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It's illogical U.S. spends much on wars, very little on infrastructure, says renowned anti-war activist

来源:中国日报    2023-02-28 16:37

        "Look at what just happened in Ohio with that horrible polluting train wreck... All the government seems to be interested in is to stoke tensions and be the bully," said Garris, who started to march in civil rights demonstrations at age 8.加里斯说:“看看俄亥俄州刚刚发生的那起造成严重污染的火车脱轨事故……政府似乎只想挑起紧张局势,成为霸主。”加里斯8岁时开始参加民权游行。
        "We are killing lots of people, and the results are not coming the way they (US politicians) promise, and it's only getting worse, and it could get very, very bad. It's very, very scary. That's why we have to build a movement in this country that relies on talking to people and getting out this information," said Garris, referring to recent anti-war rallies in 15 major US cities, including Washington D.C..加里斯说:“美国让很多人失去生命,结果那些政客却没有兑现承诺,情况只会变得更糟,而且可能会异常糟糕。这太可怕了。这就是为什么我们必须在美国建立一个与民众沟通并让这些信息传递出去的运动。”加里斯所指的是最近在华盛顿特区等美国15个主要城市举行的反战集会。
        "What they're doing is they are trying to exert their own supremacy over Europe. And they think that Russia is the main enemy for that supremacy," he said. "And in fact what we're doing is we are building up these alliances that are reminiscent of the beginning of World War I where you had a very small spark in a very small place that sparked World War."加里斯说:“美国试图维护在欧洲的霸主地位,将俄罗斯视为这一地位的主要威胁。事实上,美国正在建立的联盟让人联想到第一次世界大战初期,一个小地方的导火索引发了一场世界大战。”
        One of the big reasons that the United States is so obsessed with wars is "the defense industry has found a way for them to be rich," said Garris.加里斯说,美国如此恋战,一个主要原因是“美国的国防工业为其创造了巨额财富”。
        "It's just awful. And they have no regard for the people that they're supposedly representing. And it's becoming fairly obvious and I hope that people wake up before it's too late," said Garris, adding "unfortunately so much of the American media has become bought out by these special interests."加里斯说:“这非常可怕,美国的政客根本不尊重他们所代表的人民。这一点越来越明显,我希望人们能及时认清这一现实。不幸的是,很多美国媒体都被特殊利益集团收买了。”
        "If we keep going in the direction we're going, not only will we bankrupt ourselves, but we could destroy the world. And that's very, very scary ... The United States needs to get out of Ukraine. We need to, you know, not escalate there. We need to de-escalate, we need to demand peace talks and let the disputes be settled," Garris said.加里斯说:“如果我们继续朝着现在的方向前进,不仅美国会崩溃,而且会毁灭世界。美国需要不再插手乌克兰问题,不应加剧冲突。我们需要缓和局势,需要和平谈判,让争端得到解决。”
        The United States and its allies have already committed nearly 700 tanks and thousands of armored vehicles and 1,000 artillery systems, among others.美国及其西方盟友已向乌提供近700辆坦克、数千辆装甲车和1000门火炮。

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