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Classified U.S. Report Highlights Foreign Power Aerial Spying With Advanced Tech

来源:纽约时报    2023-02-06 05:41

        WASHINGTON — The Chinese spy balloon that floated across the continental United States before it was shot down by the U.S. military generated deep concern on Capitol Hill in part because it came on the heels of a classified report that outlined incidents of American adversaries potentially using advanced aerial technology to spy on the country.
        The classified report to Congress last month discussed at least two incidents of a rival power conducting aerial surveillance with what appeared to be unknown cutting-edge technology, according to U.S. officials. While the report did not attribute the incidents to any country, two American officials familiar with the research said the surveillance probably was conducted by China.        据美国官员称,上个月提交给国会的机密报告至少讨论了两起竞争对手使用看似未知的尖端技术进行空中侦察的事件。虽然报告没有点名,但两名知情美国官员表示,侦查活动可能系中国所为。
        The report on what the intelligence agencies call unidentified aerial phenomena focused on several incidents believed to be surveillance. Some of those incidents have involved balloons, while others have involved quadcopter drones.        这份报告关系情报部门所称的不明空中现象,重点放在几起据信属于侦查活动的事件上。其中一些事件涉及气球,还有一些涉及四轴无人机。
        The Chinese government said on Friday the Chinese balloon discovered over the United States was mainly for weather research. However, American officials said they have assessed it to be a collection device, though not one that could gather the kind of sensitive information that advanced Chinese reconnaissance satellites already collect.        中国政府周五表示,在美国上空发现的中国气球主要用于气象研究。但美国官员表示,他们评估后认为这是一种收集设备,尽管它不能收集中国先进的侦察卫星已经收集到的那种敏感信息。
        Many countries use aerial spying technology to gather data on rival nations as well as allies and partners, and to look at remote parts of the globe. But the practice can lead to diplomatic crises and greater military tensions when it goes awry.        许多国家都使用空中间谍技术来收集对手国家、盟友和合作伙伴的数据,并监视地球上的偏远地区。但这种做法一旦出现问题,可能导致外交危机,更严重的话甚至导致军事紧张局势。
        On Friday, Antony J. Blinken, the U.S. secretary of state, canceled a weekend trip to Beijing, which would have been the first visit by the top American diplomat there since October 2018, after American news organizations began reporting on the Chinese spy balloon on Thursday, when it was drifting over Montana. On Saturday, the U.S. military shot down the balloon after it entered skies over the Atlantic Ocean.        周五,美国国务卿布林肯取消了周末访问北京的行程,这本来是美国最高外交官自2018年10月以来首次访问北京,而在此前一天,美国的新闻媒体开始报道中国的间谍气球,当时它正飘在蒙大拿州上空。周六,美军在气球进入大西洋上空后将其击落。
        In 2001, a U.S. Navy signals intelligence aircraft collided with a Chinese interceptor jet near the Chinese island of Hainan; the incident left a Chinese pilot presumed dead and led to a diplomatic crisis involving the leaders of the two nations.        2001年,美国海军一架信号情报侦察机在中国海南岛附近与一架中国拦截机相撞;事件据信导致一名中国飞行员死亡,并导致两国领导人陷入一场外交危机。
        China spends about $209 billion, or 1.3 percent of gross domestic product, on its military overall, according to a Pentagon report. But policymakers in Washington have been especially worried about its investments in technologies that could have military or intelligence applications.        根据五角大楼的一份报告,中国的军事开支约为2090亿美元,占国内生产总值的1.3%。但华盛顿的政策制定者尤其担心的是中国在可能具有军事或情报应用价值的技术方面的投资。
        U.S. defense officials believe China is conducting surveillance of military training grounds and exercises as part of an effort to better understand how America trains its pilots and undertakes complex military operations. The sites where unusual surveillance has occurred include a military base in the United States and a base overseas, officials said.        美国国防官员认为,中国对军事训练场地和演习进行侦查,是为了更好地了解美国如何训练飞行员和开展复杂军事行动。官员们说,发现异常侦查活动的地点包括美国境内的一个军事基地和一个海外基地。
        The classified report mentioned Naval Air Station Fallon in Nevada and Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Japan as sites where foreign surveillance was believed to have occurred, but did not explicitly say China had been behind the actions, a U.S. official said.        一名美国官员表示,这份机密报告提到了内华达州的法伦海军航空站,以及日本境内的岩国海军陆战队航空站,据信它们都遭到了外国的监视,但没有明确表示是这些行动背后是中国。
        Since 2021, the Pentagon has examined 366 incidents that were initially unexplained and said 163 were balloons. A handful of those incidents involved advanced surveillance balloons, according to a U.S. official, but none of them were conducting persistent reconnaissance of the U.S. military bases. (However, spy balloons that the U.S. government immediately identifies are not included in the unidentified aerial phenomenon tracking, according to two U.S. officials.)        自2021年以来,五角大楼调查了366起最初无法解释的事件,并表示其中163起涉及气球。据一位美国官员说,其中有数起涉及先进侦察气球,但它们没有对美国军事基地进行持续的侦察。(不过,据两名美国官员透露,美国政府立即确定的间谍气球不包括在不明空中现象的调查中。)
        Because spy balloons are relatively basic collection devices and other balloons have not lingered long over U.S. territory, they previously have not generated much concern with the Pentagon or intelligence agencies, according to two officials.        两名官员声称,由于间谍气球是相对简单的收集设备,其他气球滞留美国领土的时间也不长,因而此前并未引起五角大楼或情报机构太多关注。
        The surveillance incidents involving advanced technology and described in the classified report were potentially more troubling, involving behaviors and characteristics that could not be explained.        机密报告中描述的涉及高科技的侦查事件可能更加令人不安,包括一些原因不明的行为和特征。
        Officials said that further investigation was needed but that the incidents could potentially indicate the use of technology that was not fully understood or publicly identified. Of the 171 reports that have not been attributed to balloons, drones or airborne trash, some “appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis.”        官员称还需要进一步调查,但这些事件可能证明使用了尚未被完全理解或公开鉴定的技术。在171份未被归因于气球、无人机或空中废弃物的报告中,其中一些“似乎表现出不同寻常的飞行特征或性能,有待进一步分析”。
        Even outside of the incidents mentioned in the classified report, some current and former military officials warned against underestimating the advanced surveillance technology that could be embedded in the Chinese spy balloon. Pentagon officials say the belly section of the balloon that houses surveillance equipment is about 90 feet long, or equivalent to three schoolbuses.        即使不考虑机密报告提及的事件,一些现任和前任军方官员也警告称,不要低估这个中国间谍气球可能嵌入的先进侦查技术。五角大楼官员说,用于容纳侦查设备的气球底部长约27米,相当于三辆校车。
        “There’s more of a potential risk from these kinds of balloons than many people think,” said Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr., a former head of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, which carries out the air defense mission within the U.S. military’s Northern Command.        “此类气球的潜在风险比许多人想象的要大,”北美防空司令部前指挥官小维克多·雷努阿特上将表示,该司令部负责执行美军北方司令部的防空任务。
        Officials cautioned that imperfect radar and sensor readings could cause confusion, making an ordinary object appear to be something threatening.        官员警告称,不够精准的雷达和传感器读数可能制造混淆,使普通物体看起来具有威胁性。
        The Pentagon has released images of some of the suspected surveillance incidents that were initially unexplained. The images showed green triangles in the air taken near two different Navy exercises. At a congressional hearing last year, Pentagon officials said the triangles were simply small drones. The use of night-vision gear had made them look otherworldly.        五角大楼公布了一些起初原因不明的可疑监控事件影像。这些影像显示了分别在两次海军演习附近的空中拍到的绿色三角形。在去年的国会听证会上,五角大楼官员表示,这些三角形只是小型无人机。因为用上了夜视仪才使它们看上去非同寻常。
        While the drones had not been officially attributed to any country, in one incident a Chinese ship was in the vicinity.        虽然这些无人机事件并没有被正式归咎于任何国家,但其中一次事件发生时,一艘中国船舰就在附近。
        It is not clear how strong the evidence is that China is using an advanced technology that the United States does not possess. Some American officials remain skeptical that China would risk exposing some of its most advanced technology in any surveillance activity that could be detected by the United States.        目前尚不清楚有多强的证据表明中国使用了美国不具备的先进技术。一些美国官员仍然怀疑,中国是否会在任何可能被美国发现的侦查活动中冒险暴露一些最先进的技术。
        The surveillance balloon stirred outrage on Capitol Hill. Some officials said the information about adversarial spying contained in the classified report on unidentified aerial phenomena had already driven up concern earlier.        监视气球事件在国会山引起了愤慨。一些官员表示,这份不明空中现象机密报告中的敌对间谍活动信息早前就已引发担忧。
        Both Republicans and Democrats hawkish on China called the surveillance balloon a violation of American sovereignty that highlighted the threat from Beijing.        对华立场强硬的共和党人和民主党人均表示,监视气球是对美国主权的侵犯,凸显了来自北京的威胁。
        Representative Mike Gallagher, Republican of Wisconsin, a member of the House Intelligence Committee and chairman of a new House committee on China, said the administration needs to tell lawmakers more about what it knows about surveillance of military facilities.        威斯康辛州共和党众议员迈克·加拉格尔是众议院情报委员会成员兼新成立的众议院中国委员会主席,他表示,拜登政府需要向议员们更详细地说明其所掌握的军事设施侦查信息。
        “This is all the more reason for the House Intelligence Committee to receive a full briefing on this matter,” Mr. Gallagher said Friday. “There is a documented history of unidentified — and now identified — objects near sensitive military facilities, and we need to move with a sense of urgency to get to the bottom of this.”        “这就更有理由让众议院情报委员会听取有关此事件的全面情况说明,”加拉格尔周五表示。“对于敏感军事设施附近出现不明物体——现已被识别——的记录,我们需要带着紧迫感追查到底。”
        When China tested a hypersonic missile in 2021, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned that it was something close to a Sputnik moment, referencing the Soviet Union’s successful Cold War satellite launch. Hypersonics has been a key technological focus of Beijing and is one area where China has demonstrated capabilities equal or exceeding those of the U.S. military.        中国在2021年试射高超音速导弹时,参谋长联席会议主席马克·米利上将曾警告称此事堪比“卫星时刻”,即苏联在冷战时期成功发射卫星的事件。高超音速一直是北京关注的关键技术重点,在这一领域,中国已经展示出与美军相当、甚至超出美军的实力。
        But the incidents potentially involving advanced technology described in the classified report are not believed to involve any sort of hypersonic propulsion, U.S. officials said, nor does the Chinese spy balloon that generated a diplomatic crisis.        但美国官员表示,机密报告中描述的可能涉及先进技术的事件据信并不涉及任何种类的高超音速推进,引发外交危机的间谍气球也是如此。
        “We don’t need any more evidence than this that we are in a Cold War-like long-term competition that will be expressed in military and intelligence terms for the coming decade,” Evan Medeiros, a Georgetown University professor and senior Asia director on the White House National Security Council in the Obama administration, said of the balloon episode involving China. “And what the relationship lacks is the mechanisms to manage this.”        “我们不需要比这更多的证据就能证明,我们正处于冷战式的长期竞争之中,而这种竞争将体现在未来十年的军事和情报事件中,”曾在奥巴马政府国家安全委员会任亚洲事务主任的乔治城大学教授麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)在谈到与中国相关的间谍气球事件时表示。“而这两国关系所缺乏的,正是妥善处理此类事件的机制。”

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