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After Model’s Gruesome Killing, Suspicion Falls on Ex-Husband and His Family

来源:纽约时报    2023-02-27 01:20

        The Hong Kong police have detained four people in connection with the killing of a model and influencer, in a case that has horrified the city.        香港警方逮捕了与一名网红模特凶杀案相关的四人,这起案件震惊全港。
        The victim, Abby Choi, 28, had appeared in the pages of fashion magazines and enjoyed a wide following on social media, where she posted images of herself attending fashion events around the world dressed in couture. A young mother, she had divorced and remarried; her ex-husband, along with his parents and brother, are suspects in her death.        死者是28岁的蔡天凤,曾登上时尚杂志,经常在社交媒体晒出穿着高定时装满世界出席时尚活动的照片,收获大量粉丝。她也是一个年轻的妈妈,曾经离异,已经再婚;她的前夫连同前夫父母与哥哥都成为谋杀她的嫌疑人。
        Ms. Choi was reported missing early Wednesday. Superintendent Alan Chung of the Hong Kong Police Department, who is leading the investigation, said that on Friday officers had discovered her partial, dismembered remains, along with a meat grinder and an electric saw, in a seaside residence that the father of Ms. Choi’s ex-husband had begun renting this month in Lung Mei Village.        周三早些时候,蔡天凤被报失踪。负责此案调查的香港警务处警司钟雅伦表示,警方上周五在一处海滨村屋发现了她遭肢解的残骸,还有一台绞肉机和一把电锯。蔡天凤前夫的父亲本月租下了龙尾村这处村屋。
        Mr. Chung, in a news conference on Saturday, said that Ms. Choi had had disputes with members of her ex-husband’s family over the handling of finances, and that those relatives had given the police misleading information that had slowed the investigation. Ms. Choi’s former father-in-law and brother-in-law, who worked as Ms. Choi’s chauffeur, were arrested on Friday and charged with murder on Sunday.        钟雅伦在周六的新闻发布会上表示,蔡天凤与前夫家人在财务问题上发生纠纷,而前夫家人向警方提供了误导性信息,阻碍了调查进展。蔡天凤前夫的父亲和担任她私人司机的哥哥于周五被捕,并在周日被控谋杀。
        Ms. Choi’s former mother-in-law was charged with perverting the course of justice.        蔡天凤前夫的母亲被控妨碍司法公正。
        On Saturday, officers intercepted Ms. Choi’s ex-husband — whom the police identified only by his family name, Kwong — at a ferry pier.        周六,警方在渡轮码头围捕蔡天凤前夫,仅透露他姓邝。
        “We believe he was planning to abscond from Hong Kong by sea,” Mr. Chung said. “We have reason to believe that this man, along with his father and elder brother, had a part in killing the deceased.”        “警方认为他打算利用水路潜逃离开香港,”钟雅伦说。“警方有理由相信,死者前夫联同其爸爸、哥哥参与杀害死者。”
        Mr. Kwong, 28, is currently being questioned, he said.        他表示,现年28岁的邝某目前正在接受审讯。
        The police also began a sweeping search on Saturday for the rest of Ms. Choi’s remains in a hillside cemetery that her former father-in-law and brother-in-law had visited after she had been reported missing. More than 100 people were deployed, including divers who went into a drainage ditch near the cemetery. The effort continued on Sunday.        周六,警方开始在位于山坡上的一处公墓搜寻蔡天凤残骸,她前夫的父亲和哥哥在她被报失踪后曾前往此处。警方部署了100多名警力,包括派潜水员潜入墓地附近的储水池。周日,搜寻工作仍在继续。
        Ms. Choi prided herself in her sartorial taste. When she was the digital cover model for L’Officiel Monaco, a fashion magazine, two weeks ago, she wrote on Instagram: “My journey as a style icon continues.”        蔡天凤对自己的时尚品味非常自信。两周前,当她登上时尚杂志《L’Officiel Monaco》数字版的封面时,她在Instagram上写道:“我的时尚偶像之路仍在继续。”
        “I am a person who keeps absorbing inspiration and always tries new styles,” she said in an interview with the magazine. “Sometimes I also try to dress up more extravagant, by mixing and combining different looks.”        “我喜欢不断吸收灵感,不断尝试新风格,”她在接受该杂志访问时表示。“有时候我会把自己打扮得更浮夸,把不同风格的造型混搭在一起。”
        Ms. Choi’s children with her ex-husband are now in the care of her mother, according to the police.        警方表示,蔡天凤与前夫的子女现由她的母亲照顾。

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