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Chinese scientists propose way to achieve carbon-neutral crop production

来源:中国日报    2023-02-23 15:13

        Chinese scientists, in collaboration with researchers from the United States and Germany, have proposed an agricultural carbon reduction solution that could help China achieve carbon neutrality in its food production, according to the Institute of Soil Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).        中科院南京土壤研究所近日称,中、美、德等多国学者提出一条农业减碳技术路线,我国粮食生产有望实现碳中和。
        According to the research model evaluation, the total carbon emissions from the production of China's staple crops, including rice, wheat and corn, could have neared 670 teragrams of CO2-equivalent in 2018.        根据研究模型测算,2018年我国生产三种主粮作物(大米、小麦和玉米)产生的碳排放总量可能达到6.7亿吨二氧化碳当量。
        Completing a comprehensive life-cycle assessment using data from China, the research team showed that an integrated biomass pyrolysis and electricity generation system coupled with commonly applied methane and nitrogen mitigation measures can help reduce staple crops' annual life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions from 666.5 now to minus 37.9 teragrams of CO2-equivalent.        研究小组利用中国的数据完成了一项综合生命周期评估,结果表明,将生物质热解和发电系统相结合,再加上常用的甲烷和氮肥优化管理,可以帮助将主要作物的年生命周期温室气体排放量从现在的666.5太克二氧化碳当量减少到负37.9太克。
        "This new path can help achieve carbon neutrality in grain production without sacrificing grain output. It can also reduce atmospheric pollution emissions, increase the utilization rate of fertilizer resources, and increase both environmental and economic benefits by more than 30 percent," said Yan Xiaoyuan, the lead scientist from the CAS Institute of Soil Science.        领导此项研究的中科院南京土壤研究所研究员颜晓元介绍说:“这一新的技术路径可以在不损失产量的前提下帮助实现粮食生产碳中和,同时减少大气污染排放,提高化肥资源的利用率,将环境和经济效益提高30%以上。”
        The study was led by the CAS Institute of Soil Science in partnership with several other research institutes, including the China Agricultural University, Tsinghua University, and Cornell University. The research findings were published online in Nature Food on Feb. 9.        这项研究由中科院南京土壤研究所、中国农业大学、清华大学、康奈尔大学等多家权威研究单位共同完成。相关成果于2月9日刊发在知名学术刊物《自然·食品》网络版上。
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