英国撤回六名外交官。
        The British authorities had asked six Chinese diplomats to waive their official immunity to allow police to investigate how a protester from Hong Kong was injured after being dragged onto the consulate grounds and beaten on Oct. 16.        英国当局曾要求这六名中国外交官放弃官方豁免权,以便警方调查一名来自香港的抗议者10月16日被拖进领事馆,遭到殴打并受伤一事。
        Instead, China decided to repatriate the six officials, including one of its senior diplomats, the consul general, Zheng Xiyuan, who had denied beating a protester, without denying involvement in the incident.        然而,中国决定召回这六名官员,其中包括高级外交官之一、总领事郑曦原。郑曦原否认殴打抗议者,但没有否认参与该事件。

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