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Biden Aims to Deter China With Greater U.S. Military Presence in Philippines

来源:纽约时报    2023-02-03 05:33

        WASHINGTON — President Biden and his aides have tried to reassure Chinese leaders that they do not seek to contain China in the same way the Americans did with the Soviet Union during the Cold War.        华盛顿——拜登总统及其助手曾试图向中国领导人保证,他们不会用冷战期间美国对抗苏联的相同办法遏制中国。
        But the announcement on Thursday that the U.S. military is expanding its presence in the Philippines leaves little doubt that the United States is positioning itself to constrain China’s armed forces and bolstering its ability to defend Taiwan.        但周四宣布的美军正在菲律宾扩大其存在的举动,无疑是在表明美国准备压制中国的武装力量,并加强其保卫台湾的能力。
        The announcement, made in Manila by Lloyd J. Austin III, the U.S. defense secretary, was only the latest in a series of moves by the Biden administration to strengthen military alliances and partnerships across the Asia-Pacific region with an eye toward countering China, especially as tensions over Taiwan rise.        美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀三世在马尼拉宣布了这一消息,它只是拜登政府在亚太地区加强军事同盟与伙伴关系,着眼于对抗中国而采取的最新举措,特别是在台湾紧张局势升级的情况下。
        “This is a really big outcome,” said Jacob Stokes, a senior fellow in the Indo-Pacific Security Program at the Center for a New American Society and an adviser to Mr. Biden when he was vice president. “You can better mass forces and project power if you can rotate into those locations in the Philippines.”        “这是一项巨大成果,”新美国社会中心印太安全项目高级研究员、拜登担任副总统期间的顾问雅各布·斯托克斯表示。“若能在菲律宾这些地点换防部队,就可以更好地集结并部署力量。”
        He added that the greater military presence “sends a deterrent message to China.”        他补充说,加强军事存在是“向中国发出的威慑信号”。
        Under Mr. Biden, the United States is working to strengthen military ties with Australia, Japan and India, and it has gotten the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to speak out on potential threats from China.        在拜登领导下,美国正致力于加强与澳大利亚、日本和印度的军事关系,并推动北大西洋公约组织就来自中国的潜在威胁表态。
        Mr. Austin’s announcement signals that the United States could use its own armed forces to push back harder against the Chinese military’s aggressive actions in the South China Sea. More important, they could aid Taiwan if the People’s Liberation Army were to attack or invade the democratic, self-governing island, which China considers part of its territory.        奥斯汀宣布此举意在表明,美国可以动用自身武装力量,对中国军队在南海的挑衅行动做出更有力的反击。更重要的是,如果人民解放军即将袭击或入侵民主自治岛屿台湾,美军可以进行援助。中国认为台湾是其领土的一部分。
        Mr. Biden has said four times that the U.S. military would defend Taiwan in the event of conflict, but his aides insist that American policy has not changed. Since the United States ended formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 1979, it has avoided declaring whether it would deploy military forces to defend Taiwan, a position commonly known as “strategic ambiguity.”        拜登已经四次宣称,一旦冲突爆发,美军将保卫台湾,但他的助手坚称美国政策没有改变。自1979年与台湾结束正式外交关系以来,美国一直没有声明是否会部署军事力量保卫台湾,这一立场通常被称为“战略模糊”。
        A congressional mandate requires every presidential administration to give weapons of a defensive nature to Taiwan, and Mr. Biden’s team is intent on accelerating that and shaping the sales packages so that Taiwan becomes a “porcupine” that China would fear attacking.        国会授权要求历任总统政府向台湾提供防御性武器,拜登的团队打算加快这一进程,制定军火出售方案,将台湾变成令中国忌惮的“豪猪”。
        A greater U.S. military presence in the Philippines would go beyond that — it would make rapid American troop movement to the Taiwan Strait much easier. The archipelago of the Philippines lies in an arc south of Taiwan, and the bases there would be critical launch and resupply points in a war with China. The Philippines’ northernmost island of Itbayat is less than 100 miles from Taiwan.        扩大美国在菲律宾军事存在的目的也不止于此——这将使美军能更加便捷地迅速挺进台湾海峡。菲律宾群岛位于台湾以南的弧形地带,该国的军事基地将成为对华开战的关键发射和补给点。菲律宾最北端的伊巴雅特岛距离台湾不到160公里。
        The United States is relying on Japan, which, like the Philippines, is a military treaty ally, to be the bulwark on the northern flank of Taiwan. Mr. Biden promised Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan last month that the Americans would help build up the Japanese military.        美国还依靠日本作为台湾以北的屏障,日本和菲律宾一样,也是美国的军事条约盟友。拜登上个月向日本首相岸田文雄承诺,美国将帮助日本加强军事力量。
        The announcement in Manila took place right before Antony J. Blinken was scheduled to fly to China in the first visit there by a U.S. secretary of state since 2018. That timing could be interpreted by Chinese leaders as a signal that the main U.S. policy priority in the region is working with allies and partners to rein in China, rather than stabilizing relations with Beijing.        这一消息在马尼拉宣布之时,布林肯正计划飞往中国,进行国务卿自2018年以来的首次访华之旅。中国领导层可能会将这一时间点解读为一种信号,即美国在该地区的主要政策优先事项是与盟友及伙伴合作以遏制中国,而非稳定对华关系。
        “The U.S. side, out of selfish interests, holds on to the zero-sum mentality and keeps strengthening military deployment in the Asia-Pacific,” Mao Ning, a Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman, said at a news conference in Beijing on Thursday. “This would escalate tensions and endanger peace and stability in the region. Regional countries need to remain vigilant and avoid being coerced or used by the U.S.”        “美方出于一己私利,抱持零和思维,不断在亚太地区加强军事部署,”中国外交部发言人毛宁周四在北京的新闻发布会上表示。“是在加剧局势紧张,危害地区和平稳定。地区国家应当对此保持警惕,避免被美裹挟利用。”
        The new agreement allows the United States to put military equipment and build facilities in nine locations across the Philippines, which would lead to the biggest American military presence in that country in 30 years.        新协议允许美国在菲律宾九处地点部署军事装备和建造设施,这将使美国在菲律宾的军事存在达到30年来的最大规模。
        “This is an opportunity to increase our effectiveness, increase interoperability. It is not about permanent basing,” Mr. Austin said in Manila. “It is a big deal. It’s a really big deal, in that, you know, it provides us the opportunity, again, to interact a bit more in an effective way.”        “这是一个提高我们的有效性、增加互操作性的机会,”奥斯汀在马尼拉表示。“这不涉及永久性基地,但是一个重要协议,确确实实的重要协议。因为能为我们提供机会,也就是以更有效的方式进行更多军事交流。”
        The last American soldiers left the Philippines in 1990s, and the country’s Constitution now bars foreign troops from being permanently based there.        驻扎菲律宾的最后一批美国士兵于上世纪90年代撤离,该国宪法现在禁止外国军队在该国永久驻扎。
        In November, a Philippine general identified five possible sites for the agreement. The announcement on Thursday mentioned nine, though Mr. Austin and his aides did not publicly say where the additional four sites would be located. Randall Schriver, a former assistant secretary of defense for the Asia-Pacific region, said in an interview that he thinks the four sites are on the northern island of Luzon, in the southwest province of Palawan and part of the old U.S. military facility at Subic Bay.        11月,一名菲律宾将军确定了协议中五个可能的地点。周四的公告提到了九个,但奥斯汀和他的助手没有公开说明另外四个地点的位置。负责亚太地区事务的前国防部助理部长兰德尔·施里弗在接受采访时表示,他认为这四个地点位于北部的吕宋岛、西南部的巴拉望省和苏比克湾的部分美军旧设施。
        Mr. Schriver added that the Pentagon’s aim is to get at least one site that each of the U.S. armed services — the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force — could use as a point for surging forces, if necessary. They would not just be air bases, and a big question is how much construction would be needed to get each one ready.        施赖弗还称,五角大楼的目标是至少获得一个地点,让美国的每一个军种——陆军、海军、海军陆战队和空军——都可以在必要时将其用作增兵点。它们不仅仅是空军基地,需要多少建设才能让所有基地都做好准备,这也是一个大问题。
        The sites would likely be incorporated as soon as possible into the U.S. military’s regional exercise schedule, and Pentagon could leave equipment behind rather than bring it back to home bases, Mr. Schriver said.        施赖弗表示,这些地点可能会尽快纳入美国军方的区域演习计划,五角大楼可能会将设备留下,而不是将其带回本土基地。
        The agreement extends the Pentagon’s forward presence in the Indo-Pacific region — in addition to forces in Australia, South Korea, Japan and Guam, military officials said.        军方官员表示,该协议扩大了五角大楼在印太地区的前沿存在,此前美国在澳大利亚、韩国、日本和关岛均有部队驻扎。
        “Sites could potentially be used for a wide range of missions such as joint military training, disaster relief and humanitarian efforts, and combined exercises,” said Lt. Col. Martin J. Meiners, a Defense Department spokesman.        国防部发言人马丁·迈纳斯中校表示:“这些场地可能被用于各种各样的任务,例如联合军事训练、救灾和人道主义工作,以及联合演习。”
        One of the most important activities at the bases would probably be logistics — storing fuel, ammunition, spare parts and equipment, said current and former military officials, including some who served in the Philippines.        现任和前任军事官员,包括一些曾在菲律宾服役的官员表示,基地最重要的活动之一可能是后勤——储存燃料、弹药、备件和设备。
        Pentagon officials said on Thursday that the military was working out the details of how many U.S. military forces would be located at the bases at any given time, how long those rotational tours of duty would be, and what the troops would do once they were there.        五角大楼官员周四表示,军方正在制定具体细节,包括在任何特定时间将有多少美军驻扎在基地、轮换驻扎时间有多久,以及部队到达后进行什么样的任务。
        By adding to the Pentagon’s vast logistics network, the agreement makes it more difficult for an enemy to target U.S. supply hubs in the region.        该协议通过扩大五角大楼庞大的后勤网络,使敌人更难针对该地区的美国供应中心。
        “Logistics wins battles and campaigns and wars,” said David Maxwell, a retired Army Green Beret commander who served in the Philippines.        “后勤帮助我们赢得战斗、战役和战争,”曾在菲律宾服役的退役陆军绿色贝雷帽指挥官大卫·麦克斯韦说。
        In the early 1990s, the United States had nearly 6,000 troops permanently based in the Philippines. Officials said under the new basing plan, that figure would be dramatically lower, with a combination of uniformed U.S. service members, American civilian contractors, and local Filipino contractors and security personnel.        上世纪90年代初,美国有近6000名士兵永久驻扎在菲律宾。官员们表示,根据新的驻扎计划,这一数字将大大降低,驻扎人员包括穿制服的美国军人、美国文职承包商以及当地的菲律宾承包商和安保人员。
        “Our actual presence will be very limited and temporary,” said Col. Joseph H. Felter, a former top Pentagon official on Southeast Asia who now directs Stanford University’s Gordian Knot Center for National Security Innovation.        “我们的实际存在将是非常有限和暂时的,”前五角大楼负责东南亚问题的高级官员、现任斯坦福大学戈耳迪俄斯结国家安全创新中心主任的约瑟夫·费尔特上校说。
        In other parts of the world where U.S. forces are temporarily based, such as in Iraq, Syria and Somalia, military deployments of six months to one year are common, but the length of tour duties varies, officials said.        官员们表示,在美军临时驻扎的世界其他地区,例如伊拉克、叙利亚和索马里,六个月到一年的军事部署很常见,但海外任务的时间有长有短。
        In any war, operational and supply bases would be among the first targets an enemy would try to strike. Mr. Maxwell said a key to the bases’ success will be what kind of air and missile defense systems are deployed to protect them against possible Chinese ballistic or cruise missile attacks, or warplanes dropping precision-guided bombs.        在任何战争中,作战和补给基地都属于敌人试图打击的首要目标。马克斯韦尔说,这些基地成功的关键将取决于部署什么样的防空和导弹防御系统,以保护它们免受可能的中国弹道导弹或巡航导弹袭击,或战机投掷精确制导炸弹。
        “If China is going to try to take steps with its missile arsenal to take out locations where the U.S. projects forces, it now has more targets it would have to deal with,” Mr. Stokes said. “China has a big missile arsenal and many aircraft, but this still presents it with a bigger problem.”        “如果中国打算采取措施,利用其导弹武库摧毁美国部署部队的地点,那么它现在不得不应对更多的目标,”斯托克斯说。“中国拥有庞大的导弹库和大量飞机,但这仍然给它带来了更大的问题。”

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