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They Shared Erotic Images in a Group Chat. The Fine: $17,000.

来源:纽约时报    2023-03-07 03:22

        The video shows the woman in a spaghetti strap top and very short shorts strolling outside a mall in central Singapore. She looks around to make sure no one can see her. Then she pulls down her top, revealing a breast to her partner, who is filming her.        视频中,一名身穿细吊带衫和热裤的女子在新加坡市中心一家购物中心外漫步。她环顾四周,确保没有人能看到她。然后她拉下上衣,向正在拍摄她的伴侣露出乳房。
        The woman, Nguyen Thi Anh Thy, and her husband, Jeffrey Chue, say no one saw them make the video in May 2020. A day later, Mr. Chue uploaded it to a private channel he had created on the messaging app Telegram mostly for people who participate in group sex and partner swapping.        这位名为阮氏映媞的女子和她的丈夫祝子章说,2020年5月拍视频的时候没有人看到他们。一天后,祝先生将视频上传到他在即时通讯应用Telegram上创建的私人频道,会员主要是参与群交和性伴侣交换的人。
        Membership in the channel grew, and the video quickly found its way beyond the members — to the internet.        该频道的会员人数不断增加,视频很快就从会员的圈子中流出——进入了互联网。
        Two years later, a court in Singapore fined the couple $17,000, saying the video as well as other photos of Ms. Nguyen in various states of undress violated the country’s laws against nudity and obscenity. The couple was also convicted of providing and abetting false information.        两年后,新加坡一家法院对这对夫妇处以1.7万美元的罚款,称该视频以及阮氏映媞不同程度裸露的照片违反了该国禁止裸体和淫秽的法律。这对夫妇还因提供和教唆虚假信息而被定罪。
        In Singapore, the prosecution made headlines not only for its details but also because it touched on a topic that remains sensitive to many Singaporeans: sex.        在新加坡,这一诉讼不仅因其细节而成为新闻,还因为它触及了对许多新加坡人来说仍然敏感的话题:性。
        Singapore has long imposed numerous restrictions on behavior and expression in pursuit of conservative views of morality as well as an enviable public safety record. ​But the wealthy city-state has slowly loosened some of those restrictions. In the early 2000s, a ban on oral sex was lifted. Last year, after years of activism and a growing social acceptance of homosexuality, the government repealed a ban on sex between consenting men.        长期以来,新加坡为了追求保守的道德观和令人羡慕的公共安全记录,对人们的行为和表达施加了许多限制。但这个富裕的城邦已经慢慢放宽了其中一些限制。2000年代初,口交禁令被取消。去年,经过多年的运动且随着社会对同性恋的接受度不断提高,政府废除了男性同性之间自愿性行为的禁令。
        In Asia, Singapore is not an outlier when it comes to nudity and obscenity laws, but it has, in some cases, adopted a strict stance on violations, even when they are done in the confines of one’s home. The government does not offer statistics of how many people are prosecuted on similar charges although legal experts say such cases are still rare.        新加坡禁止裸体和淫秽的法律在亚洲并非异类,但在某些情况下,它对违规行为采取了严厉的立场,即使这些行为发生在一个人的家中。政府没有提供因类似罪名被检控的人数统计,不过法律专家表示此类案件仍然很少见。
        In 2009, a court fined a man $1,900 for being naked in his own apartment while in clear view of his neighbors. Last year, the government fined Titus Low, a content creator, $2,200 for uploading photos and videos on OnlyFans, a website that offers sexually explicit photos to paying subscribers.        2009年,法院对一名男子处以1900美元的罚款,理由是在他在自己的公寓里赤身裸体且能被邻居清楚地看到。去年,政府对内容创作者泰特斯·刘(音)处以2200美元的罚款,原因是他在OnlyFans上传照片和视频,OnlyFans是一个向付费订阅者提供成人色情照片的网站。
        Supporters of Mr. Chue and Ms. Nguyen have questioned why sexual activity between consenting adults is still criminalized. And rights groups have called on the government to use consent as a deciding factor to determine whether sexual acts are illegal.        祝子章和阮氏映媞的支持者质疑为什么成年人之间自愿的性行为仍被定为犯罪。人权组织呼吁政府将性合意作为决定性行为是否违法的决定因素。
        The couple point out that Singapore allows prostitution in a regulated district, while hundreds of sex workers operate in karaoke bars that are loosely policed. They argue it is hypocritical for the state to go after them when such venues exist.        这对夫妇指出,新加坡允许在受监管的地区卖淫,而数以百计的性工作者在监管松散的卡拉OK酒吧营业。他们争辩说,当这样的场所存在时,国家对他们的追究是虚伪的。
        But Singapore’s minister for communications and information, Josephine Teo, said last year, answering a question about OnlyFans, that the government had to “ensure that such content creation platforms do not expose Singaporeans to the risk of exploitation and abuse, especially our youth.”        但新加坡通讯及新闻部部长杨莉明去年在回答有关OnlyFans的问题时表示,政府必须“确保此类内容创建平台不会让新加坡人面临剥削和虐待的风险,尤其是我们的年轻人”。
        Eugene Tan, an associate professor of law at the Singapore Management University, said, “People might regard Singapore laws as being somewhat prudish, that these people should be free to express themselves.” He added, “In Singapore, certainly, we don’t regard this as freedom of expression, particularly when it seems to have a negative effect on society’s social mores.”        新加坡管理大学法学副教授陈庆文表示,“人们可能会认为新加坡法律有些古板,这些人理应能够自由表达自己的想法。”他还说:“当然,在新加坡,我们不认为这是言论自由,尤其是当它似乎有伤社会风化时。”
        After their conviction, Mr. Chue and Ms. Nguyen left for Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, where Ms. Nguyen is from. They say they were unfairly penalized as sexual deviants when all they were doing was exploring an alternative lifestyle consensually.        被定罪后,祝子章和阮氏映媞前往越南的胡志明市,也就是后者的祖国。他们说,他们只是在双方自愿的情况下探索另一种生活方式,却被当做性反常者,受到不公正的惩罚。
        “We didn’t do what we did at the expense of anyone,” Mr. Chue said in an interview with The New York Times. “Our point is — what they’ve done to us — do we deserve this?”        “我们所做的事情并没有以牺牲任何人为代价,”祝子章在接受《纽约时报》采访时说。“我们的观点是,他们对我们所做的,是我们应得的吗?”
        Vanessa Ho, the executive director of Project X, an advocacy group that supports sex workers, compared the couple’s plight with sex workers who “feel like they have been unfairly portrayed and persecuted as beacons of immorality.” She added, “In order to portray a certain sense of morality, you have to police it, and you have to police it in very obvious, sometimes spectacular ways.”        支持性工作者的倡导组织ProjectX总干事凡妮莎·何(音)将这对夫妇的困境与性工作者进行了比较,性工作者“觉得自己被不公平地描绘和迫害为不道德的灯塔”。她还说,“为了描绘某种道德感,你必须对其进行监管,而且你必须以非常明显、有时甚至是示众的方式进行监管。”
        Many of the couple’s supporters say the case has prompted them to remove their own erotic photos and videos from private websites that cater to people who swap sex partners or engage in group sex.        这对夫妇的许多支持者表示,此案促使他们从私人网站上删除了自己的色情照片和视频,这些网站服务于交换性伴侣或参与群交的人。
        Ms. Nguyen, 30, the owner of a label-printing company for clothing in Vietnam, said that in 2019, before their marriage the next June, she and her husband joined an online forum — the Undertable Swingers’ Community — which has more than 50,000 members, based in Singapore. Many members say they quickly became one of the most popular couples on the platform for their daring photos in public spaces.        30岁的阮氏映媞是越南一家服装标识印刷公司的老板,她说,2019年——他们在次年6月结婚——她和丈夫加入了网络论坛“地下换妻社区”,这个位于新加坡的论坛拥有超过5万名会员。许多成员表示,这对夫妇在公共场所的露骨照片很快让他们成为平台上最受欢迎的情侣之一。
        In March 2020, Mr. Chue, 50, started the Telegram channel, charging $19 a month and $52 for three months to gain access to the couple’s photos. A former chief executive of an international table tennis league, he said he was trying to offset the costs of hosting drinks for people who wanted to meet the couple but would leave without paying their portion of the bill.        2020年3月,50岁的祝子章开通了Telegram频道,获得这对夫妇的照片需要付费,每月19美元,三个月52美元。他曾是一个国际乒乓球联赛的首席执行官。他说,一些人想与他们夫妇线下见面,但不愿意分担聚会的酒水账单,他试图用这种方式补偿聚会的费用。
        At its height, the channel had 320 members.        该频道最多的时候有320名成员。
        A few months later, Mr. Chue uploaded the video of Ms. Nguyen outside the mall. Soon, the couple discovered that the clip — as well as other photos of Ms. Nguyen that the couple had shared in the channel — was spreading on WhatsApp, Instagram and various public internet forums.        几个月后,祝子章上传了阮氏映媞在商场外的视频。很快,他们发现这段视频——以及他们在频道中分享的阮氏映媞的其他照片——正在WhatsApp、Instagram和各种公共网络论坛上传播。
        Mr. Chue scrambled to delete the content, but it was too late.        祝子章急忙删除内容,但为时已晚。
        The next day, the front page of the Shin Min Newspaper, a Chinese broadsheet, carried photos of Ms. Nguyen with the headline: “Husband takes nude photos of wife on street.” An anonymous person later filed a police report by email, attaching the clip.        第二天,华文大报《新明日报》刊登了阮氏映媞的照片,标题是《夫街头拍妻裸照》。一位匿名人士后来通过电子邮件向警方报案,并附上了这段视频。
        Two days later, around 10 officers raided the couple’s apartment, they said, and arrested them.        他们说,两天后,大约10名警察突击搜查了两夫妇的公寓,并将他们逮捕。
        “I was in a complete state of shock,” Mr. Chue said.        “我完全震惊了,”祝子章说。
        Prosecutors accused Mr. Chue of using social media “to entice followers” to subscribe to the Telegram channel, which amounts to violating laws on the distribution of “any obscene object.”        检察官指控祝子章使用社交媒体“引诱关注者”订阅Telegram频道,这相当于违反了有关传播“淫秽物品”的法律。
        Lawyers for Mr. Chue called for “the adaptation and evolution of the law” to keep up with “the evolving standards of morality and normalcy” in Singapore. They argued that the pictures should not be considered obscene because they were available only to consenting adults and “must be viewed in the context it was made.”        祝子章的律师呼吁“法律的适应和演变”,以跟上新加坡“不断变化的道德和常态标准”。他们辩称这些图片不应该被视为淫秽,因为它们仅供成年人自愿使用,“应该在其制作的语境内来看待。”
        But Mr. Tan, the professor, said paid subscriptions for content would “certainly be regarded as being very much in the public domain.”        但陈庆文表示,付费订阅内容“肯定会被视为属于公共领域”。
        In October, Mr. Chue and Ms. Nguyen were found guilty. In her ruling, Janet Wang, a district judge, said it was “irrelevant that the platform caters to consenting parties and that the objection lies in the obscene nature of the materials being disseminated.”        10月,祝子章和阮氏映媞被判有罪。地区法官珍妮特·王(音)在她的裁决中表示,“平台服务各方是否自愿”无关宏旨,“反对的依据是所传播材料的淫秽性质。”
        Mr. Chue acknowledged that he “made a stupid mistake” and that he takes the blame for it.        祝子章承认他“犯了一个愚蠢的错误”,他愿意为此承担责任。
        Last November, the Chues moved to Vietnam, where they are expecting a baby boy in May. Mr. Chue, who is interviewing for jobs, said he had not been able to find employment because of the media coverage of the case.        去年11月,祝子章一家搬到了越南,他们的儿子将在5月诞生。正在面试工作的祝子章说,由于媒体对该案的报道,他一直未能找到工作。
        To pay the fine, the Chues say they had to sell everything. They have no intention of ever returning to Singapore.        为了支付罚款,祝子章夫妇说他们不得不卖掉所有东西。他们无意返回新加坡。

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