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With an Eye on China, Philippines Moves Closer to U.S. Interests

来源:纽约时报    2023-02-21 10:49

        For years, the Philippines largely stood by as Chinese forces rammed its fishing vessels and occupied the reefs and shoals that once belonged to the Southeast Asian nation.        多年来,菲律宾对于中国军用船只撞击菲律宾渔船、侵占曾经属于这个东南亚国家的礁石和浅滩的做法,基本上袖手旁观。
        Those days may soon be over.        这种日子可能很快就要结束了。
        President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who took office in June, has adopted the most muscular foreign policy approach that the Philippines has seen in close to a decade. He is seeking out alliances, restoring his country’s defense ties with the United States and prioritizing his country’s territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea.        去年6月上任的总统费迪南德·马科斯采取了菲律宾近十年来最强硬的外交政策方针。他正在寻求结盟,恢复他的国家与美国的防务关系,优先处理他的国家与中国在南中国海的领土争端。
        Earlier this month, Mr. Marcos agreed to grant the United States military access to four new defense sites in the Philippines. On the same day, Washington said it would restart its joint patrols of the South China Sea with the Philippines, which had been suspended by Manila for six years. There is speculation that Subic Bay, a crown jewel among the many naval sites in Philippines, will also welcome American soldiers in the coming months.        本月早些时候,马科斯同意新增四个军事基地供美军使用。同一天,华盛顿表示将重启与菲律宾在南中国海的联合巡航,此前菲方将其暂停了六年。有猜测称,菲律宾众多海军基地中战略地位极其重要的苏比克湾将在未来几个月迎来美国军人。
        Mr. Marcos’s decisions have largely been driven by the territorial dispute that the Philippines has with Beijing over the South China Sea. But he has also shared concerns about a possible Chinese invasion of the self-ruled island of Taiwan, saying that “it’s very hard to imagine a scenario where the Philippines will not somehow get involved.”        马科斯的决定在很大程度上受菲中两国在南中国海的领土争端驱动。但他也对中国可能入侵自治的台湾岛感到担忧,他说,“很难想像那会以一种菲律宾不受牵连”的方式发生。
        On Tuesday, Mr. Marcos summoned the Chinese ambassador after a Chinese coast-guard vessel directed a military-grade laser at a Philippine ship, the first time in years that a president had personally lodged such a protest.        在一艘中国海警船只把军用级激光对准一艘菲律宾船只后,马科斯周二召见了中国驻菲律宾大使,这是该国总统多年来第一次亲自提出此类抗议。
        From the standpoint of the Americans, Mr. Marcos’s approach has been a welcome change, if not without some debate within the Philippines. His predecessor Rodrigo Duterte embraced China and distanced the Philippines from the United States until the final months of his term. Mr. Marcos has drawn the two countries even closer, making the Philippines the linchpin of the Biden administration’s strategy to counter China with a stronger military presence in the region.        从美国的角度来看,马科斯的做法是一个值得欢迎的变化,尽管这在菲律宾国内并非没有引起一些争论。马科斯的前任罗德里戈·杜特地曾在任期的大部分时间里与中国拉关系,并疏远了与美国的距离,直到最后几个月。马科斯上任以来已将菲美关系拉近,让菲律宾成了拜登政府战略的关键,美国希望通过加强在亚太地区的军事存在来对抗中国。
        The Philippines’ northernmost inhabited island, Itbayat, is just 93 miles away from Taiwan. The United States and the Philippines have not disclosed the four new sites that the Americans will gain access to, but three are facing Taiwan and one is bordering the South China Sea, according to an official with knowledge of the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to share negotiation details.        菲律宾最北端的有人居住岛屿伊特巴亚特岛距台湾不到150公里。虽然美菲尚未透露美国人可进入的四个新基地的位置,但据一名了解讨论情况的官员说,其中三个面对台湾,一个位于南中国海边上,这名官员要求不具名,因为他未被授权分享谈判的细节。
        The Philippines’ strategy shift comes as U.S.-Chinese relations are at a particularly low point. The recent incursion of a Chinese surveillance balloon, and the ensuring diplomatic tit for tat, prompted the last-minute cancellation of a visit to China by Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken. Although he and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, spoke at the Munich Security Conference over the weekend, their sharp exchange did little to ease tensions.        菲律宾的战略转变是在美中关系处于特别低的水平之际发生的。中国的侦察气球最近入侵美国领空,以及接下来外交上的针锋相对导致美国国务卿布林肯在最后一刻取消访华行程。虽然他和中国对等官员王毅周末在慕尼黑安全会议上交换了意见,但他们的尖锐交流并没有缓解紧张局势。
        Manila could grant the United States access to additional sites across the Philippines in the coming months, despite anger from China.        马尼拉可能会在未来几个月允许美国进入菲律宾各地的更多基地,尽管这会引发来自中国的愤怒。
        In an interview, the Philippine ambassador to the United States, Jose Romualdez, said that Subic Bay — once home to the largest American military base outside of the United States — is “one of the sites that are being considered” for future U.S. military access.        菲律宾驻美国大使何塞·罗慕尔德兹在接受采访时表述,苏比克湾是“正在考虑的”允许美国军队将来使用的“地点之一”,那里曾是美国在境外的最大军事基地所在地。
        Subic Bay is one of the most strategic deepwater ports in Asia, with direct access to the South China Sea as well as the Bashi Channel, a waterway separating Taiwan and the Philippines. Now, an American private equity firm controls it.        苏比克湾是亚洲最具战略意义的深水港之一,可直接通往南中国海和巴士海峡,后者位于台湾与菲律宾之间。一家美国私募股权公司现在控制着它。
        The story of how Cerberus Capital Management took over Subic Bay despite competition from China highlights the growing distrust among the Filipinos toward Beijing and the country’s expanded commitment to Washington.        瑟伯勒斯资本管理公司与中国竞争接管苏比克湾的故事凸显了菲律宾人对北京日益增长的不信任,以及该国对华盛顿承诺的扩大。
        In 2019, after it emerged that two Chinese companies had expressed interest in buying the shipyard from a South Korean firm, a former Filipino navy chief, Alexander Pama, warned on Facebook that the Philippines was facing a “very significant national security issue.”        2019年有消息称,两家中国公司对从一家韩国公司手中购买造船厂表示了兴趣后,菲律宾前海军司令亚历山大·帕马在Facebook上警告,菲律宾正面临着“非常重大的国家安全问题”。
        A high-ranking official in the navy, who declined to be named because he was not authorized to disclose private discussions to the news media, said the navy was intent on preventing a Chinese takeover.        菲律宾的一名海军高级官员表述,海军有意阻止中国收购,该官员要求记者不给出其姓名,因为他没有向新闻媒体透露私下讨论的授权。
        Mr. Duterte’s defense secretary, Delfin Lorenzana, told reporters that he wanted the Philippine government to take control of the shipyard. But Hanjin, the South Korean firm, had more than $1 billion in loans, and Manila could not afford the debt.        杜特地的国防部长德尔芬·洛伦扎纳曾对记者说,他想让菲律宾政府接管造船厂。但拥有这家造船厂的韩国公司韩进有超过10亿美元的债务,马尼拉无力承担这笔债务。
        A second senior navy official, who also declined to be named, said the navy then met with the U.S. Embassy in Manila, asking American officials to find a possible buyer, but warned that the U.S. government should not be involved because of Mr. Duterte’s animosity toward Washington.        另一名要求不具名的海军高级官员表述,海军在那之后找了美国驻马尼拉大使馆,请美国官员帮助寻找可能的买家,但警告美国政府不应该参与其中,因为杜特地对华盛顿怀有敌意。
        Privately, Mr. Duterte had started to shift his views on China and the U.S.        私下里,杜特地已经开始转变他对中美两国的看法。
        Washington had donated millions of Covid-19 vaccines to the Philippines by the summer of 2021. That year, Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III told Mr. Duterte that the United States saw the Philippines as “an equal, sovereign partner.” The next day, Mr. Duterte announced that the Visiting Forces Agreement, a mutual defense pact that he had repeatedly threatened to terminate, was back on.        到2021年夏时,华盛顿已向菲律宾捐赠了数百万剂新冠病毒疫苗。那年,美国国防部长奥斯汀告诉杜特地,美国视菲律宾为“平等的主权伙伴”。杜特地在次日宣布了《来访部队协议》继续有效,此前他曾多次威胁要终止这项共同防御条约。
        During Mr. Duterte’s term, China spent only 3 percent of the $24 billion it had pledged  to invest in the Philippines, data show.        数据显示,在杜特地任总统期间,中国只兑现了其承诺在菲律宾投资240亿美元中的3%。
        Two months before Mr. Duterte left office in June, the Philippine government said Cerberus — whose executive ranks are stacked with former U.S. government officials — had bought the shipyard.        就在杜特地去年6月卸任的两个月前,菲律宾政府称,瑟伯勒斯资本管理公司已购买了那家造船厂,这家公司的高级管理层里充满了美国政府的前官员。
        Although the Philippines is the largest recipient of U.S. military aid in the Indo-Pacific, Mr. Marcos has taken pains to show that his country is not reliant on one superpower or the other. Officials in the Philippines are hoping that strengthening alliances and staging joint exercises with the United States, Japan and South Korea will help modernize the country’s military and reinforce its independence.        尽管菲律宾是印太地区美国军事援助的最大接受国,但马科斯煞费苦心地表明,他的国家并不依赖一个或另一个超级大国。菲律宾官员正在希望通过加强与美国、日本和韩国的联盟,以及与这些国家的联合军演,来帮助本国军队实现现代化,加强菲律宾的独立地位。
        This month, Mr. Marcos agreed to increase economic and defense cooperation with Japan, and the Philippines said it would work with the United Kingdom on maritime law enforcement. The Philippine Navy will be one of the new tenants at Subic Bay.        马科斯本月同意加强与日本的经济和国防合作,菲律宾表示将与英国一起开展海上执法。菲律宾海军将是苏比克湾的新租户之一。
        The U.S. military was unceremoniously kicked out of the Philippines in 1992 after widespread nationalist protests. The imminent reintroduction of American soldiers, who will be rotated throughout various military sites, has elicited some outrage.        1992年爆发了大范围的民族主义抗议之后,美军被毫不客气地赶出了菲律宾。美国士兵即将重返,轮换入住菲律宾各地的军事基地的消息已引起一些人的愤怒。
        Cagayan and Isabela are two Filipino provinces where the United States has most likely been granted access to military sites. Both provinces face Taiwan, adding to local anxiety over getting caught between two superpowers.        美国最有可能获准使用的军事基地在卡加延和伊莎贝拉这两个菲律宾省份。这两个省都面对台湾,加剧了当地人对夹在两个超级大国之间的焦虑情绪。
        In an interview, Manuel Mamba, the governor of Cagayan, said he had not been consulted about the sites and that he opposed granting the U.S. access because he feared it would make Cagayan “a magnet for a nuclear attack.”        卡加延省省长曼努埃尔·曼巴在接受采访时说,没有人就这些基地的问题征求过他的意见,他反对让美国使用基地,因为他担心这会让卡加延省成为“吸引核打击的地方”。
        “China is not our enemy,” he said. “The people of Cagayan will get caught in the middle” of a conflict between the U.S. and China, he added. “Why should we fight their battles?”        “中国不是我们的敌人,”他说。“卡加延人民将被夹在(美中冲突的)之间,”他补充说。“我们为什么要为他们打仗?”
        Rodolfo Albano III, the governor of Isabela, said he, too, was unaware of a site in his province. He said he did not want American weapons in Isabela “because our province will become a target.”        伊莎贝拉省省长鲁道夫·阿尔巴诺表述,他对本省基地的问题也不知情。他说,他不希望伊莎贝拉有美国武器,“因为那会让我们省成为打击目标。”
        “We have a good relationship with Beijing, right? Why make it worse? They haven’t done anything to us,” Mr. Albano said.        “我们与北京的关系很好,不是吗?为什么要让关系变糟呢?他们没有对我们做什么,”阿尔巴诺说。
        But Mr. Mamba and Mr. Albano are in the minority. Public polls show that nine out of 10 Filipinos want the government to assert its rights over the South China Sea. Victor Andres “Dindo” Manhit, the founder of a think tank that studies the Philippines, said his organization’s last survey in December showed that 84 percent of Filipinos chose the United States over China as a security partner.        但曼巴和阿尔巴诺这样的人是少数。民意调查显示,近90%的菲律宾人想让政府维护本国在南中国海的主权。一家研究菲律宾的智库的创始人维克多·安德烈斯·“丁多”·曼希特说,他的组织去年12月做的最新调查显示,84%的菲律宾人选择的安全合作伙伴是美国,而不是中国。
        Richard Gordon, a former senator and the former chairman of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, said Manila’s failure to confront China on the South China Sea showed that his country “has no backbone.” “Those are my province mates, my countrymen. And our presidents could not defend them,” he said, referring to Chinese vessels harassing Filipino ships.        曾任参议员的理查德·戈登也担任过苏比克湾大都会管理局主席,他说,菲律宾政府未能在南海问题上与中国对抗表明他的国家“没有骨气”。他说,“那些是我的同乡,我的同胞。我们的总统没能保护他们,”他指的是中国船只骚扰菲律宾渔船的事情。
        He cried the day the Americans left, Mr. Gordon added.        戈登还说,美国人离开那天,他哭了。
        Should American soldiers return to Subic Bay a generation after they left, they will find themselves welcome, though the place is now a shadow of its former self.        如果美国士兵在离开了一代人的时间后重返苏比克湾的话,他们会发现他们会受到欢迎,尽管苏比克湾已今非昔比。
        A large part of the former U.S. base has now been turned into a duty-free zone. Resort hotels dot the beach once occupied by American sailors, and a safari park called Zoobic draws tourists. Outside the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, a plaque commemorates Nov. 24, 1992, the date the Americans left. It reads: “We threw off the blinds that had entrapped us.”        美国以前基地的很大一部分现在已变成了免税区。以前被美国水手占据的海滩,现在遍布度假酒店,还有一个名为Zoobic的野生动物园吸引着游客。苏比克湾大都会管理局外有一块纪念1992年11月24日美国人撤离的牌匾。上面写着:“我们摆脱了让我们陷入困境的幌子。”
        Norberto Montibon, 63, a security guard at Subic Bay, recalled how it was a sad day when the final U.S. ships departed, not only because he had lost his job at a navy ship repair facility but also because the Americans “were a huge part of our life here.”        现年63岁的诺伯托·蒙蒂邦曾在苏比克湾担任保安,他回忆说,最后一批美国船只离开的那天多么令人悲伤,不仅因为他在那天失去了在海军修船厂的工作,也因为美国人“曾是我们当地生活的一个很大组成部分”。
        “If the U.S. didn’t leave Subic, then China wouldn’t have the islands in the West Philippine Sea,” said Mr. Montibon, using the official government name for disputed waters in the South China Sea.        “如果美国没有离开苏比克湾的话,中国就不会占西菲律宾海的岛屿,”蒙蒂邦说,他使用的是菲律宾政府对南中国海有争议水域的官方称呼。
        The same year American soldiers left Subic Bay, China passed a law laying claim to all the disputed islands in the South China Sea and the waters surrounding them.        在美国士兵离开苏比克湾的同一年,中国通过了一项法律,宣布对南中国海所有有争议的岛屿及其周围水域拥有主权。

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