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It's illogical U.S. spends much on wars, very little on infrastructure, says renowned anti-war activist

来源:中国日报    2023-02-28 16:37

        "It isn't logical at all" the United States spends so many tax dollars on wars overseas and very little is left for infrastructure or any sort of services at home, a renowned anti-war activist has said.
        "It's very dangerous what they're doing all over the world. We're neglecting things at home," Eric Garris, director of Antiwar.com, a premier anti-war website in the United States, told Xinhua in an interview on Wednesday.加里斯是美国知名反战网站Antiwar.com的负责人。22日,他在接受新华社采访时表示:“美国政府在世界各地引战,却忽视了国内发展。”
        Noting that the United States spends "a higher percentage of its budget on military by far than any other country on Earth," Garris warned of the dire consequences of the US wars overseas.加里斯注意到,美国的军事开支“远高于全球任何其他国家”,他警告,美国在海外挑起战争会带来可怕后果。
        Garris noted it seems that the Biden administration's only solution to the Ukraine-Russia conflict is "not to promote diplomacy, is not to promote ways to resolve differences, but rather to stoke them. And this is really, really bad."加里斯指出,在俄乌冲突问题上,拜登政府的所作所为似乎“不是推动俄乌冲突政治解决,推动化解分歧,而是煽风点火,加剧分歧。这真的非常糟糕。”
        "The difference between that and today is that today you have nuclear weapons. And so it becomes a much, much different potential outcome. And it's very, very dangerous. And we need to take a look at World War I and see the lessons of what happened when you create these alliances ... With nuclear weapons, it's a completely different situation and can lead to just catastrophic results," said Garris.他表示:“不同之处在于,今天我们拥有核武器。这将导致不同的潜在后果,这是非常的危险。我们需要吸取一战的教训,想一想建立这种联盟时所发生的事情……核武器的存在彻底改变了局势,可能引发灾难性的后果。”
        "And you have a lot of politicians that are getting rich by voting for these wars. They get their money from the defense industry. They get their money investing in defense stocks. Members of Congress are not prohibited from investing in defense stocks," he said.“许多政客通过投票支持海外战争而获利。他们从国防工业中获得资金,再用这些资金投资国防股票。国会议员未被禁止投资国防股票。”
        "I hope the American people can tell their politicians that ... enough is enough. We need to stop this. We need to focus on trying to make peace and nothing else abroad. That's the only thing that we should be doing," he said.他说:“我希望美国人民能够告诉他们的政治家……他们受够了。我们需要停止这一切。我们要做的是在海外追求和平。这是我们唯一应该做的事。”
        The United States announced on Feb. 20 an additional 500 million US dollars in military aid for Ukraine on top of the more than 50 billion dollars already promised, a move that is widely believed will further escalate the crisis.美国对乌军事援助已累计超过500亿美元。2月20日,美国再次宣布对乌价值5亿美元的一揽子军事援助,此举被普遍认为将进一步加剧俄乌冲突。

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