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In First Wartime Meeting, Blinken Confronts His Russian Counterpart

来源:纽约时报    2023-03-03 02:44

        Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and his Russian counterpart on Thursday held the first private, face-to-face exchange between a U.S. cabinet member and a top Kremlin official since the invasion, and Mr. Blinken said he used the encounter to demand that Russia end its war on Ukraine.        美国国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯和俄罗斯外长周四举行会谈。自俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来,这是美国政府内阁成员与克里姆林宫高级官员之间的首次私下面对面交流,布林肯说,他借这次会面要求俄罗斯结束对乌克兰的战争。
        The unscheduled encounter with Sergey V. Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, at an international conference in New Delhi showed that the Biden administration saw a need to reestablish in-person diplomatic contacts with Moscow so the two governments can discuss the year-old war as well as issues beyond it.        这场会面的另一方是俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·V·拉夫罗夫,会晤是在新德里举行的国际会议期间临时安排的,这表明拜登政府认为有必要与莫斯科重新建立面对面的外交接触,以便两国政府可以讨论这场长达一年的战争和其他问题。
        Mr. Blinken said at a news conference on Thursday night that in addition to calling for Russia to halt its “war of aggression” in Ukraine, he told Mr. Lavrov that Russia should return to the New START nuclear arms control treaty it withdrew from last month and comply with its terms. And he once again urged Moscow to free Paul Whelan, an American citizen who the State Department says is wrongfully imprisoned on espionage charges.        布林肯在周四晚上的新闻发布会上说,除了呼吁俄罗斯停止对乌克兰的“侵略战争”外,他还告诉拉夫罗夫,俄罗斯应该回归其上个月退出的《新削减战略武器条约》并遵守其条款。他再次敦促莫斯科释放美国公民保罗·惠兰,国务院称他因被错判为间谍罪而蒙冤入狱。
        The meeting with Mr. Lavrov, which lasted less than 10 minutes, occurred on the sidelines of a gathering here of top diplomats from the Group of 20 nations representing the world’s largest economies. In the morning, Mr. Blinken said in a group session that was also attended by Mr. Lavrov and Qin Gang, the foreign minister of China, that the countries had to continue to call on Russia to “withdraw from Ukraine for the sake of international peace and economic stability.”        代表世界最大经济体的二十国集团高级外交官相聚于此,布林肯与拉夫罗夫的会面是在会议间隙进行的,持续了不到10分钟。上午,布林肯在拉夫罗夫和中国外交部长秦刚出席的小组会议上表示,各国必须继续呼吁俄罗斯“为了国际和平与经济稳定从乌克兰撤军”。
        The encounter came at a critical moment in the largest and most destructive conflict in Europe since World War II. Both sides are marshaling more troops and weapons for planned spring offensives, hoping to score decisive breakthroughs. Russian troops are closing in on the besieged city of Bakhmut, Ukraine, amid heavy casualties, but there has been little recent movement on the battlefield.        这次会面发生在二战以来欧洲规模最大、最具破坏性的冲突的关键时刻。双方都在为计划中的春季攻势调集更多的兵力和武器,希望取得决定性的突破。俄罗斯军队以惨重的伤亡为代价,正在向被围困的乌克兰城市巴赫穆特步步推进,但最近战场上几乎没有动静。
        At the Group of 20 meeting, Russia and China, its strongest partner, blocked the foreign ministers from issuing a consensus communiqué at the end of the conference, arguing against lines that criticized Russia’s actions in Ukraine.        在二十国集团会议上,俄罗斯和最强大的伙伴中国阻止外长们在会议结束时发表共识公报,反对针对俄罗斯在乌克兰行动的批评。
        Instead, the group released a somewhat lower-level statement that reflected the fact that 18 of the 20 nations condemned the invasion, showing that even some countries with an officially neutral stance — India, Indonesia, South Africa and Saudi Arabia among them — were willing to tilt against Russia in some settings. At a meeting in Bali in November, President Biden and other Group of 20 leaders agreed to a document with the same critical language.        二十国集团转而发表了一份规格较低的声明,反映了20个国家中有18个国家谴责入侵的事实,表明即使是一些官方立场中立的国家——印度、印度尼西亚、南非和沙特阿拉伯——也愿意在某些情况下与俄罗斯保持距离。11月在巴厘岛举行的一次会议上,拜登总统和二十国集团的其他领导人同意了一份具有同样批评措辞的文件。
        Russian officials said Mr. Blinken had sought out the meeting with Mr. Lavrov, although Mr. Blinken told reporters a day earlier, before he flew from Uzbekistan to India, that he had no plans to meet at the conference with Mr. Lavrov or Mr. Qin. Mr. Blinken did not meet with his Chinese counterpart on Thursday.        俄罗斯官员表示是布林肯寻求与拉夫罗夫会面,然而前一天从乌兹别克斯坦飞往印度之前,布林肯告诉记者他没有计划在会议期间与拉夫罗夫或秦刚会面。布林肯周四没有会见中国外长。
        The meeting between Mr. Lavrov and Mr. Blinken does not signal any movement toward starting talks on ending the war in Ukraine. Maria Zakharova, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, said that “there were no negotiations” between the two men, according to Interfax, a Russian state news agency.        拉夫罗夫和布林肯的会面并未表明任何就结束乌克兰战争展开谈判的动向。据俄罗斯国家通讯社国际文传电讯社报道,俄罗斯外交部发言人玛丽亚·扎哈罗娃表示,两人之间“没有进行任何谈判”。
        On Wednesday, Mr. Blinken said at a news conference in Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, that the Biden administration saw “zero evidence” that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia was serious about beginning substantial negotiations.        周三,布林肯在乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干举行的新闻发布会上说,拜登政府“没有看到任何证据”显示俄罗斯总统普京在认真考虑开始实质性谈判。
        In reality, he said on Thursday, Mr. Putin is “doubling down on his brutalization of Ukraine.” Mr. Blinken reiterated that Mr. Putin was the one person who could meet the conditions for peace — by fully withdrawing from Ukraine.        他在周四表示,实际上普京“对乌克兰的摧残在加剧”。布林肯重申,只有普京能满足和平的条件,亦即从乌克兰全境撤军。
        President Biden and his aides say their goal for now is to keep giving Ukraine military aid to repel Russia and take back Ukrainian territory, and that any peace talks, an idea that China and a few other nations are pushing, are a distraction to help Mr. Putin try to solidify his gains and continue his assaults in Ukraine. Mr. Blinken told Mr. Lavrov that the United States was committed to defending Ukraine “for as long as it takes,” a senior State Department official said.        拜登总统和他的助手们表示,他们目前的目标是继续向乌克兰提供军事援助,以击退俄罗斯并收回乌克兰领土,而中国和其他一些国家正在推动的任何和平谈判都会分散注意力,以帮助普京试图巩固他的成果,并继续在乌克兰的进攻。美国国务院一位高级官员说,布林肯告诉拉夫罗夫,美国致力于保卫乌克兰,“无论这场仗要打多久。”
        There was no indication that Mr. Lavrov addressed Mr. Blinken’s demands. But at a United Nations Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, a Russian official repeated Moscow’s reasons for suspending participation in the New START treaty. The Russian envoy, Sergey Ryabkov, accused the United States and its European allies of trying to “strategically defeat” Russia and of aiding Ukraine in order to attack Russian strategic sites identified under the treaty.        没有迹象表明拉夫罗夫回应了布林肯的要求。但在日内瓦举行的联合国裁军谈判会议上,一名俄罗斯官员重申了莫斯科暂停参与《新削减战略武器条约》的理由。俄罗斯特使谢尔盖·里亚布科夫指责美国及其欧洲盟友试图“从战略上击败”俄罗斯,并帮助乌克兰攻击该条约所标明的俄罗斯战略要地。
        Mr. Blinken brought up the war in other private meetings during the conference. When he spoke with Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, the Indian foreign minister, the two “discussed how to mitigate the global impacts of Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine” and “the United States and India’s cooperation in the Indo-Pacific,” the State Department said in a statement. The second phrase is a reference to strategic efforts in Asia, including military coordination, to counter China.        布林肯在会议期间进行的其他私下会面中也提到这场战争。国务院在一份声明中说,在与印度外长苏杰生的谈话中,两人“讨论了如何减轻俄罗斯对乌克兰的非法战争造成的全球影响”,以及“美国和印度在印太地区的合作”。后者指的是在亚洲对抗中国的战略努力,其中包括军事协调。
        But Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, who has been proud of his ability to bring the series of Group of 20 meetings to his country this year, expressed some disappointment that the war was dominating the conversations. His comment was a sign of weariness with the war and its impact across the globe.        印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪为自己今年能够将二十国集团的一系列会议带到印度而感到自豪,但战争主导了对话令他感到有些失望。他的评论表明他对战争及其对全球的影响感到倦怠。
        In an opening video address to the diplomats, Mr. Modi said that while he understood that discussions “are affected by the geopolitical tensions of the day” — a clear reference to the war — he hoped the participants would keep the focus on global crises affecting the many developing nations of the world. He cited economic downturns, climate change and the pandemic.        在对外交官的视频开幕致辞中,莫迪表示,虽然他理解讨论“受到当前地缘政治紧张局势的影响”——显然指的是俄乌战争——但他希望与会者将注意力集中在影响着许多发展中国家的全球危机上。他列举了经济衰退、气候变化和大流行病。
        Mr. Modi and other leaders in Asia and Africa have expressed growing frustration over the economic effects of the war, including surging food and energy prices. Mr. Blinken heard about some of those concerns during his visits this week to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan — the first by any Biden cabinet official to the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, which Moscow sees as within its sphere of influence.        莫迪和亚洲和非洲的其他领导人对战争带来的经济影响表示越来越沮丧,包括飙升的食品和能源价格。布林肯在本周访问哈萨克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦期间听说了其中的一些担忧——这是拜登内阁官员首次访问位于中亚的前苏联共和国,莫斯科认为这些国家在其势力范围内。
        The Group of 20 officials, including Mr. Lavrov and Mr. Qin, did all agree to language in the final declaration saying the countries would try to improve and continue the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which allows cargo ships carrying Ukrainian grain to pass through a Russian naval blockade. The blockade had contributed to food shortages and rising prices around the world, which eased after the deal, brokered by Turkey and the United Nations, took effect in July.        包括拉夫罗夫和秦刚在内的二十国集团官员确实都同意最终宣言的措辞,即各国将尽力改进和继续执行《黑海谷物倡议》,该倡议允许载有乌克兰谷物的货船通过俄罗斯的海上封锁。封锁已经导致世界各地的粮食短缺和粮价上涨,在土耳其和联合国斡旋的协议于7月生效后,这种情况有所缓解。
        That agreement expires in March, but Mr. Lavrov’s consent to the statement about it in the declaration hinted that Moscow might agree to renew it. However, U.S. officials say Russia is still slowing the shipments by hobbling inspections that occur when the ships reach Istanbul.        该协议将于3月到期,但拉夫罗夫同意在宣言中提及该协议,暗示了莫斯科可能愿意将其延长。不过,美国官员表示,俄罗斯仍在给抵达伊斯坦布尔的货船检查制造障碍,延缓了货运进度。
        Since the war began, the U.S. defense secretary, Lloyd J. Austin III, has spoken by phone a few times with Russia’s defense minister, Sergei K. Shoigu. But Mr. Blinken and Mr. Lavrov have had just one such call, last summer, about a U.S. government offer to Russia to free Mr. Whelan and Brittney Griner, Americans who the Biden administration says were wrongfully convicted and imprisoned in Russia.        自战争开始以来,美国国防部长劳埃德·J·奥斯汀三世与俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖·K·绍伊古通过几次电话。但布林肯与拉夫罗夫仅有一次类似交流,那是在去年夏天,事关美国政府要求俄罗斯释放惠兰和布里特妮·格里纳的条件,拜登政府称这两位美国公民在俄罗斯遭受了不公判决和关押。
        In December, the United States released Viktor Bout, an imprisoned Russian weapons dealer, in exchange for Ms. Griner, a basketball star sentenced to nine years in a labor camp for cannabis possession. The Biden administration has continued to press Russia to free Mr. Whelan.        去年12月,美国释放了被监禁的俄罗斯军火商维克托·布特,作为交换,俄罗斯释放了因携带大麻被判劳改九年的篮球明星格里纳。拜登政府继续向俄罗斯施压,要求释放惠兰。
        Mr. Blinken and Mr. Lavrov have been in other international meetings together and sat in the same room over the past year. But they have usually avoided each other, as they did at a Group of 20 meeting last summer in Bali, Indonesia, and at a meeting of foreign ministers of Southeast Asian nations and partners in Cambodia.        过去一年,布林肯与拉夫罗夫共同出席过其他国际会议,也曾共处一室。但他们通常回避对方,在去年夏天印尼巴厘岛的二十国集团会议和柬埔寨的东盟外长会议上都是如此。
        Last month, at a meeting in India of Group of 20 finance ministers, the U.S. Treasury secretary, Janet L. Yellen, confronted Russian officials in a group meeting and said they had a “moral imperative” to end the war. She also told them they were “complicit in Putin’s atrocities.”        在上个月印度举行的二十国集团财长会议上,美国财政部长珍妮特·L·耶伦就在一次小组会议上质问俄方官员,称他们有结束战争的“道德义务”。她还告知对方,他们都是“普京暴行的同谋”。
        At the Thursday news conference, Mr. Blinken repeated his warning that China was considering supplying weapons to Russia for use in Ukraine. He said officials from U.S. allies and partner nations had confronted Chinese counterparts over this, including here at the New Delhi conference. And he said the United States and those countries could impose economic sanctions “of various kinds” if China were to send weapons.        在周四的新闻发布会上,布林肯再次警告称中国正考虑向俄罗斯提供用于打击乌克兰的武器。他表示,美国盟友及伙伴国家的官员已经就此问题在新德里峰会等场合向中方提出质问。他还表示,若中国真向俄罗斯运送武器,美国和这些国家可能将实施“各种”经济制裁。
        The top diplomats from a partnership of Asia-Pacific nations called the Quad — the United States, India, Japan and Australia — are scheduled to meet on Friday. One country is expected to dominate that conversation: China.        代表亚太国家伙伴关系的“四方安全对话”——包括美国、印度、日本和澳大利亚——的高级外交官会议定于周五举行。一个国家预计将成为会谈的主要话题,那就是中国。

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