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How Xi Jinping Plans to Bolster Confidence in China After Covid Missteps

来源:纽约时报    2023-03-06 12:42

        China’s leaders are set to use a gathering of the top legislature starting Sunday to outline plans to restore public confidence and bolster economic growth after a year of uncertainty, disruption and discontent around the government’s Covid restrictions.        中国领导人将利用周日开始的最高立法机关会议概述恢复公众信心、促进经济增长的计划,此前一年,围绕政府的疫情防控措施一直存在着不确定性、混乱和不满。
        The annual session of the largely ceremonial National People’s Congress in Beijing is aimed at conveying the ruling Communist Party’s confidence and inspiring national unity. For the country’s top leader, Xi Jinping, this year’s event will also be key to reinforcing his authority after his signature “zero Covid” policy, now abandoned, drew widespread protests in November and worsened an economic slowdown.        在北京召开的一年一度的全国人民代表大会基本上是仪式性的,旨在传达执政的共产党的信心,并激励举国上下团结一致。对于中国最高领导人习近平来说,在他标志性的“清零”政策(现已放弃)11月引发了广泛抗议并加剧经济放缓后,今年的人大会议也将是强化其权威的关键。
        The leadership will lay out its agenda for addressing challenges such as mounting local government debt, unemployment, a housing slump, weak exports and a shrinking population. Delegates are expected to rubber-stamp decisions made in advance, behind closed doors, by leaders of the party who hold ultimate authority.        领导层将提出施政计划以应对挑战,例如日益增长的地方债、失业、房市低迷、出口疲软和人口萎缩。预计人大代表将会“走过场”,批准持有最终权力的领导人事先闭门做出的决定。
        At the end of the gathering, which runs for nine days, Mr. Xi is all but assured to be appointed to another five-year term as president after securing a groundbreaking third term as party leader in October. He is also expected to appoint his loyalists and allies to key government positions.        习近平在去年10月突破性地确立了他的第三个党总书记任期,在九天的人大会议结束时,几乎可以肯定他将再次连任五年国家主席。预计他还会任命忠实的追随者和盟友担任重要的政府职位。
        Here’s what to expect from the legislative gathering.        以下是我们对此次大会的预测。
        The party will probably defend its handling of Covid.        中共将捍卫其新冠应对方式。
        The gathering will be the first since China abruptly lifted “zero Covid,” a deeply unpopular policy of lockdowns and quarantines.        这是中国突然取消“清零”政策后的第一次人大会议,该政策使用封锁和隔离措施,非常不得人心。
        In the lead-up to the congress, China’s propaganda apparatus has pushed a triumphant narrative declaring that under Mr. Xi’s leadership, the party’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic was a “miracle in human history” and “completely correct.” It has emphasized the importance of unity behind the party’s leaders.        在大会召开之前,中国的宣传机构推动了一种胜利说,宣称在习近平的领导下,该党对新冠大流行的应对是“人类文明史上的奇迹”,且“完全正确”。它强调团结在党领导人身后的重要性。
        “As long as the party and the people always stand together, think together, and work together, no storm can shake our steel will, and no difficulty can stop our resolute steps,” the People’s Daily, the party’s mouthpiece, said on Friday.        党报《人民日报》周五写道:“只要党和人民始终站在一起、想在一起、干在一起,任何风浪都动摇不了我们的钢铁意志,任何困难都阻挡不了我们的铿锵步伐。”
        Security around the city will be heavy, and traffic will probably be congested as roughly 3,000 delegates from around the country handpicked by the party descend on the capital and convene at the cavernous Great Hall of the People.        随着中共从全国各地精心挑选的大约3000名代表抵达首都,在宏伟的人民大会堂举行会议,北京各处将戒备森严,交通可能会出现拥堵。
        In recent years, delegates had to take Covid tests and wear masks during gatherings. It is unclear how many such restrictions will remain. Despite the nationwide lifting of most Covid limits, foreign journalists invited to cover the congress were told that they had to quarantine overnight to attend some news conferences.        近年来,代表们在大会召开期间必须接受新冠病毒检测并佩戴口罩。目前尚不清楚还会有多少这样的限制。尽管在全国范围内取消了大多数新冠限制措施,但受邀报道大会的外国记者被告知,他们必须隔离一晚才能参加一些新闻发布会。
        China will show that it once again cares about growth        中国将再次表现出对增长的关心
        When the meeting opens, the departing premier, Li Keqiang, will deliver a government work report that is expected to include a target of roughly 5 percent in economic growth for the year.        会议开幕时,即将离任的总理李克强将发表一份政府工作报告,预计将包括今年经济增长约5%的目标。
        China’s economy had its weakest performance in decades last year, dragged down by lockdowns and then widespread Covid outbreaks in December. Businesses have been rattled in recent years by crackdowns on Big Tech and other sectors, and developers ran out of money as regulators reined in excessive debt.        受封锁和12月大范围暴发的新冠疫情拖累,去年中国经济出现了几十年来最差的表现。近年来,由于政府对大型科技公司和其他行业的打击,企业深感不安;随着监管机构控制过度举债,房地产开发商资金枯竭。
        In recent weeks, local officials confronted protesters in multiple cities after some municipalities cut health insurance to alleviate a debt crisis. Youth unemployment is high, and the birthrate is at a record low. In January, the country announced its first population decline in six decades.        最近几周,一些城市为缓解债务危机将医保缩水后,出现了警民对峙。年轻人失业率居高不下,出生率创历史新低。今年1月,中国宣布60年来人口首次呈现负增长。
        To juice economic growth, a major pillar of the party’s legitimacy, the party is expected to pledge to boost middle-class spending, restore confidence to investors and create new jobs.        为了推动经济增长——这是中共合法性的主要支柱——预计该党将承诺刺激中产阶级消费,恢复投资者信心并创造新的就业机会。
        In a sign of concerns about the fragility of the economy, Chinese officials have adopted business-friendly language that marks a shift from its emphasis on developing a more state-controlled economy. China analysts will be watching for how the work report balances Mr. Xi’s statist direction with pro-growth rhetoric.        出于对经济脆弱性的担忧,中国官员采用了对企业友好的措辞,标志着不再强调发展更多受国家控制的经济。中国分析人士将关注工作报告如何平衡习近平的国家主义方向与支持增长的言论。
        China is bracing for a world more wary of Beijing’s ambitions        中国正准备迎接一个对其野心更加警惕的世界
        The premier’s report will probably reflect Mr. Xi’s long-term vision of China’s leading role in a more multipolar world, replacing the United States-led international order. Mr. Xi has declared that China’s success proved that modernization did not equal Westernization.        总理的报告可能反映出习近平让中国在更加多极化的世界中发挥领导作用的长期愿景,以取代美国主导的国际秩序。习近平宣称,中国的成功证明了现代化不等于西方化。
        For Mr. Xi, this entails reducing the country’s reliance on the West for key technologies, building a world-class military, increasing the party’s control over the security apparatus, steering the economy and curbing financial risks.        对习近平来说,这需要减少中国在关键技术上对西方的依赖,建立世界一流的军队,加强党对安全机构的控制,引导经济,并遏制金融风险。
        China is facing scrutiny over allegations by the United States that it is considering providing arms and ammunition to Russia in its war in Ukraine. The United States has imposed sweeping limits on semiconductor exports to China. Many economies are bracing for recession, which will further dampen demand for Chinese exports.        由于美国指控中国正在考虑向俄罗斯提供武器弹药用于乌克兰战争,它正面临着外界的密切关注。美国全面限制了对中国的半导体出口。许多经济体正在为衰退做准备,这将进一步抑制对中国出口产品的需求。
        As the dispute over a Chinese spy balloon last month demonstrated, relations with the United States are more volatile than ever, especially as China takes a more confrontational stance on Taiwan, the self-governing island that Beijing claims as its territory. Observers will watch the congress for any legislation or subtle signs of shifts in Taiwan policy.        正如上个月关于中国间谍气球的争端所表明的那样,中美关系比以往任何时候都更加不稳定,尤其是在中国对台湾采取更具对抗性的立场之际,北京声称这个自治的岛屿是其领土。观察人士将密切关注这次大会,寻找任何立法或对台政策变化的细微迹象。
        Xi’s allies are expected to take top jobs in government reshuffle        习近平的盟友有望在政府改组中担任高级职务
        The National People’s Congress also finalizes personnel decisions for the premier, vice premiers, state councilors and dozens of ministry-level departments. Some of these were set at a previous party congress, and others have been decided in closed-door sessions ahead of the event.        大会还将决定总理、副总理、国务委员和几十个部级部门的人事任命。其中一些是在之前的党代会上制定的,还有一些是在本次大会之前的闭门会议上决定的。
        Mr. Xi’s close ally, Li Qiang, currently No. 2 in the party’s top body, the Politburo Standing Committee, is set to take over as premier. As is customary for the premier, the incoming Mr. Li will hold a news conference at the end of the congress, in which reporters’ questions are usually vetted beforehand.        习近平的亲密盟友、目前在党的最高机构政治局常委中排名第二的李强将接任总理一职。按照惯例,即将上任的李强将在大会结束时举行新闻发布会,记者的提问通常经过提前审核。
        Analysts are also looking out for other appointments to the leadership of China’s economy and financial sectors. They include Ding Xuexiang, who is expected to be executive vice premier. He Lifeng, another close ally to Mr. Xi and head of China’s powerful economic policy planning body, is expected to become vice premier; and Zhu Hexin, a veteran banker, might be tapped to run China’s central bank.        分析人士还在关注中国经济和金融部门领导层的其他任命。其中,丁薛祥有望出任常务副总理。习近平的另一位亲密盟友、中国强大的经济政策规划机构负责人何立峰有望成为副总理;资深银行家朱鹤新可能会被任命为中国央行的负责人。
        “They are all people who really are party people, first and foremost, and, of course, close associates of Xi Jinping,” said Tony Saich, a China specialist at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. “It’s really a departure of the whole Western-educated, globally integrated officials, who basically are all timed out and retired.”        “他们首先都是党员,当然,也是习近平的亲密伙伴,”哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的中国问题专家托尼·赛奇说。“受过西方教育、全球一体化的官员确实是在整体离场,他们基本上都已经任满并且退休了。”
        Female leaders have become more scarce under Mr. Xi’s tenure. For the first time in decades, the top 24 members of the party are all men. Shen Yiqin, a former party chief of the southwestern province of Guizhou, may be named a state councilor.        在习近平的任期内,女性领导人变得更少了。党内最高级别的24名成员都是男性,这是几十年来的第一次。贵州省前省委书记谌贻琴可能被任命为国务委员。
        The party has also signaled a major institutional shake-up that will help carry out Mr. Xi’s agenda by entrenching the party deeper into state ministries and Chinese society by extension.        党还发出了重大机构调整的信号,这将有助于执行习近平的议程,进一步加强中共对国家部委和中国社会的控制。
        Few details have been released so far, but at a meeting of national leaders on Tuesday, Mr. Xi called for “deepening reform of the party and state institutions.” China watchers are discussing changes that could see China’s sprawling security apparatus and financial watchdogs fall under closer supervision by Mr. Xi and the party.        迄今为止公布的细节很少,但在周二的国家领导人会议上,习近平呼吁“深化党和国家机构改革”。中国的观察者正在讨论一些变化,它们可能会使中国庞大的安全机构和金融监督机构处于习近平和党的更密切的监督之下。
        “Xi Jinping has a pretty sizable set of goals he wants the party-state to achieve between now and 2035,” said Jude Blanchette, a China specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank. Frustrations with a sprawling Chinese bureaucracy are “driving these heavy-handed interventions,” he said.         “习近平有一套相当可观的目标,从现在开始,他希望党和国家能在2035年之前实现,”智库战略与国际研究中心的中国问题专家白明(Jude Blanchette)说。他表示,对庞大中国官僚机构的不满“推动了这些强硬的干预措施”。

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