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Biden’s Surreal and Secretive Journey Into a War Zone

来源:纽约时报    2023-02-21 04:52

        WASHINGTON — As the train rumbled across the Ukrainian countryside through a long night, the view outside the window left little to see, just the occasional streetlight or shadows of buildings in the distance. But neither could those watching the train go by see who was inside, nor would they likely have guessed had they stopped to wonder.        华盛顿——列车在漫漫长夜中隆隆驶过乌克兰的乡村,窗外几乎看不到什么东西,偶尔出现路灯或远处建筑物的影子。但是那些看着火车经过的人也看不到里面是谁,即使他们产生了好奇,也不可能猜到。
        Huddled aboard the anonymous train were President Biden and a skeleton team of advisers accompanied by armed and edgy Secret Service agents, embarking on a secret mission to visit Kyiv. As far as the world was concerned, Mr. Biden was back in Washington, still savoring a date night at an Italian restaurant.        挤在这列无名火车上的是拜登总统和一个骨干顾问团队,在全副武装、高度紧张的特勤局特工陪同下,他们将秘密访问基辅。全世界以为拜登回到了华盛顿,还在回味在一家意大利餐厅的约会之夜。
        In fact, he was on a journey that no modern American president had taken before.        实际上,他踏上了一段现代美国总统从未走过的旅程。
        In an audacious move meant to demonstrate American resolve to help Ukraine defeat the Russian forces that invaded a year ago this week, Mr. Biden traveled covertly to Kyiv to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky and promise even more weapons for the country’s defenders. The visit produced an indelible image of the two presidents striding to a memorial for fallen soldiers in broad daylight even as an air-raid siren blared, a show of defiance of Moscow quickly beamed around the world.        为了表明美国帮助乌克兰击败入侵的俄罗斯军队的决心——这场侵略到本周已将近一整年——拜登采取了一项大胆的行动,他秘密前往基辅会见总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基,并承诺为守卫这个国家的人们提供更多武器。这次访问塑造了一个难以磨灭的形象,尽管空袭警报响起,两位总统公开地大步走向阵亡将士纪念碑,向全世界传达了反抗莫斯科的姿态。
        “I thought it was critical that there not be any doubt, none whatsoever, about U.S. support for Ukraine in the war,” Mr. Biden said during his five hours on the ground in Kyiv before leaving again. He was speaking, in effect, not just to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia but to fellow Americans back home doubting his decision to invest so deeply in Ukraine’s war. “It’s not just about freedom in Ukraine,” he said. “It’s about freedom of democracy at large.”        “我认为至关重要的是美国在战争中毫无疑问地支持乌克兰,这一点毋庸置疑,”亲赴基辅并停留五个小时的拜登在离开前说。实际上,这番话不只是针对俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·V·普京,也是说给国内一部分美国同胞听的,他们对拜登深涉乌克兰战争的决定存在质疑。“这不仅仅是关于乌克兰的自由,”他说。“这事关整个民主自由。”
        Never in Mr. Biden’s lifetime had a president ventured into a war zone that was not under the control of American forces, much less on a relatively slow-moving locomotive that would take nine and a half hours to reach its destination. During that time, he was potentially exposed to circumstances beyond the control of the hypervigilant security phalanx that normally seeks to shield a commander in chief from every conceivable physical danger and minimize his time outside a hardened shelter.        在拜登的一生中,从来没有一位总统冒险进入不受美军控制的战区,更不用说乘坐行驶相对缓慢的火车,需要九个半小时才能到达目的地。在那段时间里,他可能会遇到即使是高度警惕的安全团队也无法控制的情况,一般情况下,这个团队的目标是保护总司令免受一切可能的人身危险,并尽量减少他在守卫森严的庇护所外的时间。
        For much of the past year, in fact, most of the people around the president resisted any urge to go, on the assumption that it was too risky. But nearly a year after the Russian invasion, with Ukrainian troops faring far better than anyone expected at the start and other American and European leaders having made the trip, Mr. Biden and his team gambled that he could get in and out safely.        事实上,过去一年大部分时间里,总统身边的大多数人都忍住了前往那里的冲动,认为这太冒险了。但乌克兰军队一开始的表现远好于任何人的预期,而且其他美国和欧洲领导人已经先后到访,在俄罗斯入侵将近一年后,拜登和他的团队押注他可以安全进出。
        “Of course there was still risk, and is still risk, in an endeavor like this,” Jake Sullivan, the president’s national security adviser, told reporters by phone from the train as it departed Kyiv for the return trip to Poland. “And President Biden felt that it was important to make this trip because of the critical juncture that we find ourselves at as we approach the one-year anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.”        “像这样的行动当然存在风险,而且现在仍然存在风险,”总统的国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文在离开基辅返回波兰的火车上通过电话告诉记者。“拜登总统认为这次访问很重要,因为随着俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰接近一周年,我们正处于一个关键时刻。”
        It was a long journey and a surreal one. This was not how Mr. Biden was used to seeing Ukraine. He visited six times as vice president — three times in a six-month stretch — arriving in an American jet, gazing out the window in daylight to take in the sights of Kyiv from above. Now he was sneaking in under cover of darkness, arriving shortly after sunrise.        这是一段漫长而超现实的旅程。这不是拜登过去访问乌克兰的方式。他身为副总统时曾六次到访基辅——在六个月的时间去了三次——乘坐一架美国喷气式飞机抵达,在日光下凝视窗外,俯瞰基辅的景色。现在他在暗夜的掩护下潜入,到达的时候天刚亮。
        The trip had been in the works for months, aides said, as just a trusted few officials at the White House, Pentagon, Secret Service and intelligence agencies weighed the threat assessments. In meetings, Mr. Biden focused on the risk his visit could pose to others, not himself, one aide said.        助手们说,这次行程已经筹备了几个月,白宫、五角大楼、特勤局和情报机构的少数亲信官员进行了威胁评估。一位助手说,在会议上,拜登重点关注的是他的访问可能给其他人带来的风险,而不是他自己。
        Finally, the decision came to a head on Friday, when the president gathered with a handful of top advisers in the Oval Office and consulted with others by phone. He opted to go.        最后,这个决定在周五走到了关键时刻,当时总统在椭圆形办公室会见了一些高级顾问,并通过电话与其他人进行了磋商。他选择去。
        Mr. Biden was already set to travel to Poland for the anniversary. Often when presidents make secret stops in uncertain locations, the visits are added to the end of an existing trip. In this case, the White House decided to put it on the front end in hopes of keeping the secret.        拜登已经准备好前往波兰参加周年纪念活动。通常当总统在不确定的地点秘密停留时,这些访问会被添加到已有访问计划的结尾。这一次,白宫决定将其放在前面,以期保密。
        The president played his part in the ruse. On Saturday evening, he and Jill Biden went to Mass at Georgetown University, then stopped by the National Museum of American History and finally went out to dinner at the Red Hen restaurant, where they enjoyed the rigatoni, widely considered the best in the nation’s capital. When the couple arrived back at the White House, most people might have assumed they were in for the night.        总统在这个计划中完成了他的任务。周六晚上,他和吉尔·拜登去乔治敦大学做弥撒,然后在美国国家历史博物馆停留,最后在红母鸡餐厅用晚餐,在那里他们享用了普遍认为是美国首都最好的通心粉。回到白宫时,大多数人可能以为他们会在白宫过夜。
        But a few hours after midnight, Mr. Biden was spirited out of the mansion and taken to Joint Base Andrews in the Maryland suburbs, where a small coterie of aides, security agents, a medical team, photographer and two journalists awaited him.        但午夜过后几个小时,拜登秘密离开白宫,前往马里兰州郊区的安德鲁斯联合基地,一小群助手、安全人员、医疗队、摄影师和两名记者在那里等着他。
        The two journalists, Sabrina Siddiqui from The Wall Street Journal and Evan Vucci from The Associated Press, had been summoned to the White House on Friday and sworn to secrecy. They were told to wait for further information in an email whose subject line would read: “Arrival instructions for the golf tourney.”        这两名记者分别是《华尔街日报》的萨布丽娜·西迪基和美联社的埃文·武奇,他们周五被叫到白宫并宣誓保密。一封电子邮件告诉他们等待进一步信息,邮件主题为“高尔夫锦标赛的到达说明”。
        The two-person journalism pool was a radical departure from even other security-sensitive presidential trips, when the usual complement of 13 reporters and photographers was taken. But it would not be the only unusual feature of the trip.        即使是在存在安保敏感性的总统行程中,只有两人的记者团都是极为反常的,总统出访通常有13名记者和摄影师跟随。但这并不是此行唯一的不同寻常之处。
        Since Abraham Lincoln rode to the front lines outside Washington to watch battles in Northern Virginia during the Civil War, no president has gotten close to combat. Franklin D. Roosevelt visited North Africa; Lyndon B. Johnson went to Vietnam; George W. Bush and Barack Obama traveled to Iraq and Afghanistan; and Donald J. Trump went to Afghanistan.        自从亚伯拉罕·林肯在内战期间骑马到华盛顿郊外前线勘查北弗吉尼亚的战斗以来,还没有哪位总统接近过战场。富兰克林·罗斯福去过北非;林登·约翰逊去了越南;小布什和奥巴马去过伊拉克和阿富汗;特朗普去过阿富汗。
        But in all those cases, they went to countries or areas under control of American forces. In this case, the United States military would not be present in Ukraine, nor would it control the airspace. American military planes were spotted hovering in eastern Poland near the border during the trip, but officials said they never entered Ukrainian airspace out of concern that it would be taken as the sort of direct American intervention that Mr. Biden has avoided.        但他们去的都是美国军队控制下的国家或地区。然而这一次,美国军队不会出现在乌克兰,也不会控制领空。在访问期间,有人发现美国军机在波兰东部边境附近盘旋,但官员们表示,他们从未进入乌克兰领空,因为担心会被视为美国的直接干预,而拜登一直在避免这种干预。
        Arriving at Andrews on early Sunday morning, the two journalists surrendered their phones, not to be returned for 24 hours. They were taken not to the usual blue and white Boeing 747 designated as Air Force One when the president is on board but to an Air Force C-32, more typically used for domestic trips to airports with shorter runways. The plane was parked in the dark next to a hangar with shades drawn.        周日凌晨抵达安德鲁斯机场后,两名记者交出了手机,24小时内不会被归还。当总统在飞机上时,他们没有被带到通常总统乘坐时会被指定为空军一号的那架蓝白相间波音747上,而是坐上了一架空军C-32,这架飞机通常用于国内行程,前往跑道较短的机场。飞机停在黑暗的机库旁,遮光板被拉下来。
        Mr. Biden arrived about 4 a.m., and the plane took off at 4:15 a.m. for the flight across the Atlantic. Mr. Biden was joined by a handful of aides — Mr. Sullivan; Jen O’Malley Dillon, a deputy chief of staff; and Annie Tomasini, the director of Oval Office operations. The plane touched down at Ramstein Air Base in Germany at 5:13 p.m. local time, where, with its shades down, it was refueled before taking off again at 6:29 p.m. It then made its way to Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport in Poland, landing at 7:57 p.m.        拜登大约在凌晨4点抵达,飞机于凌晨4点15分起飞,飞越大西洋。与拜登同行的还有几名助手:沙利文;副幕僚长珍·奥马利·狄龙;以及椭圆形办公室行动办公室主任安妮·托马西尼。这架飞机于当地时间下午5点13分降落在德国拉姆施泰因空军基地,在那里,飞机的遮光板拉了下来,加了油,于下午6点29分再次起飞。然后飞往波兰的热舒夫-亚肖乌卡机场,于晚上7点57分降落。
        Mr. Biden was put in a motorcade with roughly 20 cars and driven without sirens for about an hour along a mostly empty highway to the small city of Przemyśl and taken to the train station where many thousands of refugees have arrived from Ukraine over the past year. Arriving at 9:15 p.m., the travelers found few people there and the stalls closed.        拜登被安排在一个由大约20辆汽车组成的车队中,没有鸣笛,沿着一条基本上无人的高速公路行驶了大约一个小时,前往小城市普热米耶茨尔,然后被送到火车站,过去一年里,有成千上万难民从乌克兰来到这里。晚上9点15分,一行人抵达后,发现那里几乎没有人,摊位都关门了。
        The motorcade pulled right up to a mostly purple train, with several cars painted blue with a yellow stripe along the middle to resemble the Ukrainian flag. Rarely does a president ride in any vehicle other than those of the Secret Service or American military, but flying into Ukraine is not deemed safe.        车队径直停在一列基本上全身紫色的火车前面,其中有几节车厢漆成蓝色,中间有一条黄色条纹,形似乌克兰国旗。总统很少乘坐特勤局或美国军方以外的车辆,但坐飞机前往乌克兰被认为是不安全的。
        The train pulled away from the station without ceremony at 9:37 p.m. and crossed the border into Ukraine around 10 p.m. The White House was so intent on keeping the secret that it lied to reporters back in Washington. About four hours after Mr. Biden crossed the border into Ukraine, his office back in Washington issued a public schedule falsely stating that the president was still in the nation’s capital and not planning to leave for Europe until Monday evening.        当天晚上9点37分,列车没有举行任何仪式,驶离车站,10点左右越过边境进入乌克兰。白宫非常想保守秘密,以至于对华盛顿的记者说了谎。在拜登越过边境进入乌克兰约四小时后,他在华盛顿的办公室发布了一份公开日程表,谎称总统仍在美国首都,而且在周一晚上之前不打算前往欧洲。
        Dressed in casual clothes, Mr. Biden had a hard time sleeping during the long train ride, according to a senior official who asked not to be identified describing the trip. The president spent the ride recalling his previous trips to Kyiv, including a speech to the Ukrainian Parliament and his remarks on his final trip in 2017. He read a briefing memo on the history of Kyiv back to its founding and reflected on his history with the city.        一位不愿透露姓名的高级官员说,拜登穿着便装,在漫长的火车旅程中难以入睡。总统在旅途中回忆了他之前的基辅之行,包括对乌克兰议会的演讲,以及他在2017年上一次访问时的讲话。他读了一份关于基辅建立以来的历史的简报,并回顾了他与这座城市的历史。
        Talking with aides, Mr. Biden recounted his telephone call with Mr. Zelensky on Feb. 24 last year as Russia’s invasion began, marveling about how the Ukrainian leader told him at the time that he was not sure when they would speak again. Now, Mr. Biden mused to aides, here they were a year later about to meet face-to-face in Kyiv.        在与助手交谈时,拜登回忆了去年2月24日俄罗斯入侵开始时他与泽连斯基的通话,当时这位乌克兰领导人告诉他,他不确定两人什么时候才能再次通话,拜登对此感到惊讶。现在,他若有所思地对助手们说,一年后的今天,他们即将在基辅面对面会晤。
        After the all-night trip, the train pulled into Kyiv-Pasazhyrsky station at 8 a.m. local time. The platform had been cleared. On a sunny day with blue skies and a brisk chill in the air, Mr. Biden disembarked, now wearing a blue suit with a tie featuring Ukrainian colors. He was greeted by Bridget A. Brink, the American ambassador.        经过一夜的旅行,火车于当地时间上午8点驶入基辅-帕萨泽尔斯基站。月台已经清空了。晴空万里、寒风凛冽,拜登下了火车,此时他穿上了一套蓝色西装,打着象征乌克兰色彩的领带。迎接他的是美国大使布丽吉特·布林克。
        “It’s good to be back in Kyiv,” he said.        “回到基辅真好,”他说。
        During his five hours in the city, he met with Mr. Zelensky at Mariinsky Palace, joined him in laying a wreath at the Wall of Remembrance at St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery and stopped by the United States Embassy to meet with its staff.        在这座城市逗留的五个小时里,他在马林斯基宫与泽连斯基会面,同后者一起在圣迈克尔金圆顶修道院的纪念墙献了花圈;还去了美国大使馆,与使馆工作人员会面。
        Then he headed back to the same train station, departing at 1:10 p.m. On the long meandering train ride back to Poland, the senior official said the president issued a series of directions on military, economic and diplomatic areas to help Ukraine. He was seized with the meetings he had just had. Once again, he could not sleep much.        然后他回到同一个火车站,于下午1点10分离开。在返回波兰的长途列车上,那名高级官员说,总统发布了一系列在军事、经济和外交领域帮助乌克兰的指示。刚才的会面令他很振奋。他再一次无法入睡。
        He arrived at the Przemyśl Główny station at 8:45 p.m. local time, and he headed back to the airport for a flight to Warsaw, where he will deliver a speech on Tuesday. His mind, aides said, remained on his last stop.        他于当地时间晚上8点45分抵达普热米耶茨尔·格沃夫诺车站,然后返回机场,搭乘飞往华沙的航班,他将于周二在那里发表演讲。助手们说,他的心思还停留在上一站。
        “Kyiv,” he had said before leaving, “has captured a part of my heart, I must say.”        “不得不说,”他在离开前说,“基辅让我心心念念。”

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