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A Primer on U.S.-Philippine Military Ties

来源:纽约时报    2023-02-03 11:46

        The United States and the Philippines announced a deal on Thursday that will give U.S. forces access to four more military sites in the Southeast Asian country, creating the largest American military presence there in decades.        周四,美国和菲律宾宣布了一项协议,将允许美军进入这个东南亚国家的另外四处军事基地,这将使美国在菲律宾的军事存在规模达到数十年来的最高水平。
        The deal, an apparent sign of warming ties between the countries after a six-year rough patch, would have strategic implications if a conflict were ever to break out in Taiwan or the South China Sea.        在经历六年的不愉快之后,该协议是两国关系回暖的明确迹象,若台湾或南海爆发冲突,它将产生战略影响。
        Here is a brief history of the U.S. military alliance with the Philippines and its complex historical legacy.        以下是美国和菲律宾的军事同盟简史及其复杂的历史遗产。
        How are the two militaries linked?        两国军队是如何产生关联的?
        The Philippines, a former Spanish colony that gained independence in 1946 after being ruled as an American territory for decades, is the oldest of the United States’ five treaty allies in the region. (The others are Australia, Japan, South Korea and Thailand.) It is also a crucial strategic partner in a region where China has been asserting its military power and building military outposts on contested islands in the South China Sea.        菲律宾是前西班牙殖民地,在被美国统治几十年后,于1946年获得独立。菲律宾是美国在该地区五个条约盟国中历史最久的一个。(其他四国分别是澳大利亚、日本、韩国和泰国。)它也是美国在该地区一个极为关键的战略伙伴,因为中国一直在这里展示军事力量,并在南海争议岛屿设立军事前哨。
        The three main components of the U.S.-Philippine military alliance are a 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty; a 1999 Visiting Forces Agreement that allowed for large-scale military exercises; and a 2014 defense agreement that enabled the American military to station troops and weapons at five sites across the Philippines.        美菲军事同盟的主要基础是三大条约——1951年的《美菲共同防御条约》;1999年允许进行大规模军事演习的《来访部队协议》;以及2014年允许美军在菲律宾五处军事基地部署军队和武器的防务协议。
        The United States military has also sent Special Operations forces to advise counterterrorism missions in the southern Philippines, where Muslim insurgents have battled the Catholic-majority state for decades.        美军还派遣特种部队为菲律宾南部的反恐任务提供建议,当地穆斯林叛乱分子与这个天主教占多数的国家作战了几十年。
        A fraught colonial legacy        问题重重的殖民遗产
        The Philippines once hosted some of America’s largest overseas military facilities. But the idea of hosting foreign troops in the country was politically sensitive, because many Filipinos saw the arrangement as a vestige of American colonialism.        菲律宾曾是美国最大的一些海外军事设施的所在地。但外国军队进驻属于敏感政治问题,因为许多菲律宾人认为这种安排是美国殖民主义的残余。
        In 1992, the United States had to vacate Subic Bay, its last base in the country, after street protests and the Philippine Senate’s decision to sunset America’s military presence. Subic Bay is near the South China Sea and was once home to a major U.S. naval contingent during the Cold War.        1992年,在街头抗议和菲律宾参议员决定消除美国军事存在之后,美国不得不撤出在该国的最后一处基地——苏比克湾。苏比克湾靠近南海,冷战期间曾是美国海军一支主要特遣部队的驻地。
        The 1999 and 2014 agreements allowed the American military to rebuild its presence in the Philippines to some degree. But when President Rodrigo Duterte took office in 2016, he said he wanted to end the former, and potentially revoke the latter, as part of a “separation” with the United States and a move toward better relations with China.        1999年和2014年的协议允许美军在一定程度上重建其在菲律宾的存在。但罗德里戈·杜特地总统在2016年上任时表示,他主张终结1999年的协议,并可能撤销2014年协议的条款,作为与美国“分离”和改善对华关系的部分努力。
        Warming U.S.-Philippine ties        美菲关系升温
        Mr. Duterte eventually backed off his threats, and his successor, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., has sought to revive the relationship with the United States since taking office last year. The agreement announced on Thursday is a big step in that direction.        杜特地最终收回了威胁,他的继任者费迪南德·马科斯总统自去年上任以来一直在寻求恢复美菲关系。周四宣布的协议是朝这个方向迈出的一大步。
        Specifically, it would extend the 2014 agreement by allowing Washington to position military equipment and rotate its troops into a total of nine Philippine military sites, up from four in the original, 10-year deal. The change will essentially allow the United States to establish its largest military presence in the country in 30 years.        具体而言,该协议是2014年协议的延续,允许美国在总计九处菲律宾军事基地部署军事装备、轮换部队,原来的十年期协议涉及的基地数量只有四处。此变动实际上将允许美国在菲律宾建立30年来最大规模的军事存在。
        Why does the new deal matter?        新协议为何意义重大?
        The extension of the 2014 pact, the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, could have implications for the future of Taiwan, the island democracy near China that Beijing claims as its territory.        延长2014年签署的《加强防务合作协议》可能对台湾的未来产生影响,北京声称台湾这一邻近中国的民主岛屿是其领土。
        Tensions over Taiwan have been rising since then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited last summer. That contentious move prompted Beijing to step up its activity in the area with several days of live-fire drills, raising the specter of a future conflict.        自去年夏天时任众议院议长佩洛西访台以来,台湾的紧张局势一直在加剧。佩洛西的争议之举促使北京加强了在该地区的活动,进行了多日实弹演习,增加了未来冲突的风险。
        American officials say that getting access to the Philippines’ northernmost islands is crucial to countering China in the event of an attack on nearby Taiwan. One of the islands, Luzon, the country’s most populous, has military facilities that can accommodate American troops and fighter planes.        美国官员表示,如果附近的台湾遭受袭击,能够进入菲律宾最北部岛屿对于对抗中国至关重要。其中吕宋岛是菲律宾人口最多的岛屿,拥有可以容纳美军和战斗机的军事设施。
        The new agreement could also have implications in the South China Sea, which is home to some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes.        新协议还可能对南海产生影响,那里拥有全球最繁忙的航道。
        Even though an international tribunal found in 2016 that Beijing’s expansive claim to sovereignty over the sea had no legal basis, the Chinese military buildup there has continued. The Philippines is one of several Southeast Asian nations, including Indonesia and Vietnam, that want American help in fending off that buildup.        尽管一个国际法庭在2016年认定中国对南海的广泛主权主张没有法律依据,但中国在那里的军事集结仍在继续。菲律宾与印度尼西亚和越南等国一样,希望美国能够帮助抵御中国军事力量的增强。

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