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China’s spy balloon drifted for 7 days across the U.S.: A Timeline

来源:纽约时报    2023-02-06 10:09

        The president had been discussing military options with the Pentagon since Tuesday, when he was alerted by the Pentagon that a spy balloon had entered the continental American airspace near Idaho. By Wednesday, the balloon was hovering over Montana, and a full-blown diplomatic crisis was underway.        上周二,五角大楼警告总统,一个间谍气球进入了爱达荷州附近的美国大陆领空,此后总统一直在与五角大楼讨论军事选择。到周三,气球进入蒙大拿州上空盘旋,一场全面的外交危机正在上演。
        The arrival — and extended stay — of the balloon over American territory prompted furious calls from senior U.S. officials to their Chinese counterparts, and the cancellation of Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s planned visit to China.        气球进入美国领土并长时间停留促使美国高级官员向中方发出强烈谴责,并取消了国务卿布林肯的访华计划。
        Here's a day-by-day timeline of the balloon’s flight and decision-making in Washington:        以下是气球每日飞行轨迹和华盛顿决策过程的时间线:
        Saturday, Jan. 28        1月28日,周六
        The spy balloon starts a controlled drift into American territory, entering Alaskan airspace near the Aleutian Islands. At first it appears to trackers at United States Northern Command to be just another one of China’s light probes around the edges of America’s defensive borders.        这个间谍气球有控制地飘进美国领土,进入阿留申群岛附近的阿拉斯加领空。起初,美国北方司令部的追踪者认为它只是中国的又一枚轻型探测器出现在美国防御边界的边缘。
        Monday, Jan. 30        1月30日,周一
        By the end of the day, it has exited American territory and is over Canada, officials say, carrying its solar panels that power its propulsion and its cameras and surveillance equipment.        官员们说,气球当天已经离开美国领土并飞至加拿大,它携带着提供动力的太阳能电池板以及摄像头和监视设备。
        Tuesday, Jan. 31        1月31日,周二
        The balloon re-enters the United States over Idaho, to the surprise of officials at Northern Command as well as at the Pentagon.        气球在爱达荷州上空再次进入美国,令北方司令部和五角大楼的官员感到惊讶。
        Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, alerts President Biden. The president asks for military options, including the immediate destruction of the aircraft. Mr. Biden also orders that no activities or sensitive unencrypted communications would be conducted in the path of the balloon.        参谋长联席会议主席马克·米利将军向拜登总统发出警报。总统要求提供军事选择,其中包括立即摧毁气球。拜登还下令,在气球行经之处不得进行任何活动或传递敏感内容的未加密通信。
        Wednesday, Feb. 1        2月1日,周三
        The balloon makes its way to the skies above Billings, Mont., which alarmed Pentagon officials because the state is home to the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force Base, one of three U.S. Air Force bases that operate and maintain intercontinental ballistic missiles. One Pentagon official calls the balloon a blatant, and poorly concealed, effort at spying.        气球飞向蒙大拿州比林斯上空,这惊动了五角大楼官员,因为第341导弹联队驻扎在该州的马姆斯特罗姆空军基地,这是美国三个运营和维护洲际弹道导弹的空军基地之一。五角大楼的一位官员称气球事件为一次明目张胆、隐蔽不力的侦查活动。
        Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, in the Philippines at the time, calls a meeting of senior military and defense officials to review options, per Mr. Biden’s order. General Milley and Mr. Austin advise against shooting down the balloon, which has an undercarriage roughly the size of three buses, while it is over land because of the possibility of debris harming civilians and infrastructure.        当时身在菲律宾的国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀按照拜登的命令召集高级军事和国防官员开会,审查行动方案。米利将军和奥斯汀建议不要在气球位于陆地上空时将其击落,因为气球的起落架大约有三辆公共汽车那么大,碎片可能会伤害平民和基础设施。
        U.S. officials convey to Chinese officials several times that the U.S. military might shoot down the spy balloon. Mr. Blinken tells a Chinese diplomat in Washington in the evening that the American government has the right to take any actions to protect its interests.        美国官员多次向中国官员传达美军可能击落间谍气球的消息。布林肯晚上在华盛顿对一位中国外交官说,美国政府有权采取任何行动来保护自己的利益。
        Thursday, Feb. 2        2月2日,周四
        Republican lawmakers and politicians begin criticizing Mr. Biden, after news of the balloon became widespread, for not taking harder action against the balloon and against China, and some demand that Mr. Blinken cancel his trip.        在气球的消息传开后,共和党议员和政界人士开始批评拜登没有对气球和中国采取更严厉的行动,一些人要求布林肯取消行程。
        There are reports of a second Chinese balloon traveling across Central America that is headed toward South America.        有报道称,另有一颗中国气球飞越中美洲,正在向南美洲飞去。
        Friday, Feb. 3        2月3日,周五
        The Chinese Foreign Ministry says that the machine was a civilian weather balloon that had strayed far — very far — off course and entered U.S. airspace by accident. But Mr. Blinken calls it a “clear violation of U.S. sovereignty and international law.”        中国外交部表示,该设备是一个民用气象气球,它偏离航线很远——非常远,意外进入了美国领空。但布林肯称其为“对美国主权和国际法的明显侵犯”。
        Mr. Blinken reiterates his message to Chinese officials in a call to the top Chinese foreign policy official, Wang Yi.        布林肯在给中国最高外交政策官员王毅的电话中重申了他给中国官员的信息。
        Later that evening, Mr. Biden is briefed about how the Air Force plans to destroy the balloon on Saturday.        那天晚上晚些时候,拜登听取了空军计划周六摧毁气球的简报。
        Saturday, Feb. 4        2月4日,周六
        The Federal Aviation Administration temporarily pauses departures and arrivals at airports in Wilmington, N.C., and in Myrtle Beach and Charleston in South Carolina, which the agency said was meant to “support the Department of Defense in a national security effort.”        美国联邦航空管理局暂时暂停北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿、南卡罗来纳州默特尔比奇和查尔斯顿的机场的飞机起降,该机构称这是为了“支持国防部的国家安全工作”。
        One of two F-22 fighter jets from Langley Air Force Base fires a Sidewinder air-to-air missile, downing the balloon, which was flying at an altitude of between 60,000 and 65,000 feet. The military then starts recovery efforts.        来自兰利空军基地的两架F-22战斗机中的一架发射了一枚响尾蛇空对空飞弹,击落了在1.8万米至2万米高空飞行的气球。军方随后开始回收残骸。
        By the time it was shot down on Saturday off the shore Myrtle Beach, S.C., the Chinese spy balloon had traversed the country, bringing Americans out into their yards to squint at the sky, causing a diplomatic visit to be canceled and opening a political debate.        周六,这个中国间谍气球在南卡罗来纳州默特尔比奇海岸外被击落,此时该气球已经穿越了美国,吸引美国人来到自家院子观测天空。它导致外交访问被取消,并引发了一场政治辩论。

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