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China Says U.S. Regularly Sends Balloons Into Its Airspace

来源:纽约时报    2023-02-14 10:39

        In the latest jab over aerial surveillance, China said on Monday that high-altitude balloons from the United States had flown over Chinese airspace without permission more than 10 times since the start of last year.        关于气球事件,中国发起了新的反击,该国在周一表示,自去年年初以来,美国的高空气球在未经许可的情况下逾十次飞越中国领空。
        Wang Wenbin, a foreign ministry spokesman, said that it was a “common occurrence” for U.S. high-altitude balloons to “illegally enter the airspace of other countries,” while providing no further details.        外交部发言人汪文斌表示,美国高空气球“非法进入别国领空司空见惯”,但没有提供更多细节。
        China’s claims were swiftly rejected by the United States. “Any claim that the U.S. government operates surveillance balloons over the P.R.C. is false,” said Adrienne Watson, a National Security Council spokeswoman, referring to the People’s Republic of China.        中国的说法被美国迅速否认。“任何所谓美国政府在中华人民共和国上空出动监视气球的说法都是错误的,”美国国家安全委员会发言人阿德里安娜·沃森说。
        “This is the latest example of China scrambling to do damage control,” Ms. Watson said in a statement.        “这是中国手忙脚乱进行危机公关的最新例子,”沃森在一份声明中说。
        In Beijing, Mr. Wang, the Chinese spokesman, reiterated Beijing’s position that the Chinese balloon that floated over the United States this month before being shot down was a civilian airship that had accidentally strayed into American airspace. U.S. officials called it a surveillance craft.        在北京,发言人汪文斌重申了中国政府的立场,即本月飘到美国上空然后被击落的气球是一艘误入美国领空的民用气球。美国官员则称其为监视气球。
        Mr. Wang urged the United States “to reflect on itself and mend its ways, instead of slandering, smearing or inciting confrontation.”        汪文斌敦促美方“反躬自省、改弦更张,而不是到处污蔑抹黑、煽动对抗”。
        The comments, made at a news briefing by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, followed a busy weekend of aerial theatrics as U.S. fighter jets shot down three unidentified flying objects over North America. American officials are still uncertain about what the objects were, who sent them and what purpose they were meant to serve.        他是在中国外交部的例行记者会上发表上述言论的,此前的周末,戏剧性事件不断上演,美国战斗机在北美上空击落了三个不明飞行物。美国官员仍然不确定这些物体是什么、被谁派来的,以及它们的用途是什么。
        Asked about the unidentified objects that the United States shot down, Mr. Wang, the foreign ministry spokesman, said he was unaware of the situation.        当被问及美国击落的不明物体时,外交部发言人汪文斌表示他不了解。
        In China, the local authorities near a northern port city said on Sunday that they had spotted their own unidentified flying object and were prepared to shoot it down, according to Chinese state-owned media.        据中国官方媒体报道,在中国一北方港口城市附近的地方当局周日表示,他们也发现了不明飞行物,并准备将其击落。
        A local government marine agency warned nearby fishing boats to be careful of possible falling debris, the report said. But as of Monday afternoon in Beijing, there was no official announcement about the object or whether authorities had fired at it.        报道称,当地海洋管理机构警告附近的渔船注意避险。但截至北京时间周一下午,没有关于该物体或当局将其击落的官方公告。
        President Biden ordered the U.S. military to shoot down the Chinese balloon off the coast of South Carolina on Feb. 4, a few days after it was spotted hovering over Montana.        2月4日,拜登总统下令美军在南卡罗来纳州海岸击落中国气球,几天前有人发现它在蒙大拿州上空徘徊。
        The balloon’s discovery prompted Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken to cancel a planned visit to Beijing over what he called an “irresponsible act.” A senior administration official said the craft had flown over sensitive military sites in the United States and Canada.        气球的发现促使国务院布林肯取消了计划中的访华行程,他称气球为“不负责任的行为”。一位高级政府官员说,该飞行器飞越了美国和加拿大的敏感军事地点。
        Days after that balloon was shot down, China acknowledged that a second Chinese balloon had been floating over Latin America and the Caribbean. As it had in the case of the balloon over Montana, the Chinese foreign ministry said that the second airship was civilian in nature, had also been affected by the weather and had “deviated far from its planned course.”        在该气球被击落几天后,中国承认飘浮在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区上空的另一个气球也是该国的。正如在蒙大拿州上空的气球事件一样,中国外交部表示,第二个气球也是民用飞艇,也受到了天气的影响,“偏离了原计划的航向”。
        The United States had said that the second balloon was another Chinese surveillance balloon. The Colombian Air Force said it had tracked the object until it left the country’s airspace, adding that officials determined it did not pose a threat to national security.        美国曾表示,第二个气球也是是中国的侦察气球。哥伦比亚空军表示,它一直在追踪该物体,直到它离开该国领空,并补充说,官员们确定它不会对国家安全构成威胁。

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