受种族歧视、教育高成本等影响 美国非裔大学生毕业率低于其他族裔群体_OK阅读网
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受种族歧视、教育高成本等影响 美国非裔大学生毕业率低于其他族裔群体
Discrimination and caretaking contribute to lower college completion rate for Black students

来源:中国日报    2023-02-14 17:33

        Black students reported facing barriers that prevent them from completing their undergraduate studies in six years or less, regardless of the type of certificate or degree program, according to research published Thursday by Gallup and the Lumina Foundation. The most significant factors contributing to the lower rates among Black students, the study found, were experiencing acts of discrimination and managing multiple priorities that can interfere with completing coursework.        根据美国鲁米那基金会联合盖洛普公司2月9日发布的研究,黑人学生表示无论证书或学位课程类型如何,黑人想要在六年或更短时间内完成本科学习都面临阻碍。而导致黑人学生毕业率较低的最重要因素是遭受歧视和受到更紧要的外部因素干扰。
        The report compiled data in fall 2022 from 6,008 college students across different certification and degree programs, including 1,106 Black students.        研究人员在2022年秋季收集了选择不同学位课程的6008名大学生的数据,其中1106名是黑人学生。
        Twenty-one percent of Black respondents said they felt discriminated against frequently or occasionally compared to 15% of other students. Black students were also more likely to have shared that they felt disrespected or psychologically unsafe at an institution while learning. Twenty-eight percent of Black students who attended an institution with little diversity felt physically unsafe, while 26% felt disrespected and 27% felt psychologically unsafe.        21%的黑人受访者表示,他们经常或偶尔感到被歧视,相比之下,其他族裔学生这一比例为15%。更多黑人学生表示在学校学习时感到不被尊重或心理上不安全。在多元化程度低的院校就读的黑人学生中,有28%的人感到人身不安全,26%的人感到不受尊重,27%的人感到心理不安全。
        Managing multiple priorities was another factor interfering with Black students’ education goals. The report found that 22% of Black students overall have caregiving responsibilities, compared to 11% of students in other racial groups, and 20% of Black students overall have full-time jobs, compared to 11% of other racial groups.        处理多个优先事项是干扰黑人学生完成教育目标的另一个因素。报告发现,总体而言,22%的黑人学生承担了照顾他人的责任,而其他族裔群体的这一比例为11%;总体而言,20%的黑人学生有全职工作,而其他种族群体的这一比例为11%。
        Aside from discrimination and the task of managing responsibilities, the data also acknowledged other barriers making it difficult for Black students to complete their education, including the high costs of attending school. An April 2022 report by The Education Trust found that because Black women fall within two marginalized groups, they make less money and often have to take out more loans to cover the cost of attending college.        除了面临歧视和承担多种责任外,数据还显示其他障碍如高昂的就读成本使黑人学生难以完成学业。美国教育信托基金2022年4月的一份报告发现,由于黑人女性具有双重被边缘化的标签,她们赚得更少,而且往往不得不借更多的贷款来支付大学费用。
        Courtney Brown, vice president of strategic impact and planning at the Lumina Foundation, said that ultimately, lower college enrollment and completion creates “a huge problem for our economy and our society.”        鲁米那基金会战略影响和规划副总裁考特尼·布朗说,最终,较低的大学入学率和毕业率造成了 "我们的经济和社会的巨大问题"。

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