【双语财讯】加快算力建设 推动经济高质量发展_OK阅读网
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【双语财讯】加快算力建设 推动经济高质量发展
Country striving to build up computing muscle

来源:中国日报    2023-03-01 15:30

        China's computing power sector is expected to witness speedy growth as tech companies are scrambling to roll out ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence chatbots, which necessitates higher requirements for computing capacity in the process of large language model training and operation, experts said.        专家表示,随着科技公司争相推出类似ChatGPT的人工智能聊天机器人,这对大型语言模型训练和操作过程中的算力提出了更高的要求,中国的算力行业预计将飞速发展。
        Computing power, or the ability to process data, is widely regarded as a vital foundation for bolstering the development of the digital economy and a new engine to unleash the potential of data as a factor of production, they added.        他们补充说,算力或处理数据的能力被广泛认为是支持数字经济发展的重要基础,也是释放数据潜力作为生产要素的新引擎。
        According to investment bank China International Capital Corp, the computing power consumed by ChatGPT training is about 3,640 PF-days — or petaflop days — which means 1 quadrillion calculations per second are needed and will run continuously for 3,640 days.        根据投资银行中金公司的数据,ChatGPT训练所耗费的算力大约为3640 PF-days,即假设每秒运算一千万亿次,需要连续运行3640天。
        The market scale of China's computing power industry exceeded 1.5 trillion yuan in 2021, with revenue from cloud computing surpassing 300 billion yuan and internet data center services over 150 billion yuan, said the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, a government think tank.        中国信息通信研究院的数据显示 ,2021年,中国算力产业市场规模超过1.5万亿元,云计算收入超过3000亿元,互联网数据中心服务收入超过1500亿元。
        Chinese enterprises have ramped up efforts to build intelligent computing centers and bolster the development of ChatGPT-like products and services by offering computing power support.        中国企业加大了建设智能计算中心的力度,并通过提供算力支持,推动类似ChatGPT的产品和服务的发展。
        Supercomputer manufacturer Dawning Information Industry Co, also known as Sugon, participated in China's first integrated computing power trading platform, which was unveiled in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, on Friday.        超级计算机制造商曙光信息产业股份有限公司参建了中国首个算力交易平台,该平台于上周五在宁夏回族自治区银川市正式上线。
        Cao Zhennan, vice-president of Sugon, said the company has accumulated advantages in large-scale computing infrastructure and computing power resource scheduling. It will optimize computing structure on the trading platform, and improve computing supply capacities for artificial intelligence and scientific engineering projects.        中科曙光副总裁曹振南表示,曙光依托在大型算力设施、算力资源调度等领域优势,优化算力交易平台的算力结构,提升人工智能、科学工程的算力供给能力。
        The platform involves a batch of companies and institutions such as Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Technologies and SenseTime. It is part of the country's broader push to channel more computing resources from eastern regions to less-developed but resource-rich western ones.        算力交易平台已纳入阿里云、华为、商汤等企业和机构。这是国家将更多计算资源从东部地区转移到欠发达但资源丰富的西部地区的更广泛努力的一部分。
        Computing power is essential as generative AI is currently making disruptive breakthroughs, said Daniel Zhang, chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group, in an earnings call with investors on Thursday night, adding that the company will continue to build its own large-scale pre-training models.        阿里巴巴集团董事局主席兼首席执行官张勇上周四晚在财报电话会议中说,在生成式人工智能正在发起颠覆性突破的时代,算力的支撑必不可少。
        "We are also ready to capture market opportunities to provide computing power for various generative AI models and their applications," Zhang said.        他说:“我们将全力抓住市场机遇,为市场上的多种模型和应用提供好算力的支撑。”
        Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba, has launched the world's largest intelligent computing center in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province.        阿里巴巴旗下的云计算部门阿里云在河北省张家口启动了全球最大的智算中心。
        The center will provide intelligent computing services for AI-powered large-scale model training, autonomous driving, spatial geography and other AI-related frontier applications, the company said.        该公司表示,该中心将为人工智能驱动的大规模模型训练、自动驾驶、空间地理和其他人工智能相关的前沿应用提供智能计算服务。
        Zou Debao, deputy general manager of the AI industry research institute from market research firm CCID Consulting, said AI model training has huge demand for computing power, and with the increase of training intensity and computing complexity, requirements for computational accuracy are also gradually rising.        赛迪顾问人工智能产业研究中心常务副总经理邹德宝表示,人工智能模型训练对算力的需求非常大,随着训练强度和计算复杂度的增加,对计算精度的要求也在逐渐提高。
        The establishment of intelligent computing centers will improve efficiency in the use of computing resources and accelerate enterprises' digitalization push, said Xiang Ligang, director-general of the Information Consumption Alliance, a telecom industry association.        信息消费联盟理事长项立刚表示,智算中心的建立将提高计算资源的使用效率,加速推进企业数字化。

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