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Improvements reduce workplace casualties

来源:中国日报    2023-03-09 15:50

        China has experienced significant drops in casualties from workplace accidents and natural disasters, thanks to a reinforced emergency management system following an institutional reshuffle in 2018, said Wang Xiangxi, minister of emergency management. The reshuffle has yielded significant results, as it "has made the country's emergency management system more systematic, holistic and coordinated", the minister stressed.        应急管理部部长王祥喜表示,由于2018年国家机构改革组建应急管理部,增强了对应急管理工作的系统性、整体性和协同性,我国安全生产和各种自然灾害因灾死亡和失踪人数大幅下降。
        Casualties from workplace accidents across the country last year fell by 46.9 percent from the 2017 level, the minister told reporters in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the sidelines of the ongoing first session of the 14th National People's Congress on Tuesday.        3月7日,十四届全国人大一次会议举行第二场“部长通道”,应急管理部部长王祥喜接受媒体采访时表示,去年我国安全生产发生的死亡人数和2017年相比下降了46.9%。
        The number of people left dead or missing in natural disasters since 2018 has gone down by 54.3 percent from the average of the previous five years, he added.        2018年以来,各种自然灾害因灾死亡和失踪人数和前5年的均值相比下降了54.3%。
        In the country's latest institutional reshuffle in 2018, 13 responsibilities from 11 government bodies, mostly related to disaster relief, were shifted to the newly established Ministry of Emergency Management.        2018年,我国整合11个部门的13项职责,组建应急管理部,其中大部分职责与救灾相关。
        He said China has seen the capacity of its national fire and rescue forces increasingly strengthened in the past five years. The team is now capable of coping with many different types of emergency situations.        王祥喜说,五年来,应急救援能力大大增强。国家消防救援队伍现在承担着全灾种应急救援任务。
        The operations of the team have been strongly supported by civilian rescue teams and the army, he added.        同时,积极发挥国企、社会力量作用,有序参与应急救援。在大灾的时候,人民解放军、武警部队也是我们的坚强后盾。
                 应急管理体系 emergency response system
                 风险联合会商研判 joint consultation and assessment of risks
                 安全生产 work safety
                 统筹发展和安全 ensure both development and safety
                 平安中国建设 Peaceful China initiative

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