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What We Know About the Train Derailment in Ohio

来源:纽约时报    2023-02-15 04:05

        This month a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in eastern Ohio, igniting a fire that covered the town of East Palestine in smoke. Fearful of a major explosion, the authorities carved out an evacuation zone and carried out a controlled release of toxic fumes to neutralize burning cargo inside some of the train cars.        本月,一辆运载有毒化学品的火车在俄亥俄州东部脱轨,引发大火,浓烟笼罩了当地的东巴勒斯坦村。由于担心发生大爆炸,当局划出了一个疏散区,并进行有毒气体的受控释放,以解除部分车厢内正在燃烧的货物的危险。
        Residents feared for their health as concerns have mounted about the effect the derailment and the fire could have on the environment and the transportation network.        随着对脱轨后果以及大火可能对环境和交通网络造成影响的关切越来越多,居民开始为自身健康感到担忧。
        Here’s what we know.        以下是我们了解到的情况。
        What happened?        发生了什么?
        Around 9 p.m. on Feb. 3, a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, a village of about 4,700 residents about 50 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. There were 150 cars on the route from Madison, Ill., to Conway, Pa. The National Transportation Safety Board, which is investigating, said on Feb. 14 that 38 cars derailed and a fire ensued, which damaged another 12 cars.        2月3日晚9点左右,一列火车在俄亥俄州匹兹堡市西北约80公里处的东巴勒斯坦脱轨,那是一座有约4700名居民的村庄。伊利诺伊州麦迪逊市至宾夕法尼亚州康威县的铁路线上有150节车厢。2月14日,正在调查此事的国家运输安全委员会表示,脱轨车厢共38节,随后的火灾导致12节车厢受损。
        The train, operated by Norfolk Southern, had been carrying chemicals and combustible materials, with vinyl chloride, a toxic flammable gas, being of most concern to investigators. A huge fire erupted from the derailment, sending thick billowing smoke into the sky and over the town. Residents on both sides of the Ohio-Pennsylvania border were ordered to evacuate, as Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio raised alarms about a possible explosion.        该列车由诺福克南方铁路运营,负责运载化学品和可燃物,其中包含有毒可燃气体氯乙烯,这是调查人员最担心的问题。脱轨引发了一场大火,滚滚浓烟冲入天空,笼罩了城镇。俄亥俄州州长麦克·德文警告可能会发生爆炸,俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州边界两侧的居民都被命令撤离。
        Local and federal officials started an investigation that involved the N.T.S.B. and the Environmental Protection Agency. The N.T.S.B. said its investigation included examining tank car fittings, the locomotive event data recorder and surveillance video from a residence that showed what appeared to be the failure of a wheel bearing moments before the derailment.        国家运输安全委员会和环境保护局参与了地方和联邦官员展开的调查。运输安全委员会表示,其调查范围包括检查油罐装置、机车事件数据记录仪以及一户民宅的监控录像,该录像显示,列车轮轴轴承似乎在脱轨前出现故障。
        A preliminary report is expected in two weeks, it said.        委员会表示,初步报告预计将在两周内完成。
        Has there been harm to the environment?        是否对环境造成了危害?
        The derailment has caused concerns about air, soil and water pollution.        脱轨事件引发了对空气、土壤和水污染的担忧。
        On Feb. 10, the E.P.A. said that about 20 rail cars were reported to have been carrying hazardous materials. Chemicals including vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol monobutyl ethers were “known to have been and continue to be” released to the air, surface soil and surface waters, the E.P.A. said.        环境保护局2月10日表示,据报告,约有20节车厢装载了有害物质。环境保护局称,“已知并将继续”释放到空气、表层突然和地表水中的化学物质包括氯乙烯、丙烯酸丁酯、丙烯酸乙基己酯和乙二醇单丁醚。
        On Feb. 12, the E.P.A., after monitoring the air, said it had not detected contaminants at “levels of concern” in and around East Palestine, although residents might still smell odors. Working with Norfolk Southern and the Columbiana County Emergency Management Agency, the E.P.A. had screened the air inside about 290 homes as of Feb. 13, and said it had not detected vinyl chloride or hydrogen chloride, which could cause life-threatening respiratory issues.        2月12日,环境保护局在对空气进行监测后表示,在东巴勒斯坦及其周边地区没有检测到“值得担忧的”污染物水平,但居民可能仍会闻到异味。截止2月13日,在诺福克南方铁路和哥伦比亚西县紧急措施署的配合下,环境保护局已对约290户家庭的空气进行了检测,称并未检测到氯乙烯或氯化氢这两种可能导致危及生命的呼吸系统问题的物质。
        An additional 181 homes were still awaiting screening as of Feb. 13, the agency said.        该机构表示,截至2月13日,还有181处住宅有待筛查。
        Fearing an explosion, the authorities performed a controlled release of the toxic materials from five train car tankers on Feb. 6, and the contents were diverted to a trench and burned off.        由于担心爆炸,当局于2月6日对五节罐车的有毒物质进行了受控释放,并转移到一条沟渠中烧尽。
        Precautionary measures were being taken in the wider region, particularly in states using water from the Ohio River.        在更广泛区域——特别是要从俄亥俄河取水的州——已经采取了预防措施。
        The West Virginia subsidiary of American Water, which provides water services in 24 states, said on Feb. 12 that it had not detected any changes in the water at its Ohio River intake site. Still, the company installed a secondary intake on the Guyandotte River in case an alternate source was needed. The subsidiary, which serves more than half a million people, has also enhanced its treatment processes.        2月12日,在24个州负责供水的美国水务西弗吉尼亚州分公司表示,没有检测到俄亥俄河取水口的水质有任何变化。尽管如此,该公司还是在盖恩多特河设置了第二取水口,以防需要替代水源。这家覆盖用户超过50万人的子公司还对水处理进行了强化。
        The Evansville Water and Sewer Utility in Indiana, which draws water from the Ohio River for its treatment plant, was also monitoring and testing the waterway.        印第安纳州的埃文斯维尔供水及下水道公用事业公司也在监测这条水道,该公司的净水厂要从俄亥俄河取水。
        “There is a slim chance that we will detect contamination from this spill at our site because our structure is around 700 river miles away from the spill,” said Ella Johnson-Watson, a spokeswoman for the utility.        “由于我们的系统距离泄漏现场约有1100公里河路距离,在我司设施检测到此次泄漏污染的可能性很小,”公司发言人艾拉·约翰逊-沃森表示。
        In a news conference on Tuesday, Tiffani Kavalec, the surface water division chief for the Ohio E.P.A., said that testing had detected two chemical contaminants in some Ohio River tributaries. Water treatment processes should filter the contaminants out, she said.        在周二的新闻发布会上,俄亥俄州环境保护局地表水部门负责人蒂法尼·卡瓦莱克表示,对俄亥俄河部分支流进行的检测发现了两种化学污染物。她说,水处理应该可以将这些污染物过滤掉。
        “We’re pretty confident that these low levels are not getting passed onto the customers,” she said.        “我们可以非常有信心地说,这些低水平污染物不会影响到客户,”她说。
        Mr. DeWine, however, said that if he lived in the affected area, he would drink bottled water.        然而德文表示,如果居住于受灾地区,他会选择喝瓶装水。
        Residents were evacuated and face uncertainty.        居民已疏散,并面临着不确定性。
        Just after the derailment, 1,500 to 2,000 residents in East Palestine were told to evacuate the area. Schools were closed for the week, along with some roads. Norfolk Southern said it had donated $25,000 to help the American Red Cross set up shelters and deal with the influx of people.        列车脱轨后,东巴勒斯坦1500至2000名居民接到疏散通知。学校停课一周,部分道路被关闭。诺福克南方公司表示已捐赠2.5万美元,帮助美国红十字会建立避难所,应对涌入的人群。
        On Feb. 6, Mr. DeWine extended the evacuation order to include anyone in a 1- by 2-mile area surrounding East Palestine, including parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania.        2月6日,德文将疏散令的范围扩大到包括东巴勒斯坦周边1×2英里范围内的所有人,包括俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州的部分地区。
        On Feb. 8, the governor’s office announced that residents were permitted to return home after air quality samples measured contaminants below levels of concern. The East Palestine Water Treatment Plant said it had not seen adverse effects. Norfolk Southern said in a statement that its own experts and contractors were testing water from private wells, although those homeowners were encouraged to use bottled water.        2月8日,州长办公室宣布,在空气质量样本检测到污染物低于值得担忧的水平后,居民被允许回家。东巴勒斯坦水处理厂表示没有发现不良影响。诺福克南方公司在声明中表示,它自己的专家和承包商正在测试私人水井里的水,尽管目前建议这些房主使用瓶装水。
        Norfolk Southern said on Feb. 14 that it also had provided more than $1.2 million in reimbursements and cash advances to families to help cover evacuation costs for lodging, travel, food, clothes and other items.        诺福克南方公司2月14日表示,它还向受灾家庭提供了120多万美元的补偿和现金预支,帮助他们支付住宿、旅行、食物、衣服和其他物品的疏散费用。
        There have been no reports of injuries or deaths from the derailment, but on social media and in news reports, some residents said that fish and frogs were dying in local streams and people have shared images of dead animals or said they smelled chemical odors around town. The arrest of a reporter during a news conference about the derailment led to online criticism of the law enforcement response.        目前还没有关于脱轨事故造成伤亡的报道,但在社交媒体和新闻报道中,一些居民表示,当地溪流中的鱼和青蛙正在死亡,人们分享了动物死亡的图片,或者声称在镇上闻到化学品气味。一名记者在一场有关列车脱轨的新闻发布会上被捕,引发了网上对执法部门反应的批评。
        Residents of the area have complained of headaches and feeling sick since the derailment. A federal lawsuit filed by two Pennsylvania residents is seeking to force Norfolk Southern to set up health monitoring for residents in both states, The Associated Press reported, and to pay for related care for those in a 30-mile radius.        脱轨事故发生后,该地区居民纷纷抱怨头痛和身体不适。美联社报道,两名宾夕法尼亚州居民提起联邦诉讼,寻求迫使诺福克南方公司为这两个州的居民建立健康监测,并为半径48公里内的居民支付相关护理费用。
        How long will it take to get back to normal?        要多久才能恢复正常?
        Ten days after the derailment, Senator J.D. Vance, Republican of Ohio, said in a statement on Twitter that it was a “complex environmental disaster” that would require long-term study.        脱轨事故发生10天后,俄亥俄州共和党参议员J·D·万斯在Twitter上发表声明称,这是一场“复杂的环境灾难”,需要进行长期研究。
        “Many questions remain unanswered about the quality of the braking system used, the durability of the repair parts in the trains, and the Transportation Department’s regulatory approach to our nation’s rail system,” he said.        他说:“关于使用的制动系统的质量、列车维修部件的耐久性,以及交通部对我国铁路系统的监管方法,还有许多问题尚未得到解答。”
        In 2017, regulations requiring braking system upgrades for trains carrying hazardous materials were rolled back.        2017年,要求对运载危险物品的列车进行制动系统升级的规定被取消。
        The E.P.A. informed Norfolk Southern on Feb. 10 that it might be responsible for costs associated with the cleanup of the site. The agency did not offer details about when the site might be considered completely returned to normal.         2月10日,美国环保署通知诺福克南方公司,该公司可能要承担清理现场的相关费用。环保署没有明确该地何时可以被认为完全恢复正常。
        The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency is working on a two-stage cleanup, starting with the removal of materials from the site before moving to an assessment for a remediation plan, a spokesman said.        俄亥俄环境保护局的一位发言人说,该局正在进行一个分两阶段的清理工作,先清理现场的物质,然后考虑进行一项修复计划。

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